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Some cmud trigger sets.


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Well, I've decided to share some of the stuff I use for Cmud. If you need any help using them, please let me know.

I play on a laptop, and found this script

on another website to help because I don't

have the numbers keys. It does help in chasing.


#KEY CTRL-DOWN {s;scan} "" {chain}

#KEY CTRL-LEFT {w;scan} "" {chain}

#KEY CTRL-RIGHT {e;scan} "" {chain}

#KEY CTRL-UP {n;scan} "" {chain}

#KEY CTRL-PGUP {u;scan} "" {chain}

#KEY CTRL-PGDN {d;scan} "" {chain}

#KEY CTRL-END {look;scan}


A trigger I dug up to reverse the order of words you

type and spit them out in light blue for copy paste.

Usage for example is:

make a new alias like "talkback"

copy paste this code in to it.

type : talkback say I like turnips

or.. type : talkback tell grosek You are sexy

sometimes it can get buggy, but it never messes with the game.


#if (%1 = "tell") {

#var BackLineOut {%1 %2}

#var BackLineIn %replace( %-3, " ", "|")

} {

#var BackLineOut %1

#var BackLineIn %replace( %-2, " ", "|")


#loop %numitems( @BackLineIn),1 {#var BackLineOut %additem( %item( @BackLineIn, %{i}), @BackLineOut)}

#var BackLineOut %replace( @BackLineOut, "|", " ")

#say @BackLineOut


I like to drunk talk with my dwarves, but I don't like the negative

effects you get from it.




drunk {}


#CLASS {DrunkTyping} {setdef}

#ALIAS drunk {#VARIABLE drunkstring {%lower( " %-2")};#LOOP %len( @drunkstring) {#VARIABLE drunkstring %insert( "|", @drunkstring, %eval( %i*2))};#VARIABLE drunkstring %delnitem( @drunkstring, %numitems( @drunkstring));#LOOP %numitems( @drunkstring) {#IF (%random( 1000)>900) {#VARIABLE drunkreplacement %db( @drunkkeymap, %item( @drunkstring, %i));#VARIABLE drunkstring %replaceitem( %item( @drunkreplacement, %random( 1, %numitems( @drunkreplacement))), %i, @drunkstring)}};#LOOP 1,%eval( %numitems( @drunkstring)-1) {#IF (%random( 1000)<50) {#VARIABLE drunkreplacement %item( @drunkstring, %i);#VARIABLE drunkstring %replaceitem( %item( @drunkstring, %eval( %i+1)), %i, @drunkstring);#VARIABLE drunkstring %replaceitem( @drunkreplacement, %eval( %i+1), @drunkstring)}};#SEND {%1 %replace( @drunkstring, "|", "")}}

#VAR drunkstring {}

#VAR drunkkeymap {qa|w|s|qwq|w|e|a|s|dew|e|r|s|d|fre|r|t|d|f|gtr|t|y|f|g|hyt|y|u|g|h|juy|u|i|h|j|kiu|i|o|j|k|loi|o|p|k|lpo|p|laq|w|a|s|zsa|w|e|s|d|z|xds|e|d|f|x|cfd|r|f|t|g|c|vgf|v|g|b|h|y|thg|b|h|y|u|j|njh|u|j|i|n|m|kkj|i|k|m|l|o|,lk|o|l|,|pza|z|s|xxz|s|x|d|ccx|d|c|f|vvc|f|v|g|bbv|g|h|b|nnb|h|n|j|mmn|j|m|k|,,,|.|m|l.,|.|/|l }

#VAR drunkreplacement {}



When I am feeling froggy, I like to add things to

notepad that I find and ID, as well as different things

and RP logs I've accomplished. I don't like alt tab

I found this on zuggsoft.

What: A Notebook

Why: To jot notes with directions or things I want to remember right now.


NOTE Displays last note

NOTE ALL Displays the db

NOTE DELETE COMMENT# Deletes comment number - Sets last note focus to previous entry, END to quit that

NOTE END Readies to start a new note

tip; to clear the DB, spam - delete comment1

This is an alias named Note. It will create a folder as such named Notebook, you could move it there, I just tried a new color that doesn't look right, but you can deal if you like this thing

#class Notebook

#if (%lower( "%-1")="end") {#delkey PRH_Notable Noted} {

#if (1 = %numkeys( @PRH_Notable) and %iskey( @PRH_Notable, noted)) {#var PRH_Notable ""}

#if (%1) {

#if (%lower( %-1) = "all") {

#if (%numkeys( @PRH_Notable)) {

#sh " "

#sh %format( " &-16s", Notes:)

#co lightcoral

#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------")

#co lightcoral

#loopdb @PRH_Notable {

#sh " "

#if (%key != "noted") {

#sh %format( " &-16s", %key)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "

#forall %val {

#if (%isnumber( %trim( %i))) {#sh %format( " &-16.0f", %i)} {#sh %format( " &-16s", %i)}

#co Palegoldenrod


#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------")

#co lightcoral



} {

#sh %format( " &-16s", No notes.)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "


} {

#if (%lower( %1) = "delete") {

#if (%iskey( @PRH_Notable, %2)) {

#delkey PRH_Notable %2

#loopdb @PRH_Notable {#addkey prh_workingtemp %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @prh_workingtemp) + 1)) %val}

#if (%db( @prh_workingtemp, %concat( comment, %numkeys( @prh_workingtemp))) = 1) {

#delkey prh_workingtemp %concat( comment, %numkeys( @prh_workingtemp))

#addkey prh_workingtemp noted 1


#var PRH_Notable @prh_workingtemp

#unvar prh_workingtemp

#sh %format( " &-10s", Deleted)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "


} {

#var PRH_NoteReq %replace( "%-1", ",", "-")

#if (@PRH_Notable.noted) {

#delkey PRH_Notable noted

#var PRH_NoteCurrent %db( @PRH_Notable, %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)))

#if (%iskey( @PRH_Notable, %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)))) {

#addkey PRH_Notable %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)) %concat( @PRH_NoteCurrent, "|", @prh_notereq)

#sh %format( " &-10s", OK)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "

} {

#addkey PRH_Notable %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @PRH_Notable) + 1)) @prh_notereq

#sh %format( " &-10s", OK)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "


#addkey PRH_Notable noted 1

} {

#addkey PRH_Notable %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @PRH_Notable) + 1)) @prh_notereq

#addkey PRH_Notable noted 1

#sh %format( " &-10s", OK)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "




} {

#sh " "

#if (%numkeys( @PRH_Notable)) {

#if (%iskey( @PRH_Notable, noted)) {#var PRH_LastNote %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)-1))} {#var PRH_LastNote %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable))}

#sh %format( " &-16s &10s", Last Note:, ~(@PRH_LastNote~))

#co lightcoral

#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------")

#co lightcoral

#sh " "

#forall %db( @PRH_Notable, @PRH_LastNote) {

#if (%isnumber( %trim( %i))) {#sh %format( " &-16.0f", %i)} {#sh %format( " &-16s", %i)}

#co Palegoldenrod


#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------")

#co lightcoral

#sh " "

} {

#sh %format( " &-16s", No notes.)

#co lightcoral

#sh " "


#unvar PRH_LastNote


#unvar PRH_NoteReq

#unvar PRH_NoteCurrent


#class 0


#ALIAS note {#class Notebook;#if (%lower( "%-1")="end") {#delkey PRH_Notable Noted} {#if (1 = %numkeys( @PRH_Notable) and %iskey( @PRH_Notable, noted)) {#var PRH_Notable ""};#if (%1) {#if (%lower( %-1) = "all") {#if (%numkeys( @PRH_Notable)) {#sh " ";#sh %format( " &-16s", Notes:);#co lightcoral;#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------");#co lightcoral;#loopdb @PRH_Notable {#sh " ";#if (%key != "noted") {#sh %format( " &-16s", %key);#co lightcoral;#sh " ";#forall %val {#if (%isnumber( %trim( %i))) {#sh %format( " &-16.0f", %i)} {#sh %format( " &-16s", %i)};#co Palegoldenrod};#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------");#co lightcoral}}} {#sh %format( " &-16s", No notes.);#co lightcoral;#sh " "}} {#if (%lower( %1) = "delete") {#if (%iskey( @PRH_Notable, %2)) {#delkey PRH_Notable %2;#loopdb @PRH_Notable {#addkey prh_workingtemp %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @prh_workingtemp) + 1)) %val};#if (%db( @prh_workingtemp, %concat( comment, %numkeys( @prh_workingtemp))) = 1) {#delkey prh_workingtemp %concat( comment, %numkeys( @prh_workingtemp));#addkey prh_workingtemp noted 1};#var PRH_Notable @prh_workingtemp;#unvar prh_workingtemp;#sh %format( " &-10s", Deleted);#co lightcoral;#sh " "}} {#var PRH_NoteReq %replace( "%-1", ",", "-");#if (@PRH_Notable.noted) {#delkey PRH_Notable noted;#var PRH_NoteCurrent %db( @PRH_Notable, %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)));#if (%iskey( @PRH_Notable, %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)))) {#addkey PRH_Notable %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)) %concat( @PRH_NoteCurrent, "|", @prh_notereq);#sh %format( " &-10s", OK);#co lightcoral;#sh " "} {#addkey PRH_Notable %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @PRH_Notable) + 1)) @prh_notereq;#sh %format( " &-10s", OK);#co lightcoral;#sh " "};#addkey PRH_Notable noted 1} {#addkey PRH_Notable %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @PRH_Notable) + 1)) @prh_notereq;#addkey PRH_Notable noted 1;#sh %format( " &-10s", OK);#co lightcoral;#sh " "}}}} {#sh " ";#if (%numkeys( @PRH_Notable)) {#if (%iskey( @PRH_Notable, noted)) {#var PRH_LastNote %concat( comment, %eval( %numkeys( @PRH_Notable)-1))} {#var PRH_LastNote %concat( comment, %numkeys( @PRH_Notable))};#sh %format( " &-16s &10s", Last Note:, ~(@PRH_LastNote~));#co lightcoral;#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------");#co lightcoral;#sh " ";#forall %db( @PRH_Notable, @PRH_LastNote) {#if (%isnumber( %trim( %i))) {#sh %format( " &-16.0f", %i)} {#sh %format( " &-16s", %i)};#co Palegoldenrod};#sh %format( " &10s", "---------------------------------------------------------------");#co lightcoral;#sh " "} {#sh %format( " &-16s", No notes.);#co lightcoral;#sh " "};#unvar PRH_LastNote};#unvar PRH_NoteReq;#unvar PRH_NoteCurrent};#class 0}


Finally, when I train I add a capture window for tells.


#trigger tells you

#CAP channel


If I remember more, I will let you know.


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Guest emp_newb

not bad. Im like THE hardcore mushclient user. Great interface etc etc. And I found that when I was on a Laptop, that instead of making an alias system to speed my pk, I would play a zerk and learn to chase faster hehe. It worked quite well I think. I have been here for a number of years (7 ish) and I think chasing has always been a weak point for me. Running was never a problem, just the chasing. So now that my chasing speed is at least on par with a number of our vets, Im finding my characters are stronger simply because of that. So I recomend learning to chase the hard way out of all honesty, so when you move back to a desk top you can get some serious scariness done.

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