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Lugrek Toshnak


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| Lugrek || the Master of War |


| Str: 25(25)^3 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 77(221h) |

| Int: 15(15) || Class: warrior Ethos: lawful |

| Wis: 15(15) || Race : fire Align: evil |

| Dex: 16(16) || Hp : 1041/1041 Exp : 48048/455152 |

| Con: 23(23) || Mana : 416/416 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 404/404 +Hit: 22 +Dam: 21 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Anume |

| Slash : 49 || Spell : -6 || Faith : Scourge |

| Pierce: 48 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 72/625 |

| Blunt : 44 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 14/34 |

| Magic : 49 || Mental : -2 || Prac : 53 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 225k |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \


axe 102 dagger 100 flail 100

mace 100 polearm 100 shield block 100

spear 100 sword 100 whip 100

bash 103 berserk 100 dirt kicking 100

disarm 100 dodge 100 enhanced damage 103

hand to hand 100 kick 100 parry 100

rescue 100 trip 100 second attack 100

third attack 100 fast healing 97 haggle 100

lore 75 meditation 100 recall 100

dual wield 100 blind fighting 100 shield disarm 100

fourth attack 100 counter 90 charge 100

warcry 84 dual parry 100 riposte 100

staff 102 double grip 100 offhand disarm 75

two handed 103 fired weapons 100 pugil 100

exotic mastery 100 axe expert 100 staff expert 100

weapon seize 100

You have 53 practice sessions left.

Nearly naked due to rare purge...

A (tad) bit late on this delete. Cleaning up a bit! Had a short run in Tribunal...that finished prematurely due my finding a new job and moving (thus losing internet for a few months).

The shoutouts are all very outdated. I can't spell most of the names anyways. You know who you are!

Had a really fun time RPing this char (good-natured evil, if you can get that) and he was also quite (very?) successful pk-wise. Always a power combination I suppose...good amount of quests but I forgot to check before I deleted!!

Liked him a lot, had a lot of potential, reached some of it, and was killed by RL! I've long since started other projects and I previously announced that I was this char, so I thought I should finally delete the char!

My main regret was that he was so short-lived...and that I didn't accomplish my goal of total mastery...maybe next time.. Also axe expert was a poor choice for this build:(

Goodbye Luggie! Hello (somebody)!

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I personally feel that ogres are terribly unbalanced, and so I refuse to play them. I consider it a bit low class for any experienced player to play them.

From my last ogre warrior experience...it was much, much too easy...

I feel the same about certain other combinations (many reaver combos/ogre ranger for example)...

Tribunal was a powerful enough combination as it was...

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After Irpel, Lugrek was my second most favourite RP character.

Never fought him, but I loved him so much that I just couldn't.

PS. Notice how I say *him* instead of *you*. The character was THAT successful. Characters who have such an incredible RP should be heavily promoted and encouraged with all kinds of rewards.

Just my 2 cents.

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I have a log on my PK of 2 knights killing Iraekiira, and 4 Knights killing twinblades cute little demon shaman. But it was purely justified, they were attacking the castle at the time. Iraekiira didn't say one thing to me but she made up for it by being hot and hardout.

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That was just awful. I made THE stupidest mistake I've ever made ever. >.> my god.

To say the least, you walked in with no flight or sanctuary lol, did you even have protection? christ

I hit murder ( Masyrui ) Luzizac hit air thrash, Aendros hit mounted charge, then Erothir i think was trying to get the last hit with ray of truth.

many lols. god damn life insurance.

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I think all that is just bad form from the Knights. When you have superior numbers, control the situation. Send one knight out at a time to face off. Not all four. *shrug* Different people play the game differently.

EDIT: Also, when you have superior numbers, why were all four at the Knight standard and not taking the Nexus standard? You could've had two defend and two take the Nexus standard. That sounds more reasonable.

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I recently played a Knight and never gangbanged. However, I have no real qualm about being gangbanged or about gangbanging every now and then. I'd like to see more 2v2 and 3V3 cabal battles anyway.

Perhaps some new 'battleground' areas would be an interesting idea to pursue.

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I recently played a Knight and never gangbanged. However, I have no real qualm about being gangbanged or about gangbanging every now and then. I'd like to see more 2v2 and 3V3 cabal battles anyway.

Perhaps some new 'battleground' areas would be an interesting idea to pursue.

2v2 3v3 4v4 5v5 cabal war would be wicked, i think cabal induction should be less strict easier to be accessed, makes the game 10x funnier.

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