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Con vs. Luck; A quirk about HP gain


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I too think it is something along the lines of what Sinevestos posted, because of the way I applied HP-trains on two previous characters.(Which I tinkered with because I remember someone on the old forums saying to always save your HP trains until pinn).

I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but say a Feral Ninja should have about 700-750hp base, at pinn. Lets say 750, and we'll just use avarage figures for the sake of ease of mathematics. 750, minus a starting hp of 30 would equal 720, and them divide that by 50. Ends up at being about 14/15 hp per rank if the mechanics wanted the character to end up with about that HP (if that is true, there is still a somewhat wide range as to the base HP at pinn). Now if a character pumps 70hp's worth of HP into their character via trains at level fourty:

Without the trains you'd expect them to have somewhere in the region of 600hp at fourty. Which would mean that the last ten ranks, a still steady 14/15 hp per rank (remember, I'm still using average figures here, not saying that you'll get steady figures every rank) to make that final 700-750.

But oh no! Feral Ninja has ramped 70hp on top of that at rank fourty. So he now has 670hp at rank fourty. Now in ten ranks, he's got to get roughly 80hp to make that base avarage of 750. Now, it's 8hp per rank.

None of the above is using any factual figures or evidence, I'm just showing what I think the system is. I haven't bothered rolling any pinns to test this out, and again, luck will have a pretty big impact on the results anyway.

And well, I still could be wrong.


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To be quite fair' date=' I agree that to a certain degree that it's insignificant in the long run. Quite similar to to those who roll for hours just to get that extra 20 hp... ;) [/quote']

20 hp ain't crap til you win a pk and have 9 hp left

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Ifs and buts. It's like saying "Because I was born after you, I'm going to live longer than you."

Just because you got a couple of extra trains at the start, who's to say you're going to have 20hp more than what you might have normally had? The course of luck throughough your ranking means you might happen to get a little less than avarage HP gain in total at fifty.. ;):D


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20 hp ain't crap til you win a pk and have 9 hp left

Closest PK win I've ever had... fighting a zerk, his attacks are coming first in combat, I get taken to -3 hp, figure I'm done for... tick happens, I heal up to about 10 hp, his rage wears off and it stuns him.

Sometimes, that tiny bit of HP makes the difference.

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Oger zerk once i had 300 at lvl 10' date=' 600 at lvl 20. Exactly. :P[/quote']

I failed to mention this, but I also delete all ogres at lvl 10 that don't have 300 hp. And an ogre serker can easily break 700 at lvl 20 with the stout perk.

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my zerker had 800-900 hp by the time he was in the 20's

I have never rolledan ogre,but my guess is you are being way too vague. I would agree that an ogre zerk could have an 800 base hp at 29, but 900 base in low 20's, thats pure BS.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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