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Unfortunately forgot to warcry before I took this :D;) :

| Purikant || Reaver of REAVER |


| Str: x || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 109(456h) |

| Int: x || Class: warrior Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: x || Race : demon Align: evil |

| Dex: x ^5 || Hp : xxxx/xxxx Exp : 72170/519830 |

| Con: x || Mana : 274/582 |

\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 365/415 +Hit: 56 +Dam: 57 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : -225 || Spell : -3 || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: -218 || Afflictive : -40 || Weight: 473/525 |

| Blunt : -222 || Maledictive: -7 || Items : 35/36 |

| Magic : -144 || Mental : -16 || Prac : 1 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 68k CP: 8.0k |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


edit: re Mudder: Often had ac around -300, this is just a snapshot.

Special props to:

Lamah (Think you were the only person to kill me(?). And that repeatedly.) Edit: Yes, Celerity, you got me executed because I forgot to dual a weapon too... ouch?? I never got my revenge which was very irritating, where'd you go?! I carried around those nice arrows for you for weeks. *pout*

The Vanguard (I hate you.)

Daviaus and Solec (why did you give up a tatctic that worked so well?!)

The parrot (fun, fun)

The rest of the Knights and Watchers (Would have liked to fight more of you, not just always the same ).

My Nexus buddies.

Malch for giving me this shot at demon and being scary when demoning me.

Apologies if I butchered your rp, Lahlaahni and Pamiyn, I could just build on what I had seen in the rp logs and with characters who interacted with the both of you. Props for being interesting enough to partly base a char's rp on you two. The rp part with Hara(fane) who was basically an overzealous mad priest warrior both a sadist and masochist, was also a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who interacted with me here.

This char would have been gone a lot sooner if any of the goodies had actually worked out my rp with it :D , gave up on anyone ever getting interested enough to find out and just decided to go the blunt way :P

Perhaps the log will get posted.

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Well played. Fought you on two different characters with two VERY different results.

Other than that our interaction was very minimal. Never much of a reason to chat or even fight.

Though I always expected you to have more ac. Good luck on your next. I would like to see you play... A bard. Seriously.

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Guest emp_newb
I think Lugrek liked you too! :D Very glad to have seen a skilled demon warrior!

Out of curiousity did lugrek go away after your encounter with a certain feral ranger in banor?????

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