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Lots of people when?


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[ Half ] Kinderfeld Linken the Master Crime Mistress

First thief I ever tried... I damn near slit my wrists trying to train her and I delete/deleted her at about level 42... I have only played one other and I couldn't handle the training then either, because it was a slith which is even worse... That is one class I probably will never play... And just one of many that I definitely will never play very well... ROFLMMFAO

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I seriously think cabals should open back up to people whore are not necessarily of pinn/near pinn. I realize some of it requires you to be pinnacled' date=' but alot of things do not require it.[/quote']

I agree with this. Everyone of my characters made a cable prior to pinn. I thought it helped make those last 10 levels more fun.

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my last three cabal characters as well as my current were in the cabal before pinn.

The reason the imms do not eaglery induct just anyone is because many people cant handle lvling AND dealing with cabal issues at the same time. Thus they get in sit at 40 something for a while then delete.

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Guest emp_newb

Yea, I can remember being in a cabal AT 30 and I cannot remember why I got denied. I think I was still a newbie and was raging about being told I could not pk as a Nexus lol.

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Guest emp_newb

I think warmaster and savant do things like that because those cabals represent learning, and teaching. They always felt more like a place to learn and test yourself, than a group of extremely like minded individuals.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest MarKo.mk

People talk a lot about no-loss MMORPG's not being popular, but EVE is clearly growing every year, and even Darkfall, the most epic mmo launch fail of all time, has a community of 100,000 rabid (albeit mostly immature) fans that have done nothing but post on the darkfall forums en masse (during it's 8 year development) since Ultima Online released Trammel. They're growing in popularity because they ARE hardcore and explicitly full loot.

We can use this to our advantage, the market for this game is there. There's alot of things that we can do to help ourselves too, like I dunno, getting the website link on TMC to work. We used to be in the top 10 for homepage visits perennially.

I make way more money nowadays than when I was 15 and playing, if the IMMS or anybody wants to PM me regarding pooling (or merely investigating the possibility) for a hiring a full time coder, I am game. I ****ing love this place, but I have room to love it a whole lot more.

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