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Depends on stuff. I find if I'm on around 5:30-7:30 am I get imm interaction, along with after 9pm (all eastern). I've sent an app in in the middle of the afternoon and had it accepted twenty minutes later. I've also had to wait a week (not recently, though). I'd suggest apping early and just rping like a fiend. Someone will see you.


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Guest emp_newb
Haven't had to apply for anything in a long while and have never done a Qrace. On average' date=' how long does it take to get feedback on your application for a Qrace?[/quote']

I usuallly wait about 2 weeks. I was recently told 2-3 weeks and if you have not heard anything to resend it.

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  • Implementor

If it is a restring or something like a custom warcry it will usually not take more than a day if it makes sense. If you do not get a reply we are thinking about what you might possibly mean / wanting to talk to you before making up our minds or something similar.

A qclass/race usually takes quite a bit longer (2-6 weeks I'd say, depending on your playing time and if we manage to catch you and I mean catch you rping and not sitting there spamming spells ;) ). If you do not hear anything in 2 weeks, ask any Imm if your app is still there, if not, resend it.

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