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Using the numberpad to move

where pk

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I seen someone mention this in another post and I was curious "how many people use the numberpad"? I could see where it could be useful when chasing someone. You could use your right hand to...move... and your left hand to enter attack commands. I have never used it, but it does seem like a good tactic.

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I use Matt's targetting script for MUSHClient.

Number pad to use, f5 - 512 are macro'd with variable@target. Tar xxx changes the target value, sf5 xxx changes the variable for f5. f2 gets;wields my choice of two handed weapon, f3 gets;wields 1 handed weapon plus shield, f4 gets;wields weapon and dual weapon.

I then have about a million alias' for rp positions, poses, commonly used pmotes smotes etc.. and use a variation on warpnow's say alias for different pmotes/smotes for say1 - say10. I use a bunch of 2 letter aliases for things like open back;get dragon back;sheath;hold dragon; bran;rem dragon;put dragon back;close back;draw etc..

Aliasing put * * to open %2;put %1 %2;close %2 and get the same really helped with keeping containers closed and getting things out in a pinch.

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