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Ninja Melee Viability


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Guest emp_newb
Mino charges cleric. Cleric fights Mino. Cleric needs to heal. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric before cleric's flee lag wears off. Rinse' date=' repeat. I say that is a bit much. [/quote']

Jesus christ man. Stop already. If cleric is fleeing, maybe he should cast word, casting is also not your only option. You can enlarge yourself, lowering that lag, you can also start combat on the mino. There are several sockets, and abilities, that blind characters, there is also the thought that maybe minos need a boost vs casters. What is it gonna be if Minos get the nerf bat? Your making it safer for casters, and harder for melee. It has been proven countless times that casters get it a bit easier than melee. Also factor in the connection you have to the web, you have said it is not up to par, so half that lag can easily be your bad connection. If you are getting tuned because of fleeing, and them chasing you into the next room, DO NOT FLEE. You have orbs of recall, potions of recall, stones of recall, AND the spell word of recall. If you get charged to death because you do not know when you use recall, then maybe that would be the problem.

Minotaurs have a strong ability yes. But lets go over this list:

Minotaur - charge

Stone - Boulder throw

storm - water bonus

fire - fire weapon bonus bash bonus

ogre - regen and health bonus

Human- magical effect bonus

slith - Varying from camo, to dirt protection

Faerie- autofly and sneak

Avian - nice recall, autofly

Dwarf - mag resist, high con

Halfer - Random thiefy bonuses, mag resist

Drow/elf- Autosneak

You can use ANY of these abilities in ways that make you far FAR nastier. To say that people get lag locked by a melee character is overpowered, well that is just silly. Melee can lag the mino just the same, if not harder. Casters can open in melee. for christ sake every class has access to the spell calm, if you do not know where, Im not telling you. That nullifies charge. Slow nullifies charge.

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EDIT: Nevermind. I'm dropping out of this thread. I've made my points and said what I need to say. No point in debating further. If the Imms agree with me they do, if not they won't. If anyone wants clarification with anything I've said. PM me.

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I arrived late, but i would like to add my input.

Minotaurs get:

- Giant Size.

- Charge with any weapon.

- Wield 2 handed axes in offhand plus another in main hand.

- Racial Axe and Charger.

- Only Giant size race with no Vulnerability to Mental.

- Good meele Stats. Think not ? Go play a Human.

- Ability to charge and LAG with no cool down timer.

Minotaur berserker get increased charge damage.

I personaly do not have yet any issue with Minotar Zerks Charge, because the ones i fought had to use skills in PK, if they ever wished to defeat me.

But Multiple Lag charge on Mino Warriors is overkill.

They can just flee charge you over and over and a Caster/Communer cannot do anything. While they keep using all their Class Strengths, the Meele.

A warrior has four attacks for each hand coupled with Fired Weapons.

A Berserker only has 3 attacks for each hand but if he choses to dual wield he only keeps two defenses, or one in case of Raging.

A cleric needs to flee and heal, and a Mage to Cast spells. That is why they have Protective shield and easy access to Flight.

Can we please remove the Minotaurs Charge lag from Mino WARRIORS ?

They do not need it.

Also, about Paladins charge.

Paladins can Mounted charge you ONCE and Lag you, then they can charge you again, but they only deal damage and no lag, and they lose the extra damage from Mounted combat.

I do not see why it is not the same with Minotaurs.

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Why would anyone want to play a mino warrior if the lag from charge is made like the rest?

As someone said previously, the lag from charge is same for the mino and for the target. Then the mino has to flee, scan, enter the room AND charge again. If that is not enough time for the communer to run/recall away and heal, then perhaps one should look at his own skills.

As for casters - invokers have firestorm, battlemages have mirror image, necromancers have zombies.

Meles have counter/dirt.

Wont even get into DKNs and the damn warlock...

Paladins, why charge at all and risk to be countered when you can bash straight?

If mino warriors are nerfed then we will have just one less race that is good for warriors.

[edit] I've played a warmaster mino warrior and believe me, it is nowhere as easy/effective to do the charge/flee/charge thing as some of you make it sound. Yes it gives you a big edge over mages, but only against mages who ain't very bright.

[edit2] And I won't even get into the situation when you have to fight strong mele combos.

[edit3] Just remember this thread is about ninja mele viability, so sorry for the offtopic :(

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Why would anyone want to play a mino warrior if the lag from charge is made like the rest?

Why would anyone play a Stone Warrior when they can now play a lagging charging mino ?

How about for all the other racial perks ?

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Why would anyone play a Stone Warrior when they can now play a lagging charging mino ?

How about for all the other racial perks ?

The point is that you are taking away the only useful racial perk minos have. Stone giants have some of the best racial perks in the game I am sure you know that.

The last mino warrior that pwned the PB was Lamah and he was played by one of the best PKers this mud has.

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I don't want to be a jerk' date=' but I must add... Lamah owned when he was decked. Not before, not after. He was decked only for his reign. He was deleted after he lost his eq. ;)[/quote']

And how do you think I got my eq? I earned a piece more with each battle. And the reason behind my death is the same as usual I get careless and just go balls out before my deployments which usually results in my death. I'm sure I easily could've made a rise again. Additionally I did not delete and still have him around just so I can own each of your chars again, jerk. ;)

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Which is the same thing as getting triplocked because you put in a command instead of a flee and lose that one command you can often enter between trips. Or getting bodyslam/bashlocked by entering a dirt (or other command) after being bashed. What you pointed out is in no way unique to mino chargers...

If what you are trying to say is that the ability to lag (read: lag, not lock) a c/c with some consistency (but without a lock) is "overpowered", than that is a different story. I am not entirely opposed to that idea; if that is what you are trying to say, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.

You are quite right, if you cast a spell instead of a flee you lose that opportunity. But the difference between trip/bash in these cases and only in these select few cases is that charge becomes a tactic used that may not have been intended to be used that way.

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I think you misunderstood me. Let me explain.

Mino charges cleric. Cleric fights Mino. Cleric needs to heal. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric. Cleric flees. Mino charges cleric before cleric's flee lag wears off. Rinse, repeat. I say that is a bit much.

I would also like to add that I have been completely charge locked for 3 charges. After the first charge I entered, "cast word of recall" The word of recall went through after I died. I will add that I had NO previous commands entered. So it IS possible, regardless of what has been said. I've experienced it. Is it common? I'm not sure, I didn't stick around to find out. But it has happened before.

I see no reason the mino should be lagged the same as the cleric. I say mino is lagged 2 rounds, cleric lagged for 1.5. Or just put in the charge timer, I think that is most fair.

Well regardless of what you say the only reason the mino is able to come right in after you and charge again is because you are too slow or entered too many flees trying to get away. I remember Brendyn used alot of different tactics to stop this tactic against me. Maybe you should ask him for advice. ;)

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Well regardless of what you say the only reason the mino is able to come right in after you and charge again is because you are too slow or entered too many flees trying to get away. I remember Brendyn used alot of different tactics to stop this tactic against me. Maybe you should ask him for advice. ;)

Sorry Tass, but you're wrong. You are lagged when you flee. All the mino does is follow where you went and charge again(VERY easy if you're not an autosneak race). If the Mino is fast(Which isn't hard) then he can charge again before the flee lag wears off.

Say whatever you like but the speed of the victim means nothing if the Mino has slightly above basic PK skills.

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Most of the mino/charge thing is only possible to those who make triggers to exploit it.

I think Tassin has a death or two against people who exploited those triggers in turn...

I remember when I found out someone had a trigger to drink from every spring. Needless to say, the chasm was soon full of springs and someone got killed while turning off his trigger. :P

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how the **** did you turn this into another charge is OP thread mudder?

This thread got de-railed a while back...it seems that Mino Charge is quite the hot topic. Also, there's only of handful of forum posters that seem to respond regularly.

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This thread got de-railed a while back...it seems that Mino Charge is quite the hot topic. Also' date=' there's only of handful of forum posters that seem to respond regularly.[/quote']

lolol every topic is the zerker and mino charge topic this week.

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