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OK... SHAMAN TIME!!! One Question though!


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Ok, going to roll up a shaman, the one thing i am wondering is... Any advise to which god a shaman should follow?

I remember hearing once that as a shaman there is only one god you should follow if you wish to be the best you can be.

What you think?

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Here is the thing though, I heard that with a shaman a lot of your spells and other stuff depends on your luck. Hence, there is a god to follow that will actually increase your Luck.

That is why I was wondering. Also, long long time ago I remember covus mentioning something about any shaman that didn't follow a certain god is foolish.. I forget what god he mentioned.

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That is why I was wondering. Also' date=' long long time ago I remember covus mentioning something about any shaman that didn't follow a certain god is foolish.. I forget what god he mentioned.

Did you ever stop and think that perhaps he was RPing a devout Shaman? I see far too many shaman these days that don't seem to give two sh*ts about their religion. You are essentially a cleric. You will do your Gods will through spreading death and destruction, disease and malnutrition, herpes and syphilis.

Get to work!


I'm pretty sure Covus was one of the death religions, Cycle probably.

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Go death religion (or maybe undead shaman :D) and try get friendly with any of the undeads, because they are a completely PITA to fight, unless you think you can blind them to death.

I remember fighting Blyth with Neraldis. I never killed the shammy, but I had not a worry in the world going and attacking him. I was going to say that shammy nowaday would be an uphill struggle, but if meelee damage in general has actually been toned as I suspect, it might still a very viable combo. Love the fact you don't need super EQ :)

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I would chose religion based on bless affects.

+ LUCK eq is easy to find and Lucky perk aids.

If you ask me, casters luck aids zero with landing Spells. Now spell level equipment is a must.

So you probably are stuck with Race + Religion(bless) + CAbal choice.

I would say Human because of HP. Duergar has more HP, but harder to train and Vulnerability. Warriors will walk over you with Average 30's Water weapons. Same could be said with Fire Giant.

If it's your first shaman, take a Drow and HP gear. It will save you a lot of time.

Some people who complain about Mana on Shamans. But i think they have yet to master the art of catching ticks in battle. This is not only for Ogre, but for non meele Clerics to.

So for me it's Human Shaman Knoledge Syndicate, with training from 1 practice, and using gear to save on Trains. Can probably pull what ? 750-850 HP base ?

Just edited to add, that i estimate around 200 hours of play time to master all your spells/Stats. :P

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Why does everyone keep saying Shamans have no chance againts Undeads?

Is this because what.. undeads cant plagued or poisoned?

That's the idea. But I got so used to not using plague or poison because people cheaply hid in their cabals, and nothing was ever done about it. You start pking people once you've ran them out of moves, and start harming away. Don't forget visitation. :)

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That's the idea. But I got so used to not using plague or poison because people cheaply hid in their cabals' date=' and nothing was ever done about it. You start pking people once you've ran them out of moves, and start harming away. Don't forget visitation. :)[/quote']

I found the same too.

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Guest emp_newb

My entrance test to get into syndi was to fight an undead invoker. We went back and forth for a while, and I sent him running off, then the syndi Imm said that is enough, and let me apply.

You can still insomnia to kill regen, and many other things, just a bit more of an uphill fight.

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