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Savnt, the player of Laeclatheryn wished me to post this. it is not mine.



Had very little fun with the character. Unrecognized RP, and lack of immortal interaction on an RP basis. Notes left unresponded to for more than a week, and empty skies leave it sort of boring chasing ghosts. With a player base of 12-18 tops, perhaps it might be time to relax the wait on qclasses, not increase them and put an immortal who is on every few days in charge of them.

Also, it is pretty clear I am not welcome here, by the response, or lack there of, of admins regarding a forum account activation for at least prayer forum purposes.

Anyways, you folks take care. The two weeks I came back were enough for me.


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Guest emp_newb

I enjoyed the char as well, but two weeks is not alot of time AT ALL. Maerothir spent over a month waiting on sader before I even got word from an imm acknowledging that the app was even sent.

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Savnt ~

Tests of longevity are not healthy for a mud hurting for players and struggling for retention, IMO. That however, is not mine to decide as I am not an admin nor know the trends this place have been through. A month is too long. A week actually should be tops until some kind of RP comes from the IMM in question. I've tried everything I could to speak Jacobis and was ignored... even going as far as to send him a PM saying I wished to see him if possible, online and when my best chances to catch him would be... which was ignored. That is rude. In game, he is a god, but out he is a person. When a person ignored me, it is rude.

All I know is that I play for enjoyment and acceptance. It looks like, as a player, I've dug myself too much of a hole and can get neither here. I am, as a player, constantly worried about prejudice against myself for my actions a few years ago or earlier... and to some extent they have been confirmed.

I would suggest changing the mud advertisement to PK Enforced, RP allowed and not the other way around though. Having dabbled in other muds like Carrion Fields (which is just like FL, must be the AR guys) I've come to understand the importance of constantly visible imm staff and RP enforced Pk.

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It was Savnt ?

I thought it was some high morality bitchy girl from my interactions with the character. Realy, i thought it was some 17 years old girl that had come from a RP mud, playing a Elven Paladin Holy Lady.

That was an excellent RolePlay Savnt.

Now on the rant. 2 weeks is to small of a time to be Qclased.

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What a waste. It's a shame your attention span was lost after only 2 weeks.

Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean I'm not on. I like to watch when you think you aren't being watched. Gives me a better impression.

Patience is a virtue for qclass/race wanna-be's. If you've only been at pinn for a week, you haven't proved anything other than you can rank real fast.

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I went WAY out of my way to really rp with you, and it kinda pisses me off that you deleted so quickly. Not that I wasted time doing so, quite the opposite. When I had other things to do, I actually called you over and had a good time rping. You had a whole lot going for you, and Laeclatheryn was a very good character, with an excellent rp and a very developed personality.

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This is not a reply from Savnt but myself as I had watched him play and am aware of the situation.

Jacobis, you were a player once I would hope. You are acting like you were not.

What happened had nothing to do with impatience. He lost interest after receiving not even a blink of the eye from you or any other imm in game. You could have at least replied to his forum post, or any of the 9 letters he sent.

Not everyone is a die-hard FL fan that wants to deal with invisible imms in game ALL the time, or ones that are too good to reply out of game (I am looking at both you and Malchaeius, Jacobis.).

Out of that characters little more than two week life time, he saw an immortal in game ... I think he said... six times. And that is during peak times. This basically is D&D without DM's.

Perhaps it is just because he is who he is, and I am who I am, that tailors to not getting responded to for weeks... even in out of game forums. "What a waste" would just be directed at the time he spent trying to get a crusader simply to investigate the mindflayer weapon.

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I kind of have to agree with Savnt. I think the wait times are too long.

The reasons for this are numerous, and have been stated before:

1) Not everyone has the time to play for 50 hours a week. Some people don't even have the time to play for 50 hours a month. This has been a growing trend, as much of our playerbase has gotten older - this game doesn't so much appeal to the 13 and 14 crowd like it used to, so we can't just go home after school and sit down for 7 or 8 hours a night. And while it would be nice and ideal if we were able to make the most of our time and have that perfect hour of RP for the 3 or 4 hours a week we could log on, that's not always feasible. Between getting attacked by other players, having to train and level, and the general size of the playerbase, it's sometimes difficult to achieve a high level of RP.

2) We've still got a fairly large playerbase in both Australia/New Zealand AND Western Europe. As a result, time zones are not necessarily conducive to getting a lot of face time in when there are IMMs on, visible or not. Couple this with number 1, and our non-USA players are (statistically) a whole lot less likely to get qraces/qclasses.

3) If I *am* going to devote 50-100 hours to a character trying to get qraced/qclassed, then why should it take me a month to get approved? My new metaphor for this is that these huge wait times are like saying that I should sit with my roller triggers for a month while I wait for my character to roll.

Some of you would say that the RP/PK is just as meaningful while you're waiting to get approved. I would counter that with the idea that you can play another character while your new character is rolling.

Some of you would say that if I don't have the time/don't want to put in the time for a qrace/qclass that there are hundreds of base race/class combos that I could choose from. I would counter that by saying that if I wanted to be stuck with those combos, or didn't want to try out new things, then I probably wouldn't still be here after God knows how long.

Like Savnt said via Grosek, I am not an IMM/admin, and it's obviously not my call on how we're going to hand out qraces/qclasses, but that doesn't change my opinion as someone who has been here for a while, and cares about the development of this MUD and its community.

Finally, in response to Jacobis:

I understand that just because you're not visible doesn't mean you're not there. But perception is reality.

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I was a player before. One who waited longer than 2 weeks for things I applied for. I know the wait is no fun, but is neccessary. I knew this as a player, as well as an IMM.

I will respond to all notes/PMs when my life can manage it, as all Immortals will tell you the same. Again, patience is on the player.

I will say this, while her RP was fantastic in it's own way, I saw very little in the way of proving herself. While PK is not the be all end all, it is a large part of what being a crusader is and what I expect from applicants. Perhaps the long wait was me simply waiting to see some action.

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I was a player before. One who waited longer than 2 weeks for things I applied for. I know the wait is no fun, but is neccessary. I knew this as a player, as well as an IMM.

I will respond to all notes/PMs when my life can manage it, as all Immortals will tell you the same. Again, patience is on the player.

I will say this, while her RP was fantastic in it's own way, I saw very little in the way of proving herself. While PK is not the be all end all, it is a large part of what being a crusader is and what I expect from applicants. Perhaps the long wait was me simply waiting to see some action.

Well stated.

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Guest emp_newb

Maerothir was banging hard, on for hours, and lost to one person at pinn ever. I busted my *** to get crusader, never once poked at imms to give it to me either. I spent at least a month, and Jacobis (I am positive) snooped me during fights, as well as during my random RP across the pbase. Jacobis does his job, and moniters his quest applicants. If you feel you have been slighted, try going above your normal limits, coming up with unique hooks for your char, as well as personal quests that your char wants to complete. Im not saying your quest is to become a crusader. Maerothir's main quest was to protect people with a weapon he was given in a dream. His main goal was to gain the weapon he dubbed the Fullblade.

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I know the wait is no fun' date=' but is neccessary.[/quote']

I'm not picking sides here, always one to say it's the Imm's house, Imm's rules, but maybe there could be some explanation of why it's necessary instead of just stating that it is.

Seems to me that the problem a lot of players are having is that they aren't getting as explicit instruction on what it takes to get something as they would like. Though that is my interpretation.

Perhaps the long wait was me simply waiting to see some action.

That's what I told myself too, then I realized I was in quite the dry spell. I recommend lowering standards on the first date, and raising them on the second... And that came out far more pointed toward the discussion than I ever intended, and I'm note sure exactly what the second date in game would be, so maybe it's not so pointed after all.


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Guest emp_newb

well how many times has someone gotten a qrace, just to shelf, or delete. I think the long wait is imms wanting to see people who ARE going to play the character through, as those qrace spots could go to someone more willing to play through. I myself am bring Maerothir back because this problem will nto get fixed unless I am helping show why it is happening to begin with.

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What a waste. It's a shame your attention span was lost after only 2 weeks.

Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean I'm not on. I like to watch when you think you aren't being watched. Gives me a better impression.

Patience is a virtue for qclass/race wanna-be's. If you've only been at pinn for a week, you haven't proved anything other than you can rank real fast.

Uh oh, an imm that is a voyeur! I gotta close my curtains=P

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I was curious why we cant just have all qrace/qclasses be like druid, where you do some kind of quest and then get converted. I figured that since all the classes/races are balanced it would be fine.

In talking with emp_newb he told me that this is not the case and that some race/class combos are OP. Hrrm, OP, sounds crappy. Cant we make them even and then make it easier to get said changes made?? just a thought.

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well how many times has someone gotten a qrace' date=' just to shelf, or delete. I think the long wait is imms wanting to see people who ARE going to play the character through, as those qrace spots could go to someone more willing to play through. I myself am bring Maerothir back because this problem will nto get fixed unless I am helping show why it is happening to begin with.[/quote']

Well, with crusaders I didn't think there was a slot system.

And ideally if all classes are balanced, then maybe a system of slots is not needed. Hold qraces/classes to a higher level of RP, but who cares if they burn out or delete? If we get a deluge of people playing demons and undead, I'm willing to put money down that enough skilled people will make a foil just for kicks. It may even shut up a bunch of the people with bones to pick.

But it's not like making someone a qrace/class actually requires continual work on the part of an imm that the same character wouldn't be if they didn't get the app approved. Jacobis still has a character running around (or I guess not in this case) killing people in his name. And it does seem to me that some imms are much more quick to advance people under their charge than other imms. I refuse to believe that a certain cabal that always seems to have it's members get advanced in no time is the way it is solely because the players in it are that much more active/good/able than those in different cabals.

I was going to say that I don't have anything waiting on qrace right now, so I don't care. Maybe if I roll another undead wanna be I'll be more in favor of lax requirements. But maybe it would be a good thing for the mud to loosen up the controls a bit on these things, I don't see how it could hurt much.


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I was curious why we cant just have all qrace/qclasses be like druid, where you do some kind of quest and then get converted. I figured that since all the classes/races are balanced it would be fine.

In talking with emp_newb he told me that this is not the case and that some race/class combos are OP. Hrrm, OP, sounds crappy. Cant we make them even and then make it easier to get said changes made?? just a thought.

Now that I made a goofy remark, might as well put in my 2 cents on this matter. I have to agree with this idea entirely.

I've played this mud and AR for a combined gagillion years. I had my bad reputations and good ones. Good RP/PK and horrible RP/PK. I've done some less than reputable things in my past, but really I do have to admit it feels like some treatment is very very OOC by the imms. Of course denial here and there, but I mean if you catch someone doing something wrong one day, they might do it wrong again. What ever happened to forgive and forget?

That being said, I quit two-three years ago and started playing the devil's game, yep WoW! Yeah, don't go play that one. It's more addictive than Heroine, cheaper, just as horrible for your body, and legal. Stay away at all costs! But that game had the same problem as this one. In a 1v1 battle, no 1 class has an equal battle with every other, and so on. If, I mean this is completely hypothetical, but if we could all work together to balance EVERY class towards EVERY other class, the game truly would become balanced and fun.

But really, don't even tell me that if there was another me out there, that if I played a thief and he played a vampire, that I'd win equally as often as he would. That's just the problem I see, if the game was balanced...every class could contend with every class. But that's obviously not the case here, nor in almost any other game. Kinda sad, to say the least.

But on another note, I have mostly enjoyed my return to FL and still am grateful for the IMM's work and time they spend here. Thank you very much, truly.


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Guest emp_newb
I was curious why we cant just have all qrace/qclasses be like druid, where you do some kind of quest and then get converted. I figured that since all the classes/races are balanced it would be fine.

In talking with emp_newb he told me that this is not the case and that some race/class combos are OP. Hrrm, OP, sounds crappy. Cant we make them even and then make it easier to get said changes made?? just a thought.

I did not say OP, that was you. I said that some are more powerful. Demon DK IS more powerful than avian. undead monk IS more powerful than human monk. Avatar paladin is more powerful then regular paladin. That is why you quest for them. You get added powers. Undead balances out very well with that vuln I wil say, but qraces are generally augmentations of regular humans.

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