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| Koerik || Protector of WARDER |


| Str: 20(21)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 164(92h) |

| Int: 18(18) || Class: berserker Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 18(18) || Race : Orc(dwarf) Align: neutral |

| Dex: 18(18)^1 || Hp : 334/1282 Exp : 41960/557440 |

| Con: 24(24) || Mana : 556/606 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 363/413 +Hit: 37 +Dam: 25 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |

| Slash : -52 || Spell : -7 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: -37 || Afflictive : -5 || Weight: 237/425 |

| Blunt : -35 || Maledictive: -16 || Items : 41/42 |

| Magic : 4 || Mental : -8 || Prac : 1 Train: 5 |

| || || Gold : 7068 CP: 142 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| 2 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |


I really wanted to stick around long enough to get T and see the abilities around... But this character became painful to play. I originally thought the changes to roar would be awesome, then I quickly found no difference at all. I had hoped for the fear affect but it never came. It was VERY demoralizing to be killed by a naked warrior wielding a crappy staff while you were borderline decked. That should never happen as far as I'm concerned. I won't be playing another berserker.

The RP was very fun, however it turned into a MAJOR pain in the a$$ when you need to communicate with your allies or even your enemies. I found very few people would even attempt to communicate with me, however there were others who went above and beyond in that regard so I think it evens out.

The whole time playing Koerik, I was hoping people would slowly but surely teach me common tongue. I guess no one picked that up, however I did learn a few words. Big thanks to those who worked with me. I know it must've been fairly frustrating.

I'm not going to do shout outs because, well I can't remember everyone and he was quite short lived anyway.

Koerik is not deleted but I will not play him actively again. I quit the cabal and got rid of my rares - so I wouldn't be hogging anything.

I'm NZ and my internet sucks here so I can think of no better time to do this.

Uiloz: You came as I logged in to drop all my rares and cabal quit. I decided to just PK since you were coming anyway. When you first came back to your corpse, I was going to give you everything, but you decided to attack again. It was a few fun bouts though. My advice: Use your traps and when you have someone blackjacked, also blackjack their bashing charmie. ;)

EDIT: In case anyone wondered, most of Koerik's language was made up words at the spur of the moment. Only a few actually were used consistantly.

Tuk tuk - Food

Tuk tuk gra - Good food, body parts. He felt the heart of his foe made him stronger and hated to waste it.

Tuk tuk slaav - Nasty food, anything not body parts. He HATED milk.

Nnik! - No.

Ra-sha - Yes.

Re-rasha - Return.

The rest of his language was mostly random noises that gave meaning when added with the punctuation and his emotes.

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Great great Character.

I remember hunting with you.

We had some fun ages ago, you where always pointing to a rock and smashing it.

I was always hopping you got to 50, because Orcs are cool like that.

But then you disappeared... :(

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Sorry Mudder

I think there was a stage around level 25-30ish where I was looking for a hunting group, and I asked you, but you replied with something I couldn't make out so I just asked another and got him instead. I like RP when characters are face to face, or in the same area, not through tells... I still don't understand tells, what are they... notes? messages? or does everyone in FL inherit the ability of telepathy?

probs for making a zerky, I don't think I ever saw you at pinnacle, ru coming up to auckland at all?

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Guest emp_newb

Damn man. Maerothir went SEVERELY out of his way to help you learn common. I was constantly trying to RP with you, I even went as far as skipping a few hunting groups. Sorry to see you go.

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To be fair, it was a MOSTLY naked giant sized warrior, beating him with a vuln staff, while hasted and enlarged.

We had a lot of really, really positive interactions as Akomak. Good character.

That was only one of the many times it happened and I wasn't referring to that time. I'm referring to the time you were wearing half a set of mithril and a mundane staff. :eek:

I enjoyed our early battles. Remember when I killed you and that DK immediately killed me afterward and full looted us both? ...That bastard.

Yes. Maerothir was the one that went above and beyond to RP with Koerik. :) I forgot the name.

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I don't know this orc, but how can a fire giant wear mithril?

I found my experience as a (warmaster) dwarf berserker also disappointing...the large-sized race's weapon choices just can't be beat...

There are better mage-killer classes for a dwarf...AND better melee-killers...

Dwarves can do well as blms and clerics but are out-shined by other races even in those....perhaps dwarves are stuck with bards :P...

Dwarf zerks/warriors are very fun rp-wise, but in pk....clearly better options are available (for both melee and mage killing, and sometimes both)

Perhaps open the race up to thieves...similar to duergar...

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I don't know this orc' date=' but how can a fire giant wear mithril?[/quote']

Fair enough. But the eq was of similar crappy nature. Literally, he died and didn't bother even obtaining half a basic set before going and killing me. I was in awe at my screen as his melee destroyed mine.

My problems weren't with weapon selections. It was getting good eq and then out meleeing my foes. Haymaker failed a LOT. I would land at most 1/5 haymakers. Ask Zaulael how many haymakers I threw at him and how many actually hit.

I would have continued to play this character and I feel done very well if I had been a Warrior.

Dwarves would make bad thieves with such low dex. I say just give them a bonus with Zerkers (Since the class fits a dwarf just as much as it fits a Minotaur).

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yeah' date=' you do. so keep your suckin mouth shut and your suckin opinions to yourself. :cool:[/quote']

Someone's celebrating a testicular descention.

I'm not entirely sure why, but I had always figured dwarves should be much better zerks/warriors then they are. I'm not sure what to add...but they need something to set them apart as the sturdy race. Maybe a slight bash/bodyslam resistance. Maybe some kind of blunt weapon resistance...I don't know, but our dwarves and the rest of the fantasy world's dwarves aren't on similar levels of beastliness.

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"Fair enough. But the eq was of similar crappy nature. Literally, he died and didn't bother even obtaining half a basic set before going and killing me. I was in awe at my screen as his melee destroyed mine."

You are talking about Celerity, i bet she had MAX luck and using the right weapons, to max her defence and min your defence.

Hit roll and damroll are nice, but once you have enough Hitroll to pass AC, there are other things that make you more offensive.

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I could have sworn there was a rule at sometime that stated that there was no unknown languages...

However, from what I saw of koerick, it was hilarious. I remember one trip I went on with you that someone (Dodumne I believe) had to translate everything you said cuz nobody understood you lol. Look forward to the next, just make it so we can understand you hehe

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Hehe. I've never heard of that rule (Obviously) but I won't be doing anymore languages like that again. It was great RP and very fun, but too difficult in the end.

I honestly was hoping by the time I hit 50 to actually speak limited common. It just didn't turn out that way.

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Hehe, when me and my friends were new, were talking to each other in Bulgarian, then the stinky ettin pops up and we say it is some ancient dwarven language. We managed to get away without a ban, but he told us to never do that again :P

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