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Ok, seriously..

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I've been trying to come up with politically correct way to respond to this thread. Unfortunately, I'm not very politically correct.

As a veteran player since early 1.0, I've seen MANY of this type of thread from new players. In fact, many of the players who have been playing for years have once made this very same claim. I've seen them grow over the years into very good players because they took my advice, the sam,e advice I am going to give you now. So please take it with a grain of salt, and actually put it into use. You will see it work. I guarantee it.

1. Shut up and listen to people. It's amazing how much people will tell you if you quit complaining. (This is the salt portion.)

2. Ask questions. Lots of questions.

3. ID everything.

4. Log your battles. Look over logs in which you both won and lost. Look to see HOW you lost, and HOW the other player won. Correct your mistakes, and avoid the opponents advantages.

5. Fight smart. Use the terrain, time of day, your opponents strategies, your opponents weaknesses and your strengths to your advantage.

6. WHERE PK every 3-5 seconds. Don't be surprised. Treat every other payer as someone coming to get you. Paranoia is your friend.

7. Learn patience. You will not, as a new player, be a badass from the get-go. There are a million subtle things that takes time to grasp in FL. This is perhaps the biggest thing new players struggle with. The curve is steep.

8. Take deaths as a learning experience, and apply it to future characters.

9. Realize that nothing will be handed to you.

10. Explore everywhere trying to open every direction, including 'open secret'.

11. PK before 50 can be beneficial, but PK sub-30 is pointless.


13. Consumables are a must. Learn where and how to find them, and most important, WHEN to use them.

14. Don't run your mouth IG, and then be surprised when you are targeted. That's just asinine.

15. YOU WILL DIE. ALOT. My first 50 used to take multiple deaths daily from a HOF character. And I learned the most from it. I didn't complain, I just regeared and came back for more.

16. Get to 50! It's an entirely different ballgame. It may be tougher, but it will teach you more than 30.

17. Did I mention be paranoid?

18. Don't be afraid to RP what you want, but be prepared for people to RP in kind. This includes IMMs and players alike.

19. Have fun. If you don't have fun, don't play.

20. Do your homework! This includes logging, exploring, IDing, mapping, questing, practicing and developing strategies and counter-strategies.

I have many more, but hey, let's be honest. Until I see effort, it doesn't make me wanna help.

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I tried to interact with Xhan, but he you just were typing "slap repeativily, so I bountied you with 100,000k gold... I was trying to be sweet but you weren't interested at all, so yeah... I think like a hour or two later, I received a note saying The bounty as been claimed, and I shrugged then giggled then carried on playing.

Why be so nasty to every character that comes into contact, if you're new, why would you RP such a aggressive character, how will you learn, when your making so many enemies.

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I tried to interact with Xhan, but he you just were typing "slap repeativily, so I bountied you with 100,000k gold... I was trying to be sweet but you weren't interested at all, so yeah... I think like a hour or two later, I received a note saying The bounty as been claimed, and I shrugged then giggled then carried on playing.

Why be so nasty to every character that comes into contact, if you're new, why would you RP such a aggressive character, how will you learn, when your making so many enemies.

Good point.

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Rudsvinn's backstab vs Arvelo? :eek:

Well I never put out that I played Arvelo. But since you already have I'll tell you his story. I ended up beating Rudsvinn a few times. And I know how thief/syndie skills work. I knew you'd be after me and bloodthirsty for revenge and I knew that at that moment I had to spend most of my time watching you and concentrating on pk if I wanted to survive and keep my godlike gear, rather than focus on my original goal of becoming a Crusader and rp'ing, so I had to let you kill me and take your wares back. Didn't you think it was funny how I stayed in the elf city in a one room exit?

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I recall SEVERAL posts that -very- obviously eluded to you playing Arvelo' date=' Tass. I've known for awhile just cause of that, heh. I don't know if I could go find them, but that's how I figured, anyway. :)[/quote']

Really? Could you point them out to me? I recall eluding who I play in one thread but I thought the only person that would know would be the one directly involved.

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Really? Could you point them out to me? I recall eluding who I play in one thread but I thought the only person that would know would be the one directly involved.

On this one, at the time, you and Thorodr were virtually the only (active wms). At the end of the post you say noooo. His only shoutout was to you. That was a hint.


I couldn't find any more, but it was the attitude of your posts when talking about good and evil chars. I noticed you NEVER fought a goodie (for obvious reasons) and you had a couple of vendettas with people like Rudsvinn and Loquaciant, Hainasf and Scorvale. All very evil characters.

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Really? Could you point them out to me? I recall eluding who I play in one thread but I thought the only person that would know would be the one directly involved.

Heh, the first moment I saw and talked to Arvelo, I knew it was you :P

You have some VERY characterstic patterns which you follow with most of your characters.

It was really tough and fun for me though, dying to Drayson and losing most of my better wares then having Arvelo help me re-equip and give me advices how to fight dark knights while I knew both characters are played by the same person :P

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Heh, the first moment I saw and talked to Arvelo, I knew it was you :P

You have some VERY characterstic patterns which you follow with most of your characters.

It was really tough and fun for me though, dying to Drayson and losing most of my better wares then having Arvelo help me re-equip and give me advices how to fight dark knights while I knew both characters are played by the same person :P

I did that? Oh man that must've been funny for the both of us at the time. I remember that thread now, I thought most would think I'm a random player showing his displeasure. ;)

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Just don't get to the point that a lot of us have been at, where you're able to rank and train a character in 20ish hours, and then you just don't care about what happens to them.

Find a happy medium between investing time in your characters and caring about what happens to them, while realizing that every death/full loot isn't the end of the world.

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I wanna take a second and apologize. I kinda blew up in here. as for xhan' date=' whats done is done, delete and move on. but i did take things too personal. for that, i am sorry.[/quote']

That comment definitely deserves respect. Stick around, have fun. Ironically the fun time aren't always the, "fun," times. You build a relationship with your character by sticking through the good and the bad. Kind of like real life. :)

Good to have you in the community, and I hope you stay for a long time.

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