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Since I've come back a month or so ago, I've yet to see more then 1 Imm on at anytime. I've yet to be able to talk to one, notes have gone un answered, I have 2 characters that is trying to get desc appoved. Only started another one cause i was waiting on other desc.

I'm not complaining, just say it seems like things have really chaged from the old days when I was on and would see 3 or 4 imms at once even carry on long conversations over brew with them.

Is there still the test server? I use to be on it a lot way back when when I was designing for here. Do Imms hang there like they use to?

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Always send a note to immortal asking for a description check if you have prayed on it with no response. This has happened to me several times and my descriptions were always approved less than a day later. Ive only been back for a month or so but i always see imms on. When do you play?

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