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Clerics of Nature

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True, I see what he means by having a Neutral Nature Cleric, but when you remort with a neutral human, to the cleric guild, you get (EDIT:No Portal, but you get) Ray, AND minister, I believe. But I'm sure if RP'd well enough, you could do so, with some toning down, but I don't see a widespread class change for it.

Level 1: armor 50 mana cause light 50 mana

Level 2: cure serious n/a comprehend languages n/a

Level 3: create water n/a cure blindness n/a

Level 4: continual light n/a

Level 5: create food n/a refresh n/a

Level 6: detect magic n/a giant strength n/a

Level 7: bless n/a faerie fire n/a

Level 8: detect invis n/a

Level 9: cure critical n/a know alignment n/a

Level 11: detect traps n/a protection n/a

Level 12: summon n/a

Level 13: cure disease n/a

Level 14: cure poison n/a remove curse n/a

Level 15: locate object n/a

Level 16: calm n/a identify n/a

Level 17: create spring n/a

Level 18: protective shield n/a

Level 20: frenzy n/a sanctuary n/a

Level 21: faerie fog n/a

Level 23: infravision n/a

Level 24: dispel magic n/a

Level 25: shield n/a

Level 26: cancellation n/a

Level 27: word of recall n/a

Level 28: turn undead n/a

Level 29: pass door n/a

Level 30: curse n/a

Level 31: dispel evil n/a

Level 32: bless arms n/a

Level 35: stone skin n/a

Level 37: spell turning n/a

Level 40: ray of truth n/a

Level 42: minister n/a

Level 45: isolate n/a

Level 50: holy hands n/a divine intervention n/a

And they get Stake.

So, I dunno.

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Heh I know why they do it for balance issues so I'm not getting into it with neutral clerics or avian anything else. (even though half the reasons outside of balance make NO sense... especially given their new city has guilds for said classes... ..o..O..o... :confused: )

But yeah a neutral cleric woudlnt fight for balance perse so much as take a more apathetic/neutral view. They'd still be just as religious or fervent.

Such views, nature, war, -gasp- dare I say mystic? Chance anyone? Yeah probably, luck doesn't seem like it would be given much bias.

Plenty of feasible religions, concepts. But yeah it's in there for balance.

(I loved neutral clerics in one place I played long ago. Oh man did I ever. -grin- )

And yes you would get protection from both (but could only use once at a time) and spells such as ray and path

flipside is you WOULD have to put in more training and more pracs.

How many neutral only races outside of gnomes really have the int/wis necessary to handle it. I think itd be a ventured gamble honestly -shrug-

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Dangit ima try it' date=' mostly cause im curious what Natures DI and Hands do...and ive never played a cleric to 50[/quote']

Lightning bolt/sandstorm/tsunami maybe whichever depending on what land mass you currently are on (and none if you're in the city ;) )

hands = vines groping/grasping and strangulating or something like that

no that isnt what they really do. I don't know and won't try this as it is a bug

(much like when adventurers remort to bards - yes I know nobody plays bards hardly but... no songs haha. yeah funny.)

-shrug- As much as I'm curious about a neutral cleric I woudln't do it. It's a bug.

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He can be a good or evil aligned nature cleric.

Doesnt HAVE to be neutral just cause path is nature.

No kidding, think about the pacifist treehugger and the one that pours oil all over someone and screams at the inhumanities of life. I think theres room for alignment difference there.

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Guest emp_newb
Neutral clerics have occurred in the past as a result of amazing RP of certain characters. They lost several spells to weaken them as to not be overpowered. RP well enough' date=' it can happen to you.[/quote']

anyone else remember the neutral SHAMAN. so yes, the code can allow it.

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