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The Stacked Deck: Farewell from Grannyman and Pip


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Pip Bastarge

| Pip || the Master Bard |
| Str: 18(18)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 98(147h) |
| Int: 23(23) || Class: bard Ethos: neutral |
| Wis: 25(25) || Race : Runt(gnome) Align: neutral |
| Dex: 16(14) || Hp : 867/867 Exp : 17528/470872 |
| Con: 17(18) || Mana : 972/972 |
\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 436/436 +Hit: 16 +Dam: 18 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Krounoi |
| Slash : -10 || Spell : -2 || Faith : Neutrality |
| Pierce: -33 || Afflictive : -18 || Weight: 71/325 |
| Blunt : -29 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 9/30 |
| Magic : 24 || Mental : -2 || Prac : 7 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 0 |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

Ha, skills, way to forget that. Meehhh, nothing big, mastered all the important ones, maybe about 25. At the end my stats are low as I went on a spree of dropping/giving away pretty things. I probably had about 30 hit and 35 dam, with -200 in my AC's at my prime. Someone out there nabbed a lucky 300k.

Edit: For the record. I had 80 hours for levels 1-30. 43 hrs for 31-50. 24 hrs End-Game.

One of my alt's goes as well. Posted only cause he was a restring.



| Bregalad || the Lord of the Forest |


| Str: 23(23)^4 || Level: 32 Sex: M Age : 177(52h) |

| Int: 16(17) || Class: ranger Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 16(17) || Race : Ent(stone) Align: neutral |

| Dex: 15(15) || Hp : 616/616 Exp : 20410/227465 |

| Con: 23(23)^3 || Mana : 386/386 Enemy: human |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 471/471 +Hit: 20 +Dam: 20 /



So, this is my farewell along with Pip's. After careful thought I've decided to move on. FL has started to get boring and I would much rather do something I have fun with. I keep my last lowbie restring for those times I can play with my fiance but nothing probably past that unless I'm offered a development position. Within a week I hope to wean myself from these blasted forums. I've already snaked through the AIM list and nuked 50+ people I had from FL. I now contain solely RL friends aside the privledged six. Though some of you bastards keep talking to me. :rolleyes: Good times to those I leave behind, kick some *** here and I hope you make a difference as I ultimately could not.

[B]A few shoutouts:[/B]
Acerbity - Apologies on everything from the past. It's done with, and some day I hope to talk to you again. Hit me up on aim.
Icor - You'll always be a brother to me.
Despy - For teh win.
Rairen - Love you babe, later.
Tantangel - Good luck with everything man, hope you still get the time to play once in a while.
Daemian - I'll visit next year. =D
Bali - The community really does love you. Everyone's jealous of your skills.
Chayesh - Make the best of it while you can. The players yearn for RP and attention, a little goes a long way.
Athar - Oh wow. You are amazing dear. Thanks for all the help, the understanding with my newbie lady friend, and the million opportunities.
Pali - I'll visit in May probably when I'm at your dorms.
ALL - Have fun. That's what you're here for.



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Kip Love You Long Time

| Kip || the Minstrel |
| Str: 18(18)^1 || Level: 30 Sex: M Age : 98(51h) |
| Int: 23(23) || Class: bard Ethos: neutral |
| Wis: 25(25) || Race : gnome Align: neutral |
| Dex: 18(18)^1 || Hp : 460/460 Exp : 11110/183590 |
| Con: 18(18)^3 || Mana : 689/689 |
\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 421/421 +Hit: 17 +Dam: 10 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Krounoi |
| Slash : -81 || Spell : -3 || Faith : Neutrality |
| Pierce: -79 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 154/275 |
| Blunt : -75 || Maledictive: -16 || Items : 32/34 |
| Magic : -2 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 3 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 3700 |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

You have mastered the following:
1. armor
2. detect invis
3. identify
4. dagger
5. sword
6. hide
7. meditation
8. peek
9. sneak
10. steal
11. recall
12. dual wield
13. throw
14. edge craft
15. analyze

Fun while it lasted. :)

Lost interest in Kip. Couldn't get a feel for the character as well as I wanted to, fairly early. Ditched you Granny, sorry man. :( Anyway, glad I could be yer twin. :D

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This is a Fond farewell man,

Met you as Didn't realize that was a name on FL it was his email addressSomeone (you didn't ask Granny if it was ok with him to tell others what chars he played, so don't mention names) and forever you will be known to me as such, you were fun to mess with and I'll never remember "Ye damned pirate"

I dont know why that character stuck, but that damn pirate got stuck in my head cause i always wanted to blackjack and steal from him, but i never say you in my PK.

Ahh Well,

Live it up without too much regret,

Baby Hippo (Guess__who@hotmail.com)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doubtful you'll even read this if you truly have left the forums, but I enjoyed Pip with the few times I interacted with him. Enjoyed his notes, especially about the whole Wotty Wot thing. I've not had hardly any time to focus on FL due to going back to work and my soon to be Neurologist appointment and possible MRI/back surgery, so it's been about two weeks since I last visited the forum. You have to come visit me anyways, you're only a State away from me. ;) Have fun though, I'll hit you up on AIM when I can, as I highly doubt I'll be doing much of anything else aside from talking after all is done, so until I chat at you on AIM again.

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