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Well...as my personal ideals do not allow me to vote for anything but the absolute best...we have steps to be made. Big ones...ones regarding maturity and not being asshats. It isn't votes that will get people to stick and stay...its making the conscious choices to not drive people away with your play.

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Seriously, if people keep the whining that will surely drive me away soon.

I got killed - whine whine whine.

I got looted - whine whine whine.

I got killed by a pin while I am rank 43 - whine whine whine


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Seriously, if people keep the whining that will surely drive me away soon.

I got killed - whine whine whine.

I got looted - whine whine whine.

I got killed by a pin while I am rank 43 - whine whine whine


Thanks for making my point for me. Harden Up doesn't work, particularly if you want new people...hell it doesn't work if you want to retain non-masochistic current players.

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I keep trying anyway because its just a game' date=' but Jesus, logging on is like walking into a den of lions wearing a sick wildebeast suit.[/quote']

That would be the exact reason I can't vote for FL. Random people you've never met attacking you (not RP), pit rape of naked people who you've never met before (dick and not RP), and the general Stalin feel to the power structure of the game. "You are not meant to know, and if you even mention it to anyone you will be shot."

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Well perhaps then we should have a section of the forums which can be used to name such characters? I don't know, I haven't had such experiences mostly because I am VERY paranoid.

The other day some Mino zerker told me he's got a shadow plate with a demon tongue he doesn't need and will give it to me. Before I entered the area of the meeting, I prepared myself for a battle, just in case. When we met, he attacked me. I killed him. Then he was surprised why I fully looted him.

I don't know, but I got the feeling that it is you guys who have became quite soft.

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