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The Forest Brawl (Youtube Video)


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Ladies and Gents,

I recently started playing around with flash, and one of the ideas that I would like to see incorporated into our new website - along with Icor's FL themed art - is FL themed animation. In lieu of that desire, I present to you all a rough draft of such an animation. It is what I imagine when I think about PlayerKilling in FL. Now I warn you that it is not yet done - that is it is choppy at certain parts, some more sound effects need to be added, perhaps some slowing down needs to be done, and the conversion process from flash to avi made it quite grainy. All things considered, I am happy with what I have thus far.

Without further ado:

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That invoker must have been wielding like 4 charged staves. :D

Throwin out that kinda power. hehe

EDIT: Call me n00bie or what you will, but where'd you start to get this kinda thing? I have LOTS of free time. I'd like to throw something together, or at least mess around with that kinda thing. :) If you don't mind.

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That 1:33 seconds took me several months. I would work on it for 20 minutes or so whenever I had time and felt the inclination.

  • I used Macromedia Flash 8 for the animation. Google/Youtube it.
  • Websites that contained sprite sheets. Google.
  • Websites that contained sound effects. Google; a word of caution it is incredibly hard to find a good website for the exact sound you have in your head. Through this, I have gained a lot of respect for sound engineers.
  • Nero Wave Editor and Audacity to cut the music to make it fit the animation, or to change the effects.

Google and Youtube will be your friends, as they are the resources that will point you to the people who love sharing advice and Howtos.

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Zomg, and I thought it would be some sucky flash video...

That totally pwns. I am speechless.

/me rolls a mage

Oh wait, he didn't win...

/me rolls a minotaur berserker

Great job Malch. Again, that left me speechless. The best flash video I have seen actually.

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man, is that the new minotaur charge?

Mr. Minotaur Charges into you flipping you into the air with his horns.

Mr. Minotaurs Whirlwind Charge MANGLES You!

Mr. Minotaurs Whirlwind Charge MASSACRES You!

Mr. Minotaurs Whirlwind Charge MANGLES You! AGAIN!

Your Spine Broken Mr. Minotaurs Whirlwind Charge passes through you unhindered!

You have Been Cut in HALF!

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dude ive got that game on my mod'd xbox.

I think it's called Dragon Lords or something like that.

The mage is the mage, and the minotaur is the boss on the second level.

If I had the programs I would totally make a video of my own, I would get my

kicks out of it, I used to make little clip with power point but that was mega

fail, if i had photoshop i'd make one... actually... i am real keen...

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