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Man.. Everyone is Building a new CHAR!


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I was on today... and I couldn't believe out of 18 people I was the only one pinned...

I guess this is a GREAT time to start a new char.. Lost of group mates.

Duerg ] Mhodis Blackfire the Duergar Turtle-in-a-Shell

[ Naga ] Yxcelyss Celyxyss the Blade of Piety

[ Gnome ] Raoden Salarus the Master of Verse

[ Drow ] Entai Shadar the Koshi Garuma

[ Human ] Rhaalius the Adept of Metal

[ Duerg ] Usoan the Master of Iron

[ Human ] Kennith Wiley the Healer-Knight

[ O-Gia ] Oorik Fflass the Greater Berserker

[ Drow ] Zrtuhl the Veteran

[ Dwarf ] Askeladd Mordred the Master Destroyer

[ Feral ] Gaerguth the Initiate of Fear

[ Human ] Arstothalees Gaibriel the Templar Colonel

[ Beast ] Aithergue the Warder General

[ Human ] Arlaine Flairbant the Mistress of the Body

[50 Slith Bla] [sYNDICATE] (Cartel [T]) Wuzor Ruz the Doomblade

[ Dwarf ] Tualgri Runecutter the Healer of Blindness

[ Beast ] Nirana Rialdiran the Ranger of the First Circle

[ Dwarf ] Zwarden Hares the Entrusted

[ Beast ] Kraximet the Master of the Green Circle

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And here I thought you were going to branch out and try something new :P

Ya I know Celerity.. I was going to. But I figure I start out with a doomblade just to gt back in action.

Rolling up a shaman now.. Never played one of those before.

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Hey, there were some people who didn't know you were Arvelo... while it was obvious. :D Same people prolly didn't know he was Wuzor.

Tassin, I read that a second time... and it doesn't make any sense at all. Hehe.

Haha you're right, it doesn't make any sense to me either. I meant to say 'was instead of wasn't. I understand how most didn't know I played Arvelo. I usually play across several different classes. But guys like Sarcon who always plays blms and Boy Kid Wonder and that other guy who always plays rangers and Aulian who always plays watchers and seems to always be able to obtain the same few pieces of gear it becomes pretty obvious.

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Haha you're right' date=' it doesn't make any sense to me either. I meant to say 'was instead of wasn't. I understand how most didn't know I played Arvelo. I usually play across several different classes. But guys like Sarcon who always plays blms and Boy Kid Wonder and that other guy who always plays rangers and Aulian who always plays watchers and seems to always be able to obtain the same few pieces of gear it becomes pretty obvious.[/quote']

Ol' Belchy is the ranger guy right? I think Sarcon should get on that shaman he was talkin about, hehehe.

Edit: Also Tassin, I dare you to roll a bmg. Hehe.

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Not like we couldn't guess who he was playing after the post in Palersha's thread :P

As on the topic, I was having a lowbie that night when there were 26 characters on earlier, first I go to emerald to find a group of 4 hunting there. Then I go to labyrinth and I find a group of 3 hunting there....

I am like... wtf... bring the small PB back :cool:

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Haha you're right' date=' it doesn't make any sense to me either. I meant to say 'was instead of wasn't. I understand how most didn't know I played Arvelo. I usually play across several different classes. But guys like Sarcon who always plays blms and Boy Kid Wonder and that other guy who always plays rangers and Aulian who always plays watchers and seems to always be able to obtain the same few pieces of gear it becomes pretty obvious.[/quote']

Pffft I havent played a Watcher in ages.

So blah to you.

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