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Behrens and Malch... :D ...and anyone who disagrees with me.

Oh? You mean in game? Anyone who plays what I consider an 'overpowered' race/class/cabal combination (and do so without anything interesting in terms of their RP) or people who go (more than) half ooc in their RP.

Back in the old days it used to be UC. Now, anyone who faces my passive aggressive lacking-any-pk-skill chars...

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On the forums it is Mudder' date=' even those his feeble opposition is nothing when faced with the wicked edge of the chakram that is my wit.[/quote']

I want to reply, but at the same time I don't want to dignify this with a response... So I will do both. Sorta. ;)

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Depends on the character. Egui I had Messalantha and Olom I believe. Joruiss it was Messalantha, got her to 12 hp and she barely fled. Coterparens my Undead Thief was probably Barnok. Chomba was Jevras or however and that Islildien. Flortia wasn't anyone, I didn't get to fully flesh her out before I quit. Anymore though I know only who a very few select people play and I ignore it, it's fun knowing, but it's better to find out, "Holy crap, I got my *** handed by who!?!" Or vice versa. I've had a lot of fun fights where I spent a good half hour or hour trying to fight them off without killing them or just doing Cabal warfare. I feel accomplished when I can fight someone off and live especially multiple persons than just killing someone.

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Fighting Egui was extremely masochistic. Don't think I ever managed to get him. *mutters about gating healers with saves way too good to ever stop the gating around*

Arch - enemies... hmm.

Spiser usually was able to kick me around with his morts.

Don't think I had an arch-enemy on Messa though, char was too longlived to give that to one other char specifically. Fighting Pomisu (Tribby necro traven lover) made me change my saves from affl to mental after that one incident that still can be seen in the pk logs I think. (Dispel -> loose flight -> not able to enter ONE command till capped) Problem didn't reoccur after that.

As my other chars, I'd say a couple Knight elders, though I managed to kill some. Fighting that ranger guy was extremely fun on Askarran.

Lamah also was quite horrible to fight when decked and Watcher Elder. Didn't enjoy that one bit. Didn't really have the right char to fight him at the time either.

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I used to sign on early mornings with Aliander just to fight Messalantha, I never killed her, she killed me numerous times. But it would always be close, so close in fact that towards the end I had to get someone to put a bounty on me for her to come. I miss those days, or figthing Elloran and Leomyre with Cyclopant.

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Ya, I think Paraxus was the First Doomblade Elder in Nexus. Was pretty proud of that one.

However, My arch Nemesis was Ninja's.. Any ninja that had patience and could assassinate me without me even knowing they were about in the lands.

There were like three of them.. There names fail me. One was A something.. Aeril or something. The other was The Leader of the Knights.. and who was the third.... Some neutra ninja.. K something. Bloody hell it was a long time ago.

But ya, those ninjas.

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