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Human ranger or warrior?


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Guest emp_newb

Ranger is more survivable and viable. Rangers do not rely on lagging skills, and have camo, camp, and herb. Human warrior will get you more recognition, but you are at a severe disadvantage. Unreliable lag, poorer weapon selection given your strength. The only real bonus is magic affect increase, and 0 base exp penalty. So if you want survivable, I would suggest ranger.

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I'd say ranger can survive. You've always got a mount with your displacer beasts, and food is everywhere you can kill something. No one can find you if you don't want to be, and you can pick three different paths for maximum replayability. Further, good to see you around again. Not sure if you left, but it still stands; good to see you.


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Ranger, definitely. For the same reasons as above.

Human warrior? He'll be outclassed by everything save a gnome warrior. Warriors are difficult as hell since you need to have high hp, high hit/dam, and ability to get awesome gear. A human warrior, and especially a good aligned one, will have trouble with all of these.

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Well, maybe outclassed by everything is a bit much. Definitely outclassed by any of the giant races, but then that is a problem with average sized melees. Still, I'd rather be a dwarf, elf/drow, slith, avian, or even halfer warrior than a human one. Human average stats provide absolutely no compensation compared to what the other races get. Take an avian for instance. Alright so you get less con and strength, but at least it is made up for with great dex, autoflight, and better int/wis so you can more easily single prac yourself to get more HP. As a dwarf: better strength, awesome con, magic resist.

A human doesnt have any glaring weaknesses, but that is the only advantage. Theres a saying: If it's good for everything, then it's probably good for nothing. Those "stat spikes" that the other races get allow you to stack your EQ to maximize your output.

Add to this that none of the non-human races have any real RP restrictions. You can take that roleplay concept you had for a human and just apply it onto a non-human. This is due in part that FL doesn't have any RP guidelines for those races, but oh well we can't do anything there...

At least that's my opinion...

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If you pick a human, you're going to have to put in more effort in everything, be it training, gearing, or Pking. Less health, less mana, less of everything and almost no advantages.One could argue that they have no exp penalty, but that is a joke nowadays. Most competent players can get to 50 in no time.

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Humans are only nice in that you don't have to harvest consumables as much...

Of course a human of any class can be good, if the player plays them right. However, that same player would do even better with a different standard race for all (nearly--monk?) classes...

About the only thing a human trumps is the half-elf...

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is there an underlying implication that humans and half-elves might need tweaking?

One Half-Elf change that would be nice is player-controlled customizable stats. That way the player can control how much the character takes after the Elven father or Human mother or vice versa.

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