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Top Ten things to do in FL while bored.


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10. Gather vials and potions.

9. Identify all sorts of crap.

8. Quest

7. Gather gold

6. Try to solo areas you never did before (be safe)

5. RP

4. Try to find new armor and weapons

3. Train what you haven't mastered

2. Try out skills and spells you don't know anything about.

And the number one coolest thing to do? Hah! I just walked my charmie through Gear and taught him everything. It was fun, heh.

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10. Snoop all those qrace app guys.

9. Do who desc and contantly look at those without descriptions.

8. Make insane weapons that you aren't ever going to use.

7. Stare at Veteran Savants and see if they are good enough for Trusted.

6. Follow Hourglass clanies around and poke them in the middle of fights.

5. Meditate on how to better play a mystic that no one understands.

4. Try and roll up an enjoyable mortal character.

3. Delete not so enjoyable mortal character.

2. Watch cheaters hang themselves then try to explain it to them... :(

1. Write up more history files (Previews on the webpage, care of Chayesh)

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10) Kill pinnacles (oh wait, i'm bored??!) - kill NON-pinnacles :D

9) Camping ranking areas and do 10)

8) Kill re-eq mobs and sac eq.

7) Kill all the mobs in emerald forest and elium (when you're lvl 50).

6) Be a lvl 50 druid, camo in emerald forest so 10+ chars find it hard to rank and declare its YOUR forest.

5) Constantly attack the Syndicate guard.

4) Bounty yourself :D

3) Stand at other ppl's PKs and sac disarmed weapons.

2) Follow someone who is being PK'd and hurl abuse.

And todays winner...... *drumroll* .........

1) Help Chayesh to not reject your OTHER characters app by doing the following:

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

Chayeshisghey prays 'This MUD sucks!!!'

:D :D


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10) Find new armor/weapons to replace my current crap.

9) Plot to take over the world.

8) Write a note/application.

7) Sit about chatting about nothing with clanmates/groupies.

6) Go on trips to quest areas.

5) Do quests.

4) RP (might be interchangable with 3)

3) PK (might be interchangable with 4)

2) Fight a cabal war.

1) Roll up a new character.

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10. Train skills.

9. Roll new characters.

8. Brainstorm about the characters and rp I want to try next.

7. Try and get better eq than the crap I always have.

6. RP with mobs.

5. Sit in town and smile at the citizens that tip their hats.

4. Try and help obvious newbs.

3. Try and gain ranks.

2. Try and think up ways to screw up perfectly good characters.

1. Delete and or change the password(but this will change)

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10) Smile at my enemies just before they die.

9) Yawn in the middle of fights I'm losing, flee, and run like hell.

8) Insult the guy who just attacked me.

7) Watch guy I just insulted forget sanctuary before he attacks me.

6) Own guy I insulted.

5) PK NON-pinns who find it incredibly funny to insult me, and tell me that I can't kill them yet because I'd be a coward for killing NON-pinns.

4) Laugh at characters who tell me they're deleting because I killed them (I know that's bad, but what the hell..)

3) Multi-kill chars who refused to respect me after I kill them. (It's not that bad, I swear..)

2) Sit in the Central Square of all the cities and RP with anyone who walks by.

1) RP. RP RP RP, rp plots, and helping newbies. #1 <3

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