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TMS reset


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I should have that auto vote running on everyones computers here at my work... all 460 of us.

That would be AWESOME! But refers back to my question. Because of the internet provider that i'm on I'm behind a NAT. Network Address Translation.

Meaning my router has assigned three different IP addresses, but my I.P. has assigned my ROUTER a SINGLE IP address, and then broadcasts a different but static IP address to the internet. So what it boils down to is three computers is seen by anything on the internet as one, and even then that's still not the real address anyway. So my question is, If all this holds true, does TMS track IP address, for what I can only assume is the purpose of KEEPING people from voting 400 times a minute, Or is some other system that is used that will make me running the Auto vote program on all three of my computers worthwhile? ( not that it takes up ANY processing power anyway mind you.. but still.)

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