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Mutli killing, slient killing, 3v1


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Ok in a period of an hour, i had 1 person bilnd me while an other person fought me, after that i had someoen ask me to hunt only to kill me to say " i dont like ferals" so that they could get a few pieces of gear i spent a ton of time trying t get, im tired of the 3v1 crap, im tired of silent killing and im tired of not being able to learn anything because everyone i try to trust ****s me over and kills me as soon as i try to foster a relationship with them, and make friends.

So for those of you who lure people into places to "hunt" that you have never met then slaughter them over items and really stupid RP like i dont like ferals, and those of you who think you need multiple players to cast their maladictions so you can summon me into a room with no exits and kill me thanks for the invite but this isn't the kinda of people i want to play with. I like the game and the staff but there are too many people with too many stupid ooc reasons to kill people for me to play here, i may log in again, but honestly i dont know...

I like the game, but putting 50 hours into a toon to have it ripped out from under me by nonsensical ooc reasons just doesnt sit right with me.

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I know how you feel. However, there are a few of us out there who like to play nice and classy. Join with us and we will eventually outnumber the bad ones.

Hope you stick around to play. Just take a breather and come back for fun whether it goes good or bad. Equipment comes or goes, and is generally considered a valid reason to kill. Equipment gives you advantages because you have to fight to keep it. See my post in the Regiarix thread. The first time I was ever PKED, a dark knight asked me to group, and then killed me for no reason but because he was an evil prick. I got back up and learned how to defend myself. If you can't handle a character, place a nice fat bounty on them and let someone else take their head.

Ever condeath a character? It takes guts to stick around, get back up your ***, and fight back. Thats why the game comes with so many lives. Time adds depth and texture to your character. If you want people to trust, I suggest making paladin friends or a good hearted character.

Good luck. See you in game.

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Seems like your taking it very personal sandbox.

It is a game. You don't have to spend every afternoon wondering about it. An hour here or there to play might be what you need to stay focused and accomplish some things in game without becoming too attached.

Take care whatever you decide to do.

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Yep, the nature of being evil is that you do things that are considered evil by good hearted men (and women). Since I group most of us here in that category, it is understandable why such actions in game might repulse you.

Murderers lie, cheat, and steal. Asking someone to group and then killing them is a variation of a killer picking up a hitchhiker on the side of the road, chatting them up, and then doing them in. I'm not defending or advocating this real life practice, however in a fictional world these things can happen without consequence.

If RP is truly more important than PK to you guys, then don't bother getting those nice shiny rare pieces of equipment. EQ is there for one reason, to sway your "numbers" to get you an advantage in PK. If you walk around in sandals and a robe, like Jesus, most people will get the point soon enough and stop killing you/stop to roleplay. Maybe thats not the best example... you get the point.

I know how getting banged up and looted can make you angry, frustrated, or sad enough to delete or quit the game. But the simple truth is that if it does, you are too attached to your character or taking that one part of the game too seriously. Remember, people play for different reasons. Some play to make friends and go around in groups. Others play to kill people.. and they likely won't tell you their intentions before they do it.

Thats my final point in these recent threads that have popped up. Enjoy your time here no matter what happens to your "toon".

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People don't trust evils.

Don't trust Syndicate.

Don't trust Thieves.

Don't trust Ninjas.

That is why being good is so cool.

You have friends with all the other goods, and the Knights are cool people to.

People won't kill you for eq as often as they can't wear half of it. :P

Also, at 50 always keep a teleport pill with you.

It may look redundant but it may save you.

If you die from teleport, quit, wait 16 min, then log in and get your things from pit.

Don't forget, if you die and are realy mad. Log out. Drink a glass of water.

Cool down. Do something non FL related.

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  • Implementor

Anyone new here (and even us who's been here for years ;) ) will fall for some lie / trap at some time and get killed in a stupid / "trashy" fashion.

I suggest you post what exactly happened on the prayer forum next time, so we can keep an eye on these people and give you some tips what to do better next time so you do not end up dead.

If you get a few pieces of eq that are considered good, chances are very high someone will try to kill you for them. Then some people will try to kill you anyway. It's all a thing of learning how to run, hide, get away when you notice that you are loosing. And to realize THAT you are loosing. Even for the experienced some deaths just can't be avoided. So dust yourself off, see if something is left in your corpse, bounty the guys and log off ;)

Then have a look at the log and see if you could have done anything better. You can also post such a log on prayer and ask us for some tips.

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Guest emp_newb

Level 30 is not the problem right now. There is a CONSISTENT set of chars that are performing this particular way. They have developed this method of behaviour of several ranks, found common ground with a few people, and are now doing as they see fit.

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My only advice is this... This very evening I finally accomplished something with my char. that I have not been able to in the COUNTLESS hours and COUNTLESS times I have been slain. (Both honorably and Trashy) All through this time I have been multi-killed, Tag-teamed, and hunted mercilessly, but I just kept getting up, Making a note of what went wrong and where, getting the supplies (pills/potions/herbs/etc) to help keep it from happening, and trying again. And I finally did it. I realize a lot of it is because of the Cabal my char. decided to join, but I did that so that I WOULD HAVE to learn now to PK. I've played nothing but RP chars. since I started back in 1.0.

Point is, what all these people here are telling you is true. The learning curve may seem steep, but the rewards are OH SO WORTH IT! Don't give up. There are actually very few truly trashy players. Also, I would RP with your killers. You may be surprised they actually offer you a Valid reason for their actions, and you can build a rapor(sp?) with them. Make them your rival, Or sworn life long enemy even! That's when you know you're dealing with someone who put thought into their 'toon' and not just some adrenalin junky seeking a quick kill.

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My only advice is this... This very evening I finally accomplished something with my char. that I have not been able to in the COUNTLESS hours and COUNTLESS times I have been slain. (Both honorably and Trashy) All through this time I have been multi-killed, Tag-teamed, and hunted mercilessly, but I just kept getting up, Making a note of what went wrong and where, getting the supplies (pills/potions/herbs/etc) to help keep it from happening, and trying again. And I finally did it. I realize a lot of it is because of the Cabal my char. decided to join, but I did that so that I WOULD HAVE to learn now to PK. I've played nothing but RP chars. since I started back in 1.0.

Point is, what all these people here are telling you is true. The learning curve may seem steep, but the rewards are OH SO WORTH IT! Don't give up. There are actually very few truly trashy players. Also, I would RP with your killers. You may be surprised they actually offer you a Valid reason for their actions, and you can build a rapor(sp?) with them. Make them your rival, Or sworn life long enemy even! That's when you know you're dealing with someone who put thought into their 'toon' and not just some adrenalin junky seeking a quick kill.

Finally, someone who gets it. Just because YOU got killed, doesn't mean you should break char and flip out on your killer. Why don't you try to speak with them and RP a bit while being at your worst, instead of just writing them off as a trashy player and ignoring them as if they were a shamans plague. I'm glad that someone brought up the point, if you get PKed, why do you stop RPing and call the other person trash?? (maybe because you are angry that they killed you, and you are not thinking about RP?) It is well known that I play Zryrgryra, and you wouldnt believe how many people do not even try to speak with me after a battle. Its like the old saying goes, the phone works in both ways. Most times I just get responses like, "that was so bad", or "and was there any reason for that?" never anyone keeping it in character and trying to speak with me as a tune rather than a man behind a curtin......

I <3 FL

and RP

Talk to Me


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