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Took me a month to get Undead on Sverenox, and I only sent my app AFTER I had done all my training. So I spent a month at lvl 30 only rping and pking. I got impatient a few times, sent notes that I thought would speed things up, I posted on the prayer forum to make sure they hadn't forgotten me. A lot of times I got no resposne, or a quick lil note saying we see you, keep working on it.

Finally one day I was told to kill a human dk (demon wannabe). We fought back and forth for about 30-45 minutes, then finally Anume transfered both of us and approved our apps.

Point being it took more than two weeks and I tried my best, even though I didn't kill that DK, my effort was rewarded.

I do not think we should slacken the qanything wait just because the pbase is smaller. It is something that needs to be earned, and in my experience the Imms will PURPOSEFULLY test the patience of any applicant.

As for this thread I can say as an unbiased player who doesnt know Grosek, Savnt, or their history here, that it is nothing but a whine, and if anything the Imms will now make us all wait longer, to weed out people who take this attitude when they don't get what they want when they want it.

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Took me a month to get Undead on Sverenox, and I only sent my app AFTER I had done all my training. So I spent a month at lvl 30 only rping and pking. I got impatient a few times, sent notes that I thought would speed things up, I posted on the prayer forum to make sure they hadn't forgotten me. A lot of times I got no resposne, or a quick lil note saying we see you, keep working on it.

Finally one day I was told to kill a human dk (demon wannabe). We fought back and forth for about 30-45 minutes, then finally Anume transfered both of us and approved our apps.

Point being it took more than two weeks and I tried my best, even though I didn't kill that DK, my effort was rewarded.

I do not think we should slacken the qanything wait just because the pbase is smaller. It is something that needs to be earned, and in my experience the Imms will PURPOSEFULLY test the patience of any applicant.

As for this thread I can say as an unbiased player who doesnt know Grosek, Savnt, or their history here, that it is nothing but a whine, and if anything the Imms will now make us all wait longer, to weed out people who take this attitude when they don't get what they want when they want it.

If this can't be taken for what it is meant to be, then I'll finish.

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Guest emp_newb

We might take it for what it was meant to be, if you had not taken it down the "screw you imms, you are not doing **** and do not care about the players" road.

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Took me a month to get Undead on Sverenox, and I only sent my app AFTER I had done all my training. So I spent a month at lvl 30 only rping and pking. I got impatient a few times, sent notes that I thought would speed things up, I posted on the prayer forum to make sure they hadn't forgotten me. A lot of times I got no resposne, or a quick lil note saying we see you, keep working on it.

Finally one day I was told to kill a human dk (demon wannabe). We fought back and forth for about 30-45 minutes, then finally Anume transfered both of us and approved our apps.

Point being it took more than two weeks and I tried my best, even though I didn't kill that DK, my effort was rewarded.

I do not think we should slacken the qanything wait just because the pbase is smaller. It is something that needs to be earned, and in my experience the Imms will PURPOSEFULLY test the patience of any applicant.

As for this thread I can say as an unbiased player who doesnt know Grosek, Savnt, or their history here, that it is nothing but a whine, and if anything the Imms will now make us all wait longer, to weed out people who take this attitude when they don't get what they want when they want it.

Damn Sverenox was a beast... why did you drop him?

[edit] Ops, I just found the deletion thread...

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If this can't be taken for what it is meant to be' date=' then I'll finish.[/quote']

they way i see it:

bored with an rp because you got tired of it? ok. roll a new char or something.

bored with an rp because you didnt get what you planned out before even rolling the character? quit yer bitchin.

i would never roll a character expecting this that and the other to happen. i hgihly doubt you can get a qrace/qclass based solely on soloRP and PK. you need to interact with others. as such, people have a direct effect on your character. taking too long (in your opinion)? i had a friend delete;delete just to find out from an imm a few days later that he was gonna get approved.

i dont think its as much of an issue with availability as it is with consideration time. there is probably a great deal of time spent deciding if you are actually deserving of the race/class (not to say that you weren't, but that doesn't stop them from checking it out). i know i wouldnt give something so powerful to somebody on a whim, and would want to do some extensive research into the person.

also, from what i understand, the playerbase has dwindled recently. by logic, so would the amount of qraces/qclasses.

bottom line. you didnt get what you wanted. and from what i can tell you not only ragedeleted, you ragequit too, and also ragemadeanassofyourself.

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bottom line. you didnt get what you wanted. and from what i can tell you not only ragedeleted' date=' you ragequit too, and also ragemadeanassofyourself.[/quote']

Wow mcd, you have come a long way in your path to lucidity! A far cry from your days of pressing for the lvl 50 adventurers. =O)

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Here's something your friend could have thought about, and this is coming from someone who has had Crusader.

Crusaders are meant to kill Demons/Undeads/EVIL CRAP? Am I right or not? If your rp is to be non-violent like MLK, then be a Herald. Not a Crusader. Second, I was a paladin and did get some people, and lost to others. Doesn't mean you're gonna be rejected if you lose some battles, just important that you actually try. But what Crusade was she going to go on? A crusade to the grocery store? Buy some pretty little veggies that don't hurt animals? WTF kind of Crusade is that? Stop Flaming the game over being an asshat, and gtfo plz.

The Donkey has spoken!

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Here's something your friend could have thought about, and this is coming from someone who has had Crusader.

Crusaders are meant to kill Demons/Undeads/EVIL CRAP? Am I right or not? If your rp is to be non-violent like MLK, then be a Herald. Not a Crusader. Second, I was a paladin and did get some people, and lost to others. Doesn't mean you're gonna be rejected if you lose some battles, just important that you actually try. But what Crusade was she going to go on? A crusade to the grocery store? Buy some pretty little veggies that don't hurt animals? WTF kind of Crusade is that? Stop Flaming the game over being an asshat, and gtfo plz.

The Donkey has spoken!

To be perfectly honest, the character developed in her quest toward a more violent approach.

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Uggh, this thread is bad. It makes me not want to play, I can only imagine what it makes others think.

There are alot of heated emotions on here. This is a game people, the sooner you realise this, the sooner you'll have more fun in REAL life. I see people still looking a gazillion hours a day. I cannot do this, I know many others cannot do this. I am quite saddened that there is so much hate going around, so much yelling. Whilst I think Grosek has been a bit hasty in his comments here, he does have a few valid points. Emp-Newb, I consider you to have made a bit of an *** of yourself. All your yelling and swearing is getting noone anywhere and is just a testament to your personality.

Imm's can we have this thread closed or something. It is a bad showing on several peoples behalves. If Grosek wants to continue it (which I envisage will be doing him no good) he can take it to the prayer forum. I don't know of his past but I know the feeling he has. Imm's did discriminate against me. Why? I don't really know? I know I noted to Imm about the actions of one of their characters and that copped me a couple of slays (I didnt know it was an imm played character). I never did work out what I did to Bryntryst to get him such an angry man. Some people need some chill pills.



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Guest emp_newb

I am an abrasive dick sometimes, I can be an outright prick. And I do get heated about the stuff stupid people do. I am not denying it at all honestly. People wanna whine, ok, I can be something to whine about then. At the end of the day, you guys are a gaming community I talk to, and in no way, shape, or form do you have any impact on my real life. I voice my opinions, just as everyone else does. Opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one, and they all stink. Some people maintain theirs a bit better too.

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I must say you people never fail to astonish and also somewhat dissappoint me. I would think we're all adult enough by now to discuss things IN A POLITE AND MATURE way.

I'll give everyone who added to the flaming here some time to think about it while not being able to post.

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