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Con vs. Luck; A quirk about HP gain


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Ok For the first 30 levels of my character I had max con (20 halfling) and I gained exactly 14.67 hit points on the average per level, I carefully watched my luck and wore the appropriate items to maximize it.

The last 6 levels I have gained, I had 18 or 17 con at each level point and I have no idea what my luck was, because ,frankly, I just didnt care. My gains were as follows:

15 16 16 15 16 16

All I've got to say is WTF^^

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I'll say one thing. My current char has crap for hp. My halfling warrior had more hp. My illithid Necro has the same hp. Its disgusting...

I bet you get more HP with the less con you have! Mawahaha! Damn dirty imms tricking us saying, "Max your con out as fast as you can so you have more hp!"

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Just keep in mind that there is a bit of randomness to it, so you could just be getting lucky/screwed by probability.

But I do the same thing, keep track of amount gained per rank and such, and I am pretty sure it's necromancers who have the worst hp per rank. I'd bet Fiere's life on it.


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Hey, Fiere, it's a safe bet. ;)

Anyways, near as I can tell, it's based on two things. Class and Consitution. I've noticed nothing else that seems to affect it, outside of maybe luck.

I think the basic elements of FL are elegant in their simplicity, and I think that because of how smooth things run, how great a coder Viri was and Behrens is, and that everyone talks about how things must have so many different facettes, but the game rarely crashes.

I mean, think about it, something as intrinisc to a mud as level advancement makes no sense to be complicated. It's a simple problem, why not give it a simple solution? Maybe I'm wrong, I do know very little about coding.


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I find I get more HP gains with less luck, so go figure.

I also find that if you gain a rank with max hp and low mana, or max mana and low hp it tends to be a worse gain. If you are both low on mana and hp, or maxed in both then the gains tend to be higher.

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I'd venture, given the system that's obviously in effect with moves, that when you create a character with a certain class/race combo, there is a certain eventual level 50 ideal of what your hp/mana/mv should end up being. Over playing quite a few characters, my theory (*ahem* ... lighting up the pipe) is that as you get closer to 50, your hp gains are based on how far from this ideal limit you are. So if you have gotten crap hp gains your first several levels, as you get closer to 50, your luck and con matters less and less, as the mud code tries to compensate and give you better or worse gains to give you the level 50 char that has been coded as being balanced. I have seen so many chars over the years in the same race/class combo that always end up being really damned closed in hp/mana/move to think that it's purely based on 50 random numbers with some multipliers ... it seems to me there has to be some tweakage to make sure people don't get overly lucky or unlucky.

edit: And if I was coding a mud, I would put something like that in, so that once people go to 50 and had nothing to do but kill each other, there was an almost certain chance that the hp/mana/mv gains people had achieved would end up being balanced, so that the game among the 50's was fair. And I know Viri was a genius, having more or less worshipped him IRL when I first started playing this game, so I'd venture he put something like that in to make sure things worked out.

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