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New Website


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Okay, after much promising and effort, iteration 1.0 of the new FL website is up.

This is by no means a final effort, and it is NOT the OFFICIAL website (yet). This is mainly up for ownership approval (Malch, etc) and to see what you guys (the players) think.



It's built on a blog-style platform (Wordpress), so users (players) will be able to contribute on certain Imm-defined topics. It keeps site content fresh, and anyone (with the correct rights) can edit posts, add pages and update content through the really straightforward administrative control panel.


Currently, only a few of the class helps are posted, but all race helps and all available Immortal helps are available, as well as the world history and cabal helps. I'll be working on classes here shortly.

This site has everything that the current FL site has (that I could find, I think). If I have missed any items, please be sure to let me know on this thread so I can correct it. I'd like this website to be as stellar as it can be.

The Future?

At the Imms discretion, of course, I think the website could feasibly be kept fresh by trusted players who could act possibly as site contributors. Instead of keeping EVERYTHING on the forum, things like histories, hall of fame announcements and more could be updated on the main site, keeping a real sense of "activity" to the game.

Feedback is welcomed, post away.

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Icor is a good artist and has already drawn a bunch of character sketches. The ones already done and whatever he is up to would be a great addition. I don't like the adventure awaits you text on the right image. Other than that looks good.

Something i'd like to see is a list of things you can be and do on the main page. Or make a giant "play" link.

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On Main Page:

3 Quest races and 4 Quest classes including Undead, Demons, Avatars, Vampires, Crusaders, and Psionicists

Forgot Liches here...

Advanced AI resulting in MOBs that can fight and hunt better then some players.

"then" should be "than"

Or, you can sign up for our forum and begin talking to other player immediately!

"player" should be "players"

Player controlled city-states allowing for the city Royalty to set and declare laws and control trade within their realm.

Royalty no longer declares the laws, Tribunal does, specifically, the Councilors.

On Main Page and Recommend Us:

Vote on Mud Magic

This link is dead. Kyndig took down Mud Magic a month or so ago, without the possibility of passing it on to any other people. (Same thing goes for these forums as well)

On Recommend Us:

Please only submit one vote per person, per day.

This is simply incorrect. Perhaps this was guided more towards Mud Magic, but on TMS you can vote twice per day (every 12 hours). Let's not limit our votes!

Aabahran: The Forsaken Lands is supported only by the love and hard work of its creaters and owners.

"creaters" should be "creators"

The best way to ensure that new features are continually added and development of the game proceeds unabated is cast your vote for Aabahran: The Forsaken Lands.

Between the words "is" and "cast", the word "to" should be inserted.


The site overall looks awesome. The things mentioned above are things

people will nit-pick about when looking over the site for the first time.

Unfortunately for these people, things like those mentioned above can

simply turn them away from this awesome MUD, so I just wanted to bring

them to your attention so we can start out as good as possible! :D

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While I like this site, I think the other one (the site the previous staff left us) with the white background.

I think it was superior. I also liked this site a lot more until I saw the template it was made from.

No offense Crypt, I think you did a damn great job. Just, the other was more original.

Over all, this one will definitely serve as one hell of a replacement for our current. No offense Malchaeius (You made that, right?)

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yeah the current website blows. I couldn't connect to the game from it when I tried to come back, or get to the current forum. A huge hinderance when you consider newbies looking at the page and not being able to get immediately immersed in FL's greatness.

The new website rocks my socks off. I do esspecially like being able to click on the classes and races to get detailed information, super handy when trying to plan out that next great character while training, or to understand what sort of skillsets any non-qclass might use against you.

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