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| Grawrer || Gladiator of GLADIATOR |


| Str: 19(19)^3 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 65(190h) |

| Int: 18(18)^2 || Class: ninja Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : feral Align: neutral |

| Dex: 24(24)^9 || Hp : 926/926 Exp : 170329/392071 |

| Con: 14(14) || Mana : 688/763 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 572/572 +Hit: 32 +Dam: 22 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |

| Slash : -368 || Spell : -16 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: -374 || Afflictive : -62 || Weight: 237/350 |

| Blunt : -382 || Maledictive: -15 || Items : 36/41 |

| Magic : -361 || Mental : -19 || Prac : 0 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 29k CP: 540 |


/ Condition: You are covered with deep scars and lacerations. \

| 8 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |

| [sAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |


Not an angry delete by any means. I had a blast playing Grawrer!

Since January my internet has slowed down tenfold, and I don't know why. I have been hesitant to log because it takes me 3 seconds to move from room to room, but I also did not want to get booted from WM. Scorvale did a good job besting me today and as I sat there trying to run and noticed him walk by me then come back in and attack me before I could even leave the room. I realized this was not gonna work anymore. I also am very busy in real life right now so I don't need to hold a cabal spot I can barely keep and a whackload of good rares I hardly use.

Thanks to the Imms first and foremost for letting a ninja into WM.

Props also go to (in no particular order) Aelleor, Zudarthan, Laviek, Grizmaw, Tsaiba, Felnor, The Knights, The Nexus (all my ex buddies who took no pity on Grawrer when he refused the mark back in the plot). And a bunch of others I forgot to mention.

The highlight of Grawrers life was killing Valadar 5 ranks down right after being steamrolled by him, I will never forget that. Of course, I got man handled many times after that, but I hold onto that one victory dearly.

Rudsvinn...Man I wanted to fight you so bad once I got to T but alas you were gone. I think I had the most fun duking it out with you all over the world. I think we had a pretty solid rivalry at one point.

I have an idea of what I want to play next, but it will probably take me a while to get into the playing field, so maybe I'll see you all in a month or two at 50 again.

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Grawrer was a GREAT character, RP and PK wise, he was classy, he helped all of my characters in a certain way.

I thank you for him and hope your internet will get better soon (that kinda feels wrong) so you can roll another beast.

Warmaster have lost a great warrior in your face :(

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Grawrer was a fun character to interact with. I remember a series of duels we had and dominating the first one, then you said something like "oh I forgot something" and proceeded to pound my face in like 3 times in a row. I remember thinking it was nuts there was a ninja warmaster, then I saw the savant druid. Kudos to the IMMs for allowing and Reccum/whoever plays those unscripted r/c combos.

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We had some beef between Ara and Grawrer...and I hope it doesn't carry over into an OOC thing. It's an incredibly long story, but I hope you're able to empathize without me having to explain it all.

If I'm not mistaken, you're fairly new here as well. Sverenox and Grawrer were both good PKers and RPers, especially for someone new! Keep it up!

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