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Clerics of Nature

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Personaly i think that role is already taken by Druids.

But there is nothing to stop FL from having => Neutral Clerics.

Without Dispel evil/good and ray/path new spells could be given to them to pass those disavantages.

Things like dispel Neutral and a New special effect spell.


Turn Undead

Dispel Evil


Ray of Thruth



Dispel good


Path of Deception



Dispel Neutral

Enfeblement (or a New Defensive/Ofensive spell)

Way of Balance

Way of Balance = Lower Damage Ray/Path but with Internal damage.

With the affects of : Insomnia, Blind, Poison

A good way for way of Balance would have it give Internal damave Vs Neutrals and Magic damage VS Evils & Goods.

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  • Implementor

If you make a neutral cleric from remorting an adventurer that is bug abuse and we will set that cleric to either good or evil with the fitting spells as soon as we catch you. Only chance to get a neutral cleric is through longlasting, excellent rp.

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I am against the idea of a neutral cleric...

and to quote from help cleirc

"To stray from one's path is

to stray from one's God... and the punishment for doing such cannot even

be described in words. "

I don't think clerics, shamans or healers should be align changed to neutral without losing every single spell. Especially not healers or shamans.

Personally, my lightwalkers will always see healers/good cleircs who remort to good as evil traitors to the light.

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Personaly i think that role is already taken by Druids.

Without Dispel evil/good and ray/path new spells could be given to them to pass those disavantages.

Seems to me the abilities druids get sort of fulfill this logic.

I think also that although there is no necessary link between being neutral and being dedicated to nature, the idea of a cleric is that they have an intense devotion to some sort of cause, hence the praying to the deity to further that cause. So a neutral cleric is posited to take nature as that source of devotion. There would have to be some sort of other source of devotion to justify it for a neutral if not nature, good, or evil. I.e. the One God, perhaps, but that would require exceptional RP, hence it's there for restrings only.

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  • Implementor

If you get a combi by remorting from an adventurer that you usually can't get you better sent an application to Immortal for the combi you want and have a hardcore rp. Else we'll catch up with you eventually and just set you straight/gimp you.

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