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Pk and Rp

The Professor

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Name, in your opinion, the three most powerful race/class/cabal combos for PK. Regardless of qrace/qclass put it down if you think it applies. Though, don't offer up any reasons that would give away their "restricted" info, thanks :P

Then, name a race/class/cabal combo that you played for RP reasons and discuss the why's and how's a little bit.

I'm posting these questions out of curiosity, so please answer!

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REAVER Trustee is a pk monster.

I rolled up a human blademaster for RP purposes, but soon as I hit knight

RP went down the drain because it just became hack slash hack slash

and there was no more RP. So.. that failed. If I knew that would be the

case I would of rolled a dwarf/slith/halfling

I wish we had 70+ players on at a time.. that would freakin awesome..:rolleyes:

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Top PK combos, I think:

Drow invoker Reaver

Elf bmg Sigil

Feral ninja Stalker

I find the second question a bit odd... every char I've made in the last few years I've done because of the RP behind it. If you're asking about one that stands out in my mind, it'd be Xxtyx, an illithid necro... I made it partly because of people mentioning on the forums how a lot of chars tend to act like humans with different stats, rather than as the distinct races and mentalities they should be, so I wanted to break the mold a bit. I took the idea of the Illithid as a hive race and expanded on that, using the Borg from Star Trek as an inspiration, and made Xxtyx out to be a mindless drone serving as a proxy for the conscious Hive Mind which spoke through him. Xxtyx served as a scout, seeking information about the mortal races for the Hive to process and gain understanding from.

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Crazy questions. I just play what strikes my fancy. I don't know about the '3 strongest in the game' part, but I played these 3 and they were pretty tough: undead thief pandemonium, drow battlemage royal (1.0 style) and half-elf ninja syndicate. I'm like Pali, I play them all for both. BUT after getting pummeled day in and day out by Grishnak with my first 50, a human necro, I rolled up a human bard who just happened to become a demon and take over the mud for a few months.

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Vampire Anything. - Vampire stuff.

Drow/Human Shaman Syndicate - You cant run, you cant hide.

Half Cleric Knowledge (Combat/Mistic) Tribunal - Less offensive power than a Dwarf, but no Water Vuln.

Downside is that these 3 need massive EQ knowledge.

Complete understanding of how the class works.

1 prac training, and 0 Stat trains, to MAX HP.

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well I appreciate those of you that "played along" so to speak... Of course all char's are suppose to be RP first and foremost...but of course, no matter what, PK is going to apply. I just wanted to seperate the two and see most peoples perspective on PK combo's alone...as for the question pertaining to RP, I intended people to list individual ideas they came up with...like Pali put...

Thanks again to those that actually participated...

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