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Ut Ricin!


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I just got to a computer... i was evacuated from my dorm because of some Ricin thing!

I didnt even know about it until like 3 hours after i got kicked out.

OMG I MIGHT DIE!! :[ *Sigh*

if you don't see Ginig persume me sick.

I'm staying at family's so i'll be fine for now... but it still kinda freaky!

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CNN said that it probably wasn't ricin after all, since no one has been displaying symptoms as yet.


Here's what ABC had to say: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=1662600

The 19-year-old student, who said she unwrapped the powder in her dormitory room Thursday, and her roommate were checked at a hospital for potential exposure to the poison, although neither had any symptoms, officials said.

Officials said the roll of quarters [which was where the powder was found] had been in the students' room at the Moore-Hill dormitory for several months.

So, don't worry about it, it's probably nothing. It usually is when the media jumps on something.

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