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Ototh is gone.


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| Ototh || the Knight of Fury |


| Str: 23(23)^5 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 26(219h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: berserker Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 18(15) || Race : minotaur Align: neutral |

| Dex: 17(17)^4 || Hp : 1056/1056 Exp : 218546/432654 |

| Con: 20(21) || Mana : 424/424 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 661/661 +Hit: 59 +Dam: 67 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : -295 || Spell : -10 || Faith : Chaos |

| Pierce: -296 || Afflictive : -10 || Weight: 447/525 |

| Blunt : -290 || Maledictive: -9 || Items : 30/36 |

| Magic : -223 || Mental : -13 || Prac : 14 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 152k |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \


Was great fun. Really had a blast fighting most of you. I think I did pretty well with him, 2 pdeaths pre-pinn and 2 after to arvelo(good challenges). Other than that he turned into a beast. I had some eq swaps to buff saves a good bit more and some -hp eq on but the score sheet says it all pretty much. Shoutouts to everyone who interacted with him, good or bad. Khalos said it best however, 30 minutes here and there in FL does squat while 30 more minutes with the kids/family is huge. Cheers!

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You weren't a 'sader? You were just a nice person in game like you are out of the game? It was a bad joke that you played a great character that could wreck the pbase, but helped out many people instead of just being a dominating ******* simply because you could. In my mind, you are exactly what MUDs (not just this one, but all of them) need; A good person with the ability to create an interesting character through player to player interactions.

If you can put that much care and thought into your character on a text based game, your kids are gonna be great people- without a doubt. I look forward to them connecting in 10 years (or so) and killing me.


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