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Description checks.


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You know, the whole description check thing really needs to be looked at. Please, just remove the level 15 norank thing. It just doesn't serve a purpose. Imm's will still see the D on people and yank them when needed, but it is really discouraging that I can't roll a character and run with it on my one day free, because there is really a window you must be playing in to be able to pull it off... and I don't qualify because of my timezone.

I know I can be patient, but when you have freetime, you have freetime. When it is intermittent and a surprise... well... you need what you need when you need it. ;)

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I guess more as to what I might be leaning towards is using the prayer forum? I searched for "description check" and got the following link:


That one's date? 12-12-06

Subject? Getting rid of the desc check requirement

Now I don't mean to speak for the Imm's, they might very well have something in line to tweak this, but after nearly two years, I'm sure they've got bigger and better things to do. So far, posting on the open forums hasn't done much to make it a priority in that time, which there have been several other threads created since that first thread with the exact same subject, btw.

Like I said before though, I feel your pain, especially when I put it off until I hit 15 and then it's just a minor blip cuz I use the notes and the imms are damn good at getting on top of the desc checks via notes from what I've seen.

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How about this:

Instead of being level 15 and unable due to no desc, rank....

We should:

Remove the level stoppage and just make any char without an approved desc telelocked. No recall, no gating and DEFINATELY NO TOWN PORTALS.

See how many people wait to 15 to do their desc then.

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The idea behind descriptions is not to make your life inconvenient for the sake of inconvenience. It is so that in a role-play enforced MUD, you do not have people who look like absolutely nothing wandering around and attacking people at level thirty. If you send a note when you have it done, it will most likely be approved while you are offline. The earlier its done, the better of a chance you will have of it being approved. Thus the first thing you should do when you enter the creation room, is to put in your description. If you wait until level fifteen to put it in - or any level after level one really - then you have no ground to complain.

Bottom Line: We will not be altering the description approval status any time in the foreseeable future.

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