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Ninja Melee Viability


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Tetsunai was the only ninja I never managed to kill. He didn't manage to kill me either though, although I'd have been getting close to getting assassinated one time trying to tail him. He was too quick though :) Barnok & Moriath I killed a number of times. Barnok did kill my undead monk once though. Dual acid blast scroll whilst I was sleeping (half dead off the bat), stupid shadowstrike that wasn't dodgable and then autothrows out the arse. Basically, I got caught with my pants down.

On second thought, appears I must have killed Tet. Found a log where I was taking a reaming for an imm for killing too many people and the topic arose. Just on the experience I recall I was running around in circles in Val Miran and just couldn't tag him. After about 12-16 in games hours of doing this, I got the hell out of there.

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Nah' date=' what gets me is the evident possibility and probable likelihood of the charge lagging enough to flee, and get in another charge, much of the time. I've tested and looked specifically to see if this was the case, and I'd enter a command and wait for it to happen, only to see mr mino come in after he fled, and charge me once more. But I guess this technically isn't a mino charge thread.[/quote']

This is another one of those ideas that has floated along for a long time. This is not directed towards you Twinblades, you just happened to be the one to mention it. For the clarification of the general populace, the idea that the charger can flee and return before the victim has time to do anything is a MYTH. The charger and victim are lagged the same amount of time in all cases regarding minotaurs. If you don't have time to do anything, it is because you have already entered one or more commands.

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This is another one of those ideas that has floated along for a long time. This is not directed towards you Twinblades' date=' you just happened to be the one to mention it. For the clarification of the general populace, the idea that the charger can flee and return before the victim has time to do anything is a MYTH. The charger and victim are lagged the [b']same amount of time in all cases regarding minotaurs. If you don't have time to do anything, it is because you have already entered one or more commands.

Yes, I believe the charge lag is the same, but couple that with the lag you get from being fled from. That's where they get the edge, I believe. If you could move immediately after they flee, it wouldn't be as bad a problem, although it'd still be a problem. I think that's where the lag accumulates.

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Wait, you got yelled at by an Imm for killing too many people?

Moriath had cure critical. ;)

Yeah, I got a bit of a reaming. Having a read though, I did act like your typical 16yo kid though when approached. Gave a bit of lip. I was probably cheesed off because Lunicant had just multikilled said ninja (ie, feed those malforms baby) yet I killed him once and got a reaming. Not like a vamp gains any power from killing. I killed him once and left his gear in his corpse.

Obviously some people fail to remember that I wasn't exactly favoured by the gods. I once got slain for saying the word 'okay'. Apparently it isn't in medieval theme.

Ah well, all of that was 8 years ago now. I have matured (I hope), and past quarrels are settled.

Back to Moriath. He was a unit. Although he didn't exactly lay the smack down on Loucheran, he was certainly a handful. Louchey was pretty decked out and Knight leader so wasn't exactly lacking. Louchey ended up being wiped from existence by Sirant in the plot where he turned to the dark side. Ah, thems the days. Does spiser still float around?

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Loucheran was a BEAAAST. I was so glad I was a Knight at that time. ;)

Slith(before the changes), Warrior, Praetorian L, and Avatar. It was ugly.

I remember committing suicide with my monk due to the betrayal etc. He just couldn't take it and Moriath helped push 'em over the edge. It was good fun.

Despy doesn't lurk that I know of. Though I sure would be glad to see him around.

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Loucheran wasn't an Avatar. My other slith warrior, Sslandith, was, however. Haha, I never really saw many slith characters around before Loucheran. Thought I'd give them a go. Quite frankly, they were hugely overpowered then :) I actually considered Sslandith stronger then Loucheran. More well rounded as well. Loucheran was all about damage. This lead to frustration against Shamans. I tossed a bit of saves in on Sslandith and found this much better overall.

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This is another one of those ideas that has floated along for a long time. This is not directed towards you Twinblades' date=' you just happened to be the one to mention it. For the clarification of the general populace, the idea that the charger can flee and return before the victim has time to do anything is a MYTH. The charger and victim are lagged the [b']same amount of time in all cases regarding minotaurs. If you don't have time to do anything, it is because you have already entered one or more commands.

However if the victim casts a one round spell immediately after the charge. The charger can flee and return and charge again before the lag from that one round spell wears off. So that one spell you cast basically costs you two charges at four rounds of melee. That was probably the only thing I saw that could use some tweaking with minos against those select few classes.

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However if the victim casts a one round spell immediately after the charge. The charger can flee and return and charge again before the lag from that one round spell wears off. So that one spell you cast basically costs you two charges at four rounds of melee. That was probably the only thing I saw that could use some tweaking with minos against those select few classes.

Thank you Tass!

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People need to stop seeing the ninja class as a class that is played as EITHER an assassinate class, or a melee class exclusively. Their chosen ninjitsu will augment their melee or assassinate capability but because you chose falcon eye doesn't mean you can't melee, and because you chose shadow arts doesn't mean you can't study/assassinate.

Take whatever ninjitsu you want, and use the perks that come with being a rogue to determine the best way to take down your foe. Decked Ogre Warrior, and you have lotus scourge? Study, assassinate. Par-equipped Ogre Ranger who you see unprepared and you're decked with magic weapons and you have falcon eye? Potentially more efficient to fight it out melee/hit-and-run style.


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Yes' date=' I believe the charge lag is the same, but couple that with the lag you get from being fled from. That's where they get the edge, I believe. If you could move immediately after they flee, it wouldn't be as bad a problem, although it'd still be a problem. I think that's where the lag accumulates.[/quote']

There is no lag to the person being fled from. There is lag to the person that is fleeing though (ie, the mino).

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There is no lag to the person being fled from. There is lag to the person that is fleeing though (ie' date=' the mino).[/quote']

So if your a caster/communer and you are getting low on hp and need to dance around, if you get charged and flee, he can keep you lagged and in combat. You can only flee.

Seems a bit much.

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Tetsunai was the only ninja I never managed to kill. He didn't manage to kill me either though, although I'd have been getting close to getting assassinated one time trying to tail him. He was too quick though :) Barnok & Moriath I killed a number of times. Barnok did kill my undead monk once though. Dual acid blast scroll whilst I was sleeping (half dead off the bat), stupid shadowstrike that wasn't dodgable and then autothrows out the arse. Basically, I got caught with my pants down.

On second thought, appears I must have killed Tet. Found a log where I was taking a reaming for an imm for killing too many people and the topic arose. Just on the experience I recall I was running around in circles in Val Miran and just couldn't tag him. After about 12-16 in games hours of doing this, I got the hell out of there.

Heh, I remember that. I had a full study on you and I was waiting for you to come back then you logged, saddest day of my life =)

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So if your a caster/communer and you are getting low on hp and need to dance around, if you get charged and flee, he can keep you lagged and in combat. You can only flee.

Seems a bit much.

I'm not exactly sure what you're saying but let me try to explain further. If the charger charges you and flees, you will be able to move/iniiate a command at exactly the same time he fled you might even get an attack off before he's able to flee. What happens while you wait for the lag from that command is a different story, you have to make it count.

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Heh' date=' I remember that. I had a full study on you and I was waiting for you to come back then you logged, saddest day of my life =)[/quote']

I knew what was going on brother :) I know when to make tracks. Your silly taunts saying you were scared and what not didn't help your cause either. :)

Good to see you around mate.


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However if the victim casts a one round spell immediately after the charge. The charger can flee and return and charge again before the lag from that one round spell wears off. So that one spell you cast basically costs you two charges at four rounds of melee. That was probably the only thing I saw that could use some tweaking with minos against those select few classes.

Which is the same thing as getting triplocked because you put in a command instead of a flee and lose that one command you can often enter between trips. Or getting bodyslam/bashlocked by entering a dirt (or other command) after being bashed. What you pointed out is in no way unique to mino chargers...

If what you are trying to say is that the ability to lag (read: lag, not lock) a c/c with some consistency (but without a lock) is "overpowered", than that is a different story. I am not entirely opposed to that idea; if that is what you are trying to say, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.

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I'm not exactly sure what you're saying but let me try to explain further. If the charger charges you and flees' date=' you will be able to move/iniiate a command at exactly the same time he fled you might even get an attack off before he's able to flee. What happens while you wait for the lag from that command is a different story, you have to make it count.[/quote']

I think you misunderstood me. Let me explain.

Mino charges cleric. Cleric fights Mino. Cleric needs to heal. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric before cleric's flee lag wears off. Rinse, repeat. I say that is a bit much.

I would also like to add that I have been completely charge locked for 3 charges. After the first charge I entered, "cast word of recall" The word of recall went through after I died. I will add that I had NO previous commands entered. So it IS possible, regardless of what has been said. I've experienced it. Is it common? I'm not sure, I didn't stick around to find out. But it has happened before.

I see no reason the mino should be lagged the same as the cleric. I say mino is lagged 2 rounds, cleric lagged for 1.5. Or just put in the charge timer, I think that is most fair.

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I've experienced similar. I know what you're saying Zhokril, but I've literally sat and waited to see my command get through. If it got through, and THEN I was charged again, I wouldn't be calling it a chargelock, because I wouldn't be locked into doing nothing from lag. I literally waited for the spell to fire, and it didn't come. :) Then as a ghost I recall, or don't have enough mana to. Literally.

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I've experienced similar. I know what you're saying Zhokril' date=' but I've literally sat and waited to see my command get through. If it got through, and THEN I was charged again, I wouldn't be calling it a chargelock, because I wouldn't be locked into doing nothing from lag. I literally waited for the spell to fire, and it didn't come. :) Then as a ghost I recall, or don't have enough mana to. Literally.[/quote']

The only possible case where this could happen is if your existing lag was longer than 2 rounds already before the charge, in which case the greater lag (the original > charge lag) would remain. Barring that, I can tell you with 99% certainty that you are remembering incorrectly. I don't mean to devalue what you remember, but the code does not lie or make mistakes.

And I can tell you with 100% certainty that the case of charge you are discussing does not work differently than any other skill which lags the char and victim equal time. (ie, a bash lagging both the char and victim 2 rounds)

EDIT: I should also add that, to duly investigate your claim, I reviewed every log posted of Lamah's fights on prayer forum, of which there are a considerable number, and charge behaved exactly as I described in every case. (and the charge/flee/charge tactic was used many times)

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Mino charges cleric. Cleric fights Mino. Cleric needs to heal. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric before cleric's flee lag wears off. Rinse' date=' repeat. I say that is a bit much.[/quote']

I would agree with your assessment of this particular scenario. We will discuss it among the staff and make appropriate changes if deemed necessary.

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