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| Akomak || Guardian of ADJUDICATOR |


| Str: 25(25) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 25(106h) |

| Int: 15(15) || Class: warrior Ethos: lawful |

| Wis: 15(15) || Race : fire Align: evil |

| Dex: 16(15) || Hp : 420/1083 Exp : 93214/409986 |

| Con: 18(18) || Mana : 326/448 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 283/421 +Hit: 20 +Dam: 27 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |

| Slash : 145 || Spell : -6 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: 145 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 25/625 |

| Blunt : 145 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 6/33 |

| Magic : 145 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 17 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 2670 CP: 522 |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


I don't know how Celerity does it, but fire giant warriors are a tough thing to play, especially when there are no fire weapons available, so you're just a giant-sized warrior without the benefit of healing (Helgorne said it best, when he told me that he was healing as fast as a leper's crotch). It was interesting to play a lawful evil in Tribunal, because I pretty much did whatever I wanted. I marked people for pissing me off, for touching me. I was manipulative of the system, and then a really indignant, mockingly honorable bastard in public. In my first 24 hours as a Tribunal, there were three complaints submitted to the cabal about me. It was fun and interesting, but not really my style. I'm surprised I didn't get booted for abusing the system, and that I never got caught by any other Tribs.

Props to:

Ototh, Aelleor, Maerothir, Koerik, Winfern, Draja, Gradrel, Ulyashanaki, and Gahnren.

Had something like 30 skills mastered, and maybe 17 captures? It was really disappointing that after I made the character, Rithwin became the Tribunal IMM... and then I never saw him, ever.

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Guest emp_newb

sad to see you drop off, I do admit FGs are not the easiest to play when all the good gear is being flat out hoarded by people who rarely log, but what can you do. YOu should have stuck around til the beginning of the month and maybe try to snag a few pieces. Good luck on your next.

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n my first 24 hours as a Tribunal' date=' there were three complaints submitted to the cabal about me.[/quote']

Only heard about this, but that's what would happen when you break the law yourself only about a day before you got inducted... heh heh.

From what I heard, Akomak was definitely not the char to believe that the law was above all and that you manipulated it like most evil Tribbies do... hehe.

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As many of you know, I quite recently played Lugrek, also a fire war tribbie.

Those look like naked stats, so it is hard to guess what you did for equipment.

I didn't use a lot of fire weapons because I found that they are generally underpowered to a lot of the equipment around these days. I used a very powerful solar one, and some random weapons (ranged ammo is very important). I also don't know what your lore choice was...exotic has worked out well for a couple of my fire giants

I didn't remember any problem regening, but I also never play ogres. I think my fire war regen decently fast that I didn't need to worry about it so much.

Your base hp is a good 100 hp more than my base...

My play style is pretty defensive. I don't make a lot of enemies and I never go 'balls to the walls'. Against other melees, I had absolutely no problem (outside blms---but they are a special case). With non-ogre melees, you really have to be aware of a lot of the nitpicky code benefits you can scalp (choosing to use a two-handed or dual wield...of course numbers of attacks, but do you know the huge accuracy drop of dual wielding?).

There was some scary nexus invoker around at the time (I forgot her name--sorry), but even that was pretty evenly matched, coming down to a matter of 20 hp on either side. Fire wars you really need to worry about anything that can poison you.

For nearly any class, oprogs are the strongest things you can find. Any unblockable damage, poison/anti-poison effect, or any other usable eq will really 'unbalance' the fight in your favor.

As a tribunal, I never went adjud, as I was planning to go council. Of course, don't ever be in the front of combat when you don't need to be. But everyone knows that one.

I really think the key point lies in how aggressive you are. Make lots of enemies (or a bad reputation---using tribunal laws for yourself will do that quickly) and you will die more, lose your eq, and have to climb back up (be at a disadvantage more often).

Pick and time your fights carefully (like when purikant's weapons aren't wielded) and you'll do surprisingly well! :P

Lugrek was kind of crazy, mean, and even bearded but in a nice, likeable way..hah

I had a rough time with the 1000 torments around at the time, so maybe my pk situation was very skewed. In fights with strong chars like Dumela, it wasn't really possible to know how well we could really do (which I remember as being down to the wire also).

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You had balls, just kept coming back over and over. Though I noticed you abusing the tribunal system and it is disappointing that you as a player seem fine with it.

Abusing the system is akin to multi-ing or using OOC information. I just expected more.

Abuse is not explained away through RP. There are IC rules, with their own enforcement aka: laws and OOC rules with IMM punishment. As far as I am concerned you were breaking OOC rules.

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I have literally the reverse view - I think that it's disappointing that you felt that my RP was an OOC abuse.

If we're going to be closeminded to developing what we already have, and to allowing different alignments/races to interpret the system in their own way, then I think we're going to experience a pretty large stagnation of RP and character development. The benefits of being in Tribunal do not at all outweigh all of the crap you put up with, and I think that trying to spice things up by not being as much of a pushover, and using the laws and loopholes to my advantage was part of the RP. In the lawful evil helpfile, it states that these characters are supposed to be manipulative, and that's exactly what Akomak was.

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You had balls, just kept coming back over and over. Though I noticed you abusing the tribunal system and it is disappointing that you as a player seem fine with it.

Abusing the system is akin to multi-ing or using OOC information. I just expected more.

Abuse is not explained away through RP. There are IC rules, with their own enforcement aka: laws and OOC rules with IMM punishment. As far as I am concerned you were breaking OOC rules.

That is just plain absurd. Wanting people for no reason in no way breaks an IMM rule. It's immoral and unjust but certainly not illegal. I can't think of an instance where he broke an IMM rule. He manipulated the system and wasn't caught. LAWFUL EVIL. That's what they are supposed to be. If we could have caught the guy doing something with a Lawful individual or if another Tribbie would have caught him -there would have been repercussions. He got away with it. It seems like the general consensus thus far is that the RP was solid. You shouldn't bash him as a player.

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That is just plain absurd. Wanting people for no reason in no way breaks an IMM rule. It's immoral and unjust but certainly not illegal. I can't think of an instance where he broke an IMM rule. He manipulated the system and wasn't caught. LAWFUL EVIL. That's what they are supposed to be. If we could have caught the guy doing something with a Lawful individual or if another Tribbie would have caught him -there would have been repercussions. He got away with it. It seems like the general consensus thus far is that the RP was solid. You shouldn't bash him as a player.

This sounds exactly like the defense of an aggressive Healer.

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I fail to see how it's comparable to an aggressive healer. The RP of a healer itself is restrictive - the RP of a lawful evil, as per the HELPFILE, states that they are intended to be manipulative. Akomak was vindictive, petty, and arrogant, but I would hardly say I broke my race, class, or cabal RP by playing him the way I did. I manipulated the IN GAME system to my benefit, but I did nothing that was out of character or player motivated. Although if I had ended him the way I wanted to, which was to want everyone who was logged on and then cabal quit, that might have been a little more rule busting.

There are rules and Divine Mandates in place to prevent healers from being aggressive because they would, frankly, be overpowered if unhindered. There was nothing overpowered about Akomak, and I can't see any reason any such restrictions should be in place for this type of character.

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The Tribunal system is in place and grants a large portion of trust on the level of maturity to the player. To, basically not abuse the ability of "want."

Marking someone "wanted" that never committed a crime is against lawful evil, because it is breaking a law itself. Lawful evils never break laws. Otherwise they would just be evils, not lawful evils.

Manipulative? Fine. That has nothing to do with straight up abusing cabal abilities. Manipulation refers more to the RP of the char. Perhaps you provoke someone into breaking the laws. However to ignore the "Maxim and current laws" and

I pretty much did whatever I wanted. I marked people for pissing me off' date=' for touching me.[/quote'] - That is not so much really good RP as much as it is taking advantage and blatantly abusing the current system for which the Tribunal cabal is based.
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- That is not so much really good RP as much as it is taking advantage and blatantly abusing the current system for which the Tribunal cabal is based.

Okay, I had this idea for an RP angle where I'd be a thief that only stole from elves, because I was a half elf and angry for years of persecution... where do I send the full character bio and app so that you can look it over and tell me if it's good enough RP to be played in the game?


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Marking someone "wanted" that never committed a crime is against lawful evil, because it is breaking a law itself. Lawful evils never break laws. Otherwise they would just be evils, not lawful evils.

I completely disagree with this. Lawful evils see the law as a tool to use to beat down everyone. They want law for everyone but themselves. I believe the FL helpfile is deceiving for what a real lawful evil is. For the purpose of FL, I'm actually on your side, even though it may sound like I'm not because I do disagree. Just with the rules set IG. I think Akomak played a perfect REAL lawful evil. The helpfile says lawful evils won't break the law for fear of justices and whatever, but truthfully, they should love to break the law if they dont' get caught and it would benefit them. :) Which, is what I believe Akomak did. Why not use the guards to help you catch some dude you don't like? So what if they didn't break a law, their word against yours, and you have the blood guard. :D

Edit: In conclusion, I would dub lawful evils... really as you said. Just evils. But, they are smart... cunning, whatever enough to use the law to their advantage. Corruption hides everywhere. As it is now, FL doesn't allow for any real corruption in trib.

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The Tribunal system is in place and grants a large portion of trust on the level of maturity to the player. To' date=' basically not abuse the ability of "want."[/quote']

Right. But Bali didn't want to... his Fire Giant did.

Marking someone "wanted" that never committed a crime is against lawful evil' date=' because it is breaking a law itself. Lawful evils never break laws. Otherwise they would just be evils, not lawful evils.[/quote']

Wrong. They'd be neutral evil, or chaotic evil. But...

Soon, their rank of the self-titled 'Militia' swelled

with refugees and more remnants of the scattered Justice,

until they became a mighty force in their own right. Sculpted

and shaped by the mind of Izlimak, a powerful psion, the

royals and the lawmen of old meshed, becoming that which

the old nobility could only dream of ruling: a true Empire,

known as the Tribunal. No longer would they be content to sit

passively and protect; instead, they would actively

administer and rule. From the ashes of the Justice and the

Nobles, rose this new organization; harder, stronger, and

often more ruthless, in the name of Order. They drove back

the Syndicate from Miruvhor, reclaiming it, then did the

same to the Watchers within the ruins of Val Miran, rebuilding


Well.... yeah, if he felt like he was being stopped from his duties, it might be ruthless you flag someone for touching him. Hell, spit on a congressmen or police officer and watch the cuffs get slapped on. Touch one without asking permission and watch yourself get arrested for harrassment (damn liberals!) or say something offensive and watch you get fine (freaking conservatives!). So, he's in his rights.

Manipulative? Fine. That has nothing to do with straight up abusing cabal abilities. Manipulation refers more to the RP of the char. Perhaps you provoke someone into breaking the laws. However to ignore the "Maxim and current laws" and - That is not so much really good RP as much as it is taking advantage and blatantly abusing the current system for which the Tribunal cabal is based.

Okay. Unwad your panties, sniff them and realize that you're a big boy and don't need the maxipad. You're really crying bloody murder here, and nothing "wrong" happened. If you wrote a note to the imms and they didnt' do anything then NOTHING AGAINST THE RULES HAPPENED. If he was caught and punished, well ****, he would have had to RP with that.

WC killed a Justice in town and was let off because he was buddy buddy with Dedric (his Vamp was, not ooc). So... did anyone cry on the forums and call someone else's RP sub par? No. Not once. Grow up, and don't judge him so damn much.

Oh... someone tried to force other's to their "RP ideals" in history once...


I did just godwin the thread.

edit: Does anyone else find Mudder's signature slightly ironic here?

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I completely disagree with this. Lawful evils see the law as a tool to use to beat down everyone. They want law for everyone but themselves. I believe the FL helpfile is deceiving for what a real lawful evil is. For the purpose of FL, I'm actually on your side, even though it may sound like I'm not because I do disagree. Just with the rules set IG. I think Akomak played a perfect REAL lawful evil. The helpfile says lawful evils won't break the law for fear of justices and whatever, but truthfully, they should love to break the law if they dont' get caught and it would benefit them. :) Which, is what I believe Akomak did. Why not use the guards to help you catch some dude you don't like? So what if they didn't break a law, their word against yours, and you have the blood guard. :D

Edit: In conclusion, I would dub lawful evils... really as you said. Just evils. But, they are smart... cunning, whatever enough to use the law to their advantage. Corruption hides everywhere. As it is now, FL doesn't allow for any real corruption in trib.

This is not what a lawful evil should be. Your ethos are what you ACTUALLY are, not what you want others to think you are. IC-wise, your "ethos" adjective doesn't really exist.

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Actually, I agree with Mudder that lawful evils shouldn't actually break the law themselves.

If they did, they'd actually be neutral or chaotic evils. When using some special power to check ethos, it might say they are lawful. This is based on the hard code. This assumes that you really are lawful and the information is accurate.

Otherwise, everyone would start lawful (I haven't been caught yet!!) and progress to chaotic the more times they get caught. That isn't the FL system.

The idea of neutral (ethos) is that they break the laws when it is convienent/safe for them. That sounds like what Akomak was doing.

The reason he wasn't punished in game (I would guess) isn't because it was OK behavior. Sounds like the IMM was AWOL or nobody got around to checking in on him.

Wanting someone ONLY for your benefit isn't "manipulating the laws"...it is downright breaking them.

straight from the helpfile of lawful evil:

They will not break laws

even when it appears safe to do so, both out of the possibility of

the abrupt arrival of Justices and to avoid the appearance of being

blasphemous to the gods of order.

Of course we MUST believe the FL helpfile as what lawful evils really are. They are the basis of the game, not what YOU think real lawful evils are.

In reality he was a neutral evil who got into Tribunal. The Tribunal screening process would have stopped him except that he picked lawful evil, not neutral. This is an ooc mechanic, not a result of his RP.

This is similar to playing a neutral just like an evil but using the neutral align to get other benefits/cabals. It happens all the time...

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This is not what a lawful evil should be. Your ethos are what you ACTUALLY are' date=' not what you want others to think you are. IC-wise, your "ethos" adjective doesn't really exist.[/quote']

Sure it does. It just doesn't have a label, as in "Are you lawful?" That quite is what lawful evil should be. :) Again, FL has it's own definition so I guess here, you're right. Which is why I said I was actually on Mudder's side. For the sake of balance, we can't have real lawful evils. Someone who does the things I made examples of would be classified as lawful evil, and I believe Akomak was one of the most perfect recent examples of a well played lawful evil.

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Yeah, it's just another example of sacrificing rp for mechanics. People need the system to work so it can't be majorly abused for raw power, but you don't see anyone picking on the chaotic evil dude for NOT rampaging over the guy that looked at him funny, when if we really wanted to keep players restricted to their ETHOS, that zerk should have just raged. This is where I try to keep my rp MOST specialized. People are too enveloped with winning, that they'd prefer to roll a chaotic evil character so they have the range to kill the crap out of anyone, but when mister toughguy comes along that can beat them, they all of a sudden get neutral evil and decide maybe this guy isn't the one I wanna fight. I've had characters talk crap straight to their death, even attack groups that told them to shove off. It goes with every other ethos. It's very rare that anyone truly plays to their very ethos, ALL the time. :) With the mechanics set in to regulate this more, the game is trying for a balance within itself, but it's making it hard.

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