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Guest emp_newb

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Guest emp_newb

THe character was insanely fun to play. Extremely awesome. The only thing with me is I was PLAGUED by horrible bugs. There where so many great interactions with this char that I hate to shelf him like this, but until the root of these bugs is figured out, it makes playing the character very unfun. I tried extremely hard to uphold a high standard of play, both PK and RP wise. I did succeed I believe, but any of the imms can attest that the bugs plagueing me where nearly crippling in terms of my character and his abilities.

I love the sader class, it was VERY well thought out and maintained. But for now I have to step away from this one. This is not brought directly by what happened today, but it is a factor. No hard feelings to the player of the slith that I last fought. I am just quite angry that my effort to prevent this (Which crusaders can do) where for absolutely nothing.

no skill sheet, as it would just be weapons that you could see mastered anyway.

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I really dislike this kind of post and the attitude that comes with it.

Yes, there is a bug. Yes we are looking into it. Yes, our coders have a life too with work during the week. Yes, they were planning to look into it more this weekend.

So you keep asking us to fix this bug already with little to no patience for us to work out this quite complex problem.

Then you die in a pk.

Then you post this. Saying it has nothing to do with having died....

I think this kind of post is neither very productive nor does it really make us Imms happy who are trying hard and doing our very best to help people like you in our meager free time.

Good luck with your next char.

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Guest emp_newb
I really dislike this kind of post and the attitude that comes with it.

Yes, there is a bug. Yes we are looking into it. Yes, our coders have a life too with work during the week. Yes, they were planning to look into it more this weekend.

So you keep asking us to fix this bug already with little to no patience for us to work out this quite complex problem.

Then you die in a pk.

Then you post this. Saying it has nothing to do with having died....

I think this kind of post is neither very productive nor does it really make us Imms happy who are trying hard and doing our very best to help people like you in our meager free time.

Good luck with your next char.

Oh no I did NOT mean you guys are slacking at all. I know you guys are working on it, but that is ALOT of code. ALOT. Im just saying that I can only do certain things when I can readily log out. And doing that usually affects my stats adversely in some ways. I was also worried about crashing the game as well, because Im not exactly sure how it is affecting the game. Im not deleting, Im just shelving until the problem is sorted out. The imms here are almost always busting *** to fix the problems you incur on a day to day basis. If you took my post as whining, it was not supposed to be, I REALLY want to keep playing. The death is just a viable reason as I would have to start from scratch and redo all I had done, which I can almost guarantee would provoke this bug more.

Again I am extremely sorry if it was percieved as me whining about imm effort, or tossing out complaints. I posted this very sadly as Maerothir is, I believe, one of my strongest characters to date. In RP and PK.

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I had abit of interaction with your character as a paladin I made Alesus, but somehow you just completely power ranked up, and I got stuck on 31 for a good week or two trying to get a group, then deleted.

I have a crusader shelfed at the moment also, he to has afew problems of his own.

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Maerothir was the absolute man. Reazal really wanted to be friends, but my attention got really diverted lately. When we did interact it was friendly and fun, and stuck me as very proper which I picture elf-elf interaction to be particularly between our two guilds. I hate that a bug turned you off to the char, and I wish you a ton of luck with your next char. Hopefully the bugs will be dealt with swiftly. I would have been considerably more salty if a known bug was holding me back, regardless of the view of others...you are a trooper for trying to even fight through them and have every right to expect a properly functioning experience as these aren't new implemented concepts.

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