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Although the spell itself is quite powerful, there is still only one main spell the cleric can use to harm you. If you protect against that well enough, it will become less of a problem.

I can recall one of the (huge) threads in question, and quite a few of the older players posted how best to work against this skill. I tried a few methods out and found that the one above works well.


You might want to look at the above thread.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a very powerful spell. In my own view, it would need toning down only very slightly (reducing how many ticks you are affected by, by a small amount, or reduce the mana loss that goes with it slightly) but other than that, I've learnt to get around it.


EDIT: Just thought I'd add, you still have to be able to lay it down quite thick onto the cleric, else eventually even the saved-against path damage will wear you. Oh, and good luck ministered against clerics with good melee damage... :D

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I was just thinking a nice fix for it would be to have the affects of sermon only hit you if the cleric is in the same area as you on the tick. This will make it so if the cleric can't chase, the effect won't last, and the victim will have an easier time getting away. But in the hands of a skilled chaser, there won't be much lost from the spell. From an RP standpoint it makes sense, as you're too far away to hear them.

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Certain game mechanisms fully support the theory of a sermon being heard from far away...applying logic to many skills/spells, even if it roughly RP based, will never fit perfectly. Why can I talk to a person 7 areas away from me with this neat 'tell' ability? Same line of thought would toss tells into a 'they can't hear you' range of x area distance.

Not meant to be picky, just saying that RP logic doesn't have a clean line to follow.

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Okay, from my point of view, having played two Evil Clerics for longer than I care to remember, is the following:

Minister is powerful, yes. But you should never be allowing yourself to fight a Cleric in a prolonged combat. If someone can straight up knock you seven ways to sunday, and you don't get the chance to use your prayers, you are toast. If you have enough time to curse, minister, you will usually have your way with them.

And if you are getting straight up outdamaged by a Cleric, run. Just don't stick around. Because they can and will run and heal.

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Considering there is silence, which totally ****s a mage ... and blasphemy, that totally ****s a cleric ... my two cents is that minister is annoying, and can be deadly, but I don't think it's any worse than either of those.

Oh, wait, and sleep ... basically insta-death.

Oh, and assassinate ... literally insta-death.

And rapid fired arrows. And cleave. And voodoo. And hellstream. And every damned thing blademasters can do to whatever race they specialize in. There's a lot of things that can seriously suck to be on the receiving end of. The question, I think, is whether clerics would still be any fun to play if they didn't get minister.

Oh, and as far as fire giant clerics ... they totally own. Someday, I might take the time to play one and manage to go through the inSANE amount of time to train it enough to be kick***. But IMHO, considering the time required to fully train a FG cleric, they're practically a remort quest race/class combo ... you just don't have to get approved for it. So yeah, they're gonna be sweet ... but then, there are also certain classes that can own a FG cleric too. All back to the rock, paper, scissors game.

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Seriously, I was just coming up with a way to tone minister just a bit. The help file could be edited a bit if needed. As it stands the spell does land very easily, and makes the chasing/running away game too easy on the cleric. My idea wouldn't change too much, but maybe just enough.

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here's an idea: don't attack prepared opponents. I suck at the system. I don't know the best gear. I don't even know the decent gear. But I know how to lay in wait and beat the hell out of someone who has his pants down. And then ID all their bling.

edit: second idea: don't be that guy with their pants down for me to beat the crap out of. read the sig

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Minister should be affected by the cleric's wisdom compared to the opponents wisdom. If you scrutinize it, minister is putting someone's sermon in another person's mind. You won't see the priest five blocks from your house convincing the dali lama that God is great.

Also, wouldn't it make sense if ministers from different gods do different things? This might be far fetched, but I don't think a priest of Dischord would preach the same thing as a priest of Order.

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Minister should be affected by the cleric's wisdom compared to the opponents wisdom. If you scrutinize it' date=' minister is putting someone's sermon in another person's mind. You won't see the priest five blocks from your house convincing the dali lama that God is great.[/quote']

If you really scrutinize it, minister is someone's god putting someone's sermon in another person's mind.

Also' date=' wouldn't it make sense if ministers from different gods do different things? This might be far fetched, but I don't think a priest of Dischord would preach the same thing as a priest of Order.[/quote']

Annoying is annoying and that is all it is really supposed to be. Think of it as your mom/girlfriend/wife nagging the crap out of you for no good reason.

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I'd have to disagree. Minister is a priest using his wisdom and charisma and 'convincing' others of their beliefs. The priest is putting his BELIEF'S into someone else's mind, not his God.

Are you trying to tell me that every catholic priest and christian priest that preaches is God's way (if there is a God, I'm agnostic) of putting that priests sermon into another person's mind? I would think that would be quite overpowering, since God has unlimited power.

Every priest is different. The more successful ones have either studied the Bible in a more in depth fashion or is better at relaying what he learned. He also referes to the Bible in troubling times to find a guidance. You hear all the time of different people going to priests regarding their problems. The priest doesn't speak to God and abide what God says, but he interprets what he believes God said in accordance to what he learned (the Bible).

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