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Why I love this game.


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Bored, can't get a desc check...but I can sure as hell RP. Good thing about having so many chars, I can be/do whatever I want.

Just tonight I've been hopping back and forth between several characters, playing their parts as best I can, different areas, different people. My favorite has to be the languages I create. Mostly picking up from movies or something else and adding my own twist on them. Doing a spin-off of a austom power's film with my latest, it's funny as all get out and just makes me want to keep playing, even if I cant rank anymore lol

What does it for you? The PK? The RP? Just being able to unwind?

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I like creating new chars, learning something about a race or class I never played, then getting killed and rage deleting. Then do it all over again. All the while knowing that someday I will find the one that suits me best, with some rp that is totally original and kickass, and that I might even pk well enough to make some ppl scared. Thats why I keep rolling another.

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Funny how it's in stages. Or at least, it was for me. My first couple chars were because I was mad because I couldn't understand the game, it was my first MUD. Im naturally self-centered and desiring to excel, so when I fail, it upsets me. Then my next ten chars were because I kept getting PKd...and I hate losing. Then sooner or later I got decent and had a decent PKer, Elviana. From then on it's just been fun. Whereas I'm hardly a monster PKer, I can hold my own, which allows me to survive and RP and have alot of fun. Plus, the community we have here is great, and I love coming back for more.

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When I do something unusual and good in RP/PK

What beats everything though, is getting rewarded by an imm. That's when I get this very special feeling :) Whether it's getting an app approved or to be given something, I still get the ultimate engergy boost. Thanks imms.

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When I do something unusual and good in RP/PK

What beats everything though, is getting rewarded by an imm. That's when I get this very special feeling :) Whether it's getting an app approved or to be given something, I still get the ultimate engergy boost. Thanks imms.

Ditto. Its so rewarding and makes you almost crave the attention from the imms. Even though I crave the interaction and rewards that come with IMMS I still fear them immensely. Probably one to many deaths to them has done it.

I think that in the end what has an always will bring me back is the RP. I have a few chars that are semi decent at pk, but I just can not bring myself to kill another player unless they instigate it. I think about the other person sitting at the other computer mad as hell cause they died....and I just cant do it.:( So until I get a "thicker skin" I am gonna be pulled back time and time again by RP and the IMMS.

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What sucked me back is when I got an IM from an old buddy telling me that certain individuals were rewarded by street names in the major centers. I've always thought we lost that, and now I'm stoked we have history being integrated into the game once more, keeping alive old characters and rewarding their hundreds and even thousands of hours with something that will last for a long time. Truely the greatest honour to all those involved, well done.

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Behrens, Malchaeius, Caimor, and I have always had the main goal of preserving the treasured history of FL while continuing to move forward. We've always kept in mind the direction of the MUD and always have sought to maintain the original vision of Virigoth, Crypticant, and the other founders when they created FL. Many of the players like to quote Viri, Crypt, and others or "remind us where we came from"...as if we could or would forget. "Where we came from" is what guides us. It's what made us want to save something we all truly loved. We will continue to help the game evolve and grow while adding to the already rich history we have, and honoring the past.

In other words, we are very pleased that so many of you like the reborn cities. A ton of credit goes to Izlimak (also Thelsyome, Raargant and others...I'm so lame I'm forgetting who all helped work on them) who poured literally piles of hours into the new design. Look for more fun things coming.

Oh...and I love this place because I feel like I've inherited the treasured family home.

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Excluding the main thing, which is that I like RPGs (obviously), the main reason I am here, and why I love it, is that it's a challenge. When I do something, anything at all, I like to be the best. Not just pretty good, but pretty darn outstanding. And at the minute, FL is challenging for me because I'm not the best. The reason I get sucked back in and in is that I'd like to log in one day and not think "Jesus christ, look at all those fifties in my range! Best log out again!", but to log in, see those fifties, and think, "Dinnertime!". :D

So, yea, it's all about the ego for me. But at least I'm not going to lie about it. :cool:


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I am gonna have to say one thing I am majorly enjoying about this MUD since I started playing again last two or three days. RP. Holy Hell. I have had some of the most entertaining RP encounters that I have been laughing for almost the last two days straight.

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