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A bard's ability to kill


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I remember when I was playing Amaedus it was a crazy cabal war of 3 Nexus v 3 Knights and though my memory is vague I do remember that we all thought Helmsley was the weakest and I think we focused on him first. To our shock he was probably the tougher of them. After that my next character was on his side. So I never fought him at his full potential. However there was this time I heard Cjuk and Helmsley were going to fight. I saw Cjuk decked out and pretty much left the scene because I knew what was going to happen. Next thing I know I see this message:

Helmsley has just claimed victory over Cjuk. :eek:

Never will I underestimate bards again. :)

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And me too. Amadaeus made Luris' life hell. I think you killed me about 32429349234293 times. :(

I did get one very lucky kill though in Marak! Luck being the key word... :D


So you had 540489153904.88333333333333333333 con-quests? I'd like to see those apps...

Hey Imms... it's me... again, and I'm dying... again. I know, I know, last time you told me never to ask again, but I just can't help it! Could you help me with this?


--- Dey

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So you had 540489153904.88333333333333333333 con-quests? I'd like to see those apps...

Hey Imms... it's me... again, and I'm dying... again. I know, I know, last time you told me never to ask again, but I just can't help it! Could you help me with this?


--- Dey

Duh Dey was an imm? He obviously used his powers for EVIL and not GOOD.

Force Lightning > Force Push...

Plus with that number of lives, Dey winning a PK is actually a statistical eventuality.

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