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Hambellin Babblebrooks aka "Hambone" aka dead meat


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Fun character. I'm trying to get another one up right now, but I feel like no matter how long I do this, I never get good. Hah. Maybe my next one will have a bigger impact on the MUD.

< 359/775hp 235/507m 354/409mv 199734tnl 0g 6t>

dagger 100 mace 100 spear 100

sword 100 backstab 100 dirt kicking 100

disarm 100 dodge 100 enhanced damage 100

envenom 77 hand to hand 85 kick 1

parry 100 trip 100 second attack 100

third attack 95 fast healing 100 haggle 99

hide 100 lore 75 meditation 100

peek 100 pick lock 92 sneak 100

steal 100 pry 103 scrolls 88

recall 100 dual wield 100 detect hidden 90

blackjack 100 gag 100 dual backstab 96

circle 100 throw 100 edge craft 100

counterfeit 75 pilfer 77 cutpurse 75

disguise 79 plant 100 traps 100

defuse 90 runes 88 eyedust 98

antimagic 100 enfeebler 75 webcaster 100

doublesheath 100

You have 16 practice sessions left.

< 359/775hp 235/507m 354/409mv 199734tnl 0g 6t>


| Hambellin || the Grand Master of Assassins |


| Str: 17(17) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 142(303h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: thief Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : halfling Align: good |

| Dex: 25(25) || Hp : 359/775 Exp : 199734/347866 |

| Con: 11(11) || Mana : 235/507 |

\ Lck: [[0;32m||||||[0;0m] \/ Move : 354/409 +Hit: 2 +Dam: 3 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -20 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -20 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/305 |

| Blunt : -20 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/41 |

| Magic : -20 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 16 Train: 2 |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: Death is knocking at your door. \


< 359/775hp 235/507m 354/409mv 199734tnl 0g 6t> Your description is:

The clean, rounded face of the tiny humanoid is gentle and

poised with a slight smile. His easy stance, gait and slight

smile indicate that this fellow is as relaxed as the wavy, onyx-

colored locks that dangle just above his collar. The color of his

deep, peaceful eyes is complimented by his three-quarter length

coat, which hangs low on his diminutive frame, stopping just

above his knees. It is a deep, floral green, like the color of oak

leaves at dusk. Double-needle stitching around the edges,

pockets, and lapels indicate excellent quality and flawless

craftsmanship. Emblazoned on the coat's buttons is the image of

a single still rose, and a similar image has been embroidered on

his coat pocket with a thread so pale it is just barely pink.

Contrasting his overcoat is a fitted, butter-colored waistcoat

which features a simple windowpane design, the same color of

the overcoat. Underneath is a clean, crisp off-white linen shirt,

unbuttoned at the top, revealing a smooth chest, free of hair. His

knickers are a distressed brown, like the bark of an old pine and

grasp his thick shins just below his knees. Despite such

beautifully tailored attire, his feet are bare, safe for tufts of hair

on each one, like patches of black grass in a pale desert.

The purity of his otherwise handsome face is ruined by a grotesque,

fleshy growth across the right side of his face. It's color is an

odd mosaic of purples, blacks, pinks and reds.

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AH! Hambone!

I remember when you were first rolled up. *wipes a tear* They grow up so fast.

When you first started talking to Wellaby about him being famous in the shire and all that jazz... I am sure I was grinning from ear to ear. First time I felt like I was actually making an impact. :)

Well played my friend. Good luck on your next.

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