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Mmm Coffee

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I just don't deal well with power players and the constant frustration of overpowered abilities (Traven zombies, and that retarded Syndicate L skill duration to name a couple) leading to re-equipping. I'm not gonna bother rolling something else just so I don't have to deal with it. Thank you player of Kurvikhel for reminding me in only a month why I always end up leaving.

IMMs - please delete Sileeann, Nhaugrym and Ssylarendis, all have delpasses.

Also - please permanently ban this forum account so I'm not tempted in the future.

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Easy man. Maybe take a break and come back after they rebalance eq? As for cabal skills, I've never been a fan of cabals and the amount of power they get. But thats a topic for a different thread. As for traven zombies, they never bothered me, since there are so many ways for different classes to separate a necro from his zombies, and getting a full set of travens is a huge hassle in and of itself ( or at least was last time I played a necro ). And no need to be calling out names man, even though I understand you are frustrated.

Anyway, I'm always sorry to see people go, maybe come back after the two tiered pk system and the eq rebalance.


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Three caballed characters at once... what the hell man?

Also, have you tried playing a necro? It is not as easy as it seems.

Also, the leader skill? It ain't anything worse than being an outwal, other cabals have much worse leader powers.

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Guest emp_newb

Oh come on damnit. It is not like he is picking on you. Kurvikhel is the squid necro leader of syndicate. He is an absolute beast, and has very nice zombies (not at all saying his ability is tied to those pets, he is a monster period) If he causes you THAT much trouble, deathweaver, fury with a lance of imbalance. Or be friendly with him. You do not HAVE to fight the badasses all the time.

I just say calm down a bit, and come back to us when your level headed. My current char has had his skull kicked in by kurvikhel often, I still try to act legit to him, even though he is the scariest char I can remember inr ecent times.

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I just don't deal well with power players and the constant frustration of overpowered abilities (Traven zombies, and that retarded Syndicate L skill duration to name a couple) leading to re-equipping. I'm not gonna bother rolling something else just so I don't have to deal with it. Thank you player of Kurvikhel for reminding me in only a month why I always end up leaving.

I dont know the situation, and there is two sides to every story.

For the vets who know the lands, and work hard to get the equipment and the T,E and Ls.. There should be a reward ....

FOr those that know base equipment, dont have the time to put into a character to go on long trips for equipment .. they want a fair fight in their base equipment.

You cant satisfy both sides of this... I dont know of a solution.

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Before the account is banned, I wanted to clarify something since that post was a heated vent of frustration

I have enjoyed playing this game every time I've played. It provided a needed escape for whatever was going on in my life at the moment. I've always struggled with certain abilities and have always tried to raise the attention level when I think something is unbalancing. Usually the community ends up 50/50 over whether it is or isn't...but not everyone's brain is wired to see the big picture. Being a Virgo, I tend to be.

In this current stead of playing time, I've had three chars who have had to go up against Kurvhikhel's Traven zombies....Ssylarendis was 2-rounded at least three times. Nhaugrym (BLM) was maybe 4-rounded twice (after being dispelled and/or ghoul touched). And more recently, due to the duration of that Syndi L skill, my Tribunal BMG has become fodder for everyone because of what that skill prevents me from doing (essentially, it prevents a Trib from being able to do their job effectively...among other things). I never knew that skill existed and probably wouldn't have bothered playing a Trib if I did.

This is -NOT- fun and not the least bit enjoyable to me...or I'm sure to all the other players the Traven army has steamrolled. Just look through PK logs where necros have used Travens (Taeim vs. Styntnyl is a good one). Balance, IMO, is when a high percentage of classes have at least a chance to withstand something. When it comes to Travens, those chances are too slim to even consider a "chance". Now, as a BMG, the Traven damage output was a lot less but the recent changes to reflective field means I was bash-locked for 4-5 rounds...flee...(insert ghoul touch lag)...bash-locked another 4-5 rounds...try to recall...oh wait, you can't because of some retarded syndi skill. Maybe I'll teleport - cool that worked, but now I'm locked in an area with no more teleports or recalls...guess I'll starve to death so I can get back to town. No offense, but F that.

To foxx: Nhaugrym wasn't cabal'd - failed at his RP. Ssylarendis was a learning char that was a PK failure cuz I'm not patient enough. Left Knight a week ago or so. Sileeann was my only cabal'd char.

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Guest emp_newb

Travens can be VERY annoying yes. But I do not feel that they are overpowering, if you cannot think of ways to beat them with your current race/class, try another. A bmg should do VERY well vs a Traven army. Reflective field should literally eat them alive. Your blood guard is also very nice as far as rescueing goes.

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1. Use force shield instead (why use reflective shield on a caster, unless you want to kill the zombies?)

2. Spam apprehend, and all those zombies will be attacking your blood guard instead

3. Use flashfire to blind all the zombies for a LONG time

Damn, I miss my BMG trib :P

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Ah, I mistaken your BLM with a certain other character.

Being dispelled as a blademaster... that seems some major mistake on your part. The ONLY chance a necromancer has against a BLM is a certain illithid skill (shown in the Taeim log), that is if we are taking that the BLM actually knows what he is doing. Those Travens just give you a bigger edge as BLM.

[edit] To me it looks more like a lack of skill on your part rather than an overpowered ability/abilities. And just to mention to you, do not forget that the player behind the necromancer is quite skillful. If you think he would be less dangerous with Drstams, you are wrong.

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For those who are defending the Traven/Necro army, you can stop. I've played several characters as well again this combo and most (not all) ended in my death in 2-3 rounds because of dispel magic/ghoul touch. While I'm not shooting at the skill of any one person here, including Kurvikhel, it's been proven by several immortals already that there's SOMETHING wrong, and it's going to be fixed/changed.

I don't know about all of you, but the biggest change that made Travens that much better was the size change. Now they keep their sizes when they quite/come back, meaning Travens stay giant sized after they quit. Travens also dirt kick, trip, bash, have haste, and extra attack, and hit like a hasted giant warrior.

So now we can stop blaming both sides for their 'lack of' or 'to good' skill, and start looking at the bigger picture. Something's wrong. It's being fixed. And I hope Mmm Beer stays around. Had fun fighting him over an array of 3 different characters.

Stick around, Beer, you won't be disappointed. :)

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Guest emp_newb

Travens are annoying, are very powerful, but by no means are they the end all. I am playing a char right now with only moderate ac, and one defense, I can last more than 3 rounds vs travens, without entering a single command I lasted 5 (was lagged from something I did) so you are making it out to be more than it is. With sanc and one defense I lose 2-300 hp a round. An invoker can EASILY deal that much damage a round, same with alot of other classes. Travens where pulling sanced mauls-devastates.

if you are getting massacred as a feral blm vs travens, you really need to be deathweaving. Deathweaver vs 3 travens is absolutely lethal, couple that with fury and anat mastery/expertise, and you should easily pummel a necromancer.

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As Jacobis said, the Traven situation will be dealt with. The whole triple-Traven combo will not be possible anymore. Next time just post on the prayer forum before you make such drastic decisions. If you think there is a problem with something, let us know and we will discuss it, or else there is a chance we already have.

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Every situation is a lot easier when you are fully prepared and actively engaged in PK. However, with the Syndi cabal skills - and especially now that I have experienced the Leader skill - a necro with 3 Travens who gets the drop (read: cone of force) on a BLM who isn't in deathweaver...or hell, even if he is...is not going to live long enough to wait the stance out and change to deathweaver.

As it was with Sileeann - let me play the scenario out for those of you who weren't involved:

I login last night to find Mhodis, Zaulael and Kurvikhel on. Ok, cool, 2 on 2.

Alert: Our altar is under attack by Kurvikhel

Alert: The altar is under attack by a zombie of Traven the ...Chieftain (repeat 2x)

...no joke - less than 30 seconds went by. Mhodis had recently died and couldn't buy any flying items so I was trying to get him a floating wand. He was fighting the gigantic squid. In the time it took me as a BMG to kill one of those damn tentacles on the way to the squid...the cabal GUARD was dead.

Kurvikhel has captured the standard of Tribunal.

Ok, cool, I'll go retrieve it. On the way I fight Kurvikhel and force him to recall...then I retrieve the standard. Ok, cool, I'm feeling somewhat confident but I'm drained, low on moves and mana...time to rest up (I'm inside the cabal at the healer).

- 15 seconds later -

You feel someone trying to wake you up.

Stand;look (now again, I'm INSIDE the cabal) <- Anume: If your standard was captured and just recently returned, the strong guard might not have been back yet.

Zaulael is here fighting a Blood Guard...INSIDE the cabal when the guard was at the entrance WITH the standard (I have the log).

Ok, ****'s getting intense, need a safe-haven to rest up...I head to my not-too-far-away safe spot and do just that.

--about two minutes later--

Alert: Our altar is under attack by Kurvikhel

Alert: The altar is under attack by a zombie of Traven...(repeat 2x)

I recall IMMEDIATELY and by the time the recall lag had worn off:

Kurvikhel has captured the standard...followed by a raid.

Ok, this is about to suck - better get some life-insurance (brain cramp here), cabal is shut down so I can't. Better put sanc up: You can not find that item.

At this point I'm swearing in RL cuz I need a sanc source and need one asap. Head to tainted valley and, over cabal channel, tell Mhodis I'll retrieve the standard as soon as I gather a couple sanc sources. Well, low and behold I goofed because who can hear everything I say? Yup.

So, I have a pissed off Essence of Evil at one end of the cave...and an army of uber Travens at the other end.

Kurvikhel rides in and syndi-skills you (the skill I had no idea about until it happened).

Blah, blah, fight, fight, flee, flee - Essence of Evil fight, flee, zombies, fight/flee...

Bad things happen due to syndi leader skill.

Kurvikhel rides in

Kurvikhel utters the words "ghoul touch"

You feel sluggish

You roll over in the fetal position hoping to wake up from this nightmare situation.

...You have been KILLED!

Well, I think to myself, that was very weird - what the hell happened?


You are affected by the following:

syndi-skill: for xxx hours

Hmmm...is that the reason?


Enough of this BS.


Log in this morning, naked, hoping to have enough time to get a basic suit but guess who is already logged in (or possibly still logged in from last night)? Yup

A messenger runs by shouting "Val Miran is under attack by rebel warlords!"

cabal info

The standard has been CAPTURED! (or whatever it says)

Well, screw it, I have to kill 10 mins before I can logout so I request a mithril suit and two-handed sword and head to retrieve the standard.


Ok, this is really starting to make my blood boil...let's try to get the standard and log out.

Guess who's sitting in the cabal in the company of 3 fat Travens? Yup.

k altar

....5 seconds until bash lock...count down with me, 4, 3, 2...Die Kurvikhel You sorcerous dog!

Sileeann has retrieved the standard of Tribunal


You have been KILLED!

That, coupled with the other issues I've had with Syndi and Travens, was the straw that broke me.

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First of all, you shouldn't be talking about syndicate skills on the general forum.

Second of all, you shouldn't be whining on the forum.

Now, if a skill is still on you after you die, it is bugged and you should send a note to immortal. I've had this happen with thunderclap, and various other skills such as thief trap. No skill is designed to afflict you after the character has died.

It is true that Kurvikhel is a badass. However, it is mainly because he is fast and knows the land very well. Try rolling an illithid necro and you can wipe out all but the most resilient players, but someone will still take you down. I've seen him get dropped, so theres give and take with any class.

Now if you are truly quitting, then have fun with whatever you do. However I feel like you are going to stick it out. I would keep playing Sileeann since you still have a delpass on her. Characters get powerful in FL by longevity and daring.

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Guest emp_newb

k altar

....5 seconds until bash lock...count down with me, 4, 3, 2...Die Kurvikhel You sorcerous dog!

Sileeann has retrieved the standard of Tribunal


You have been KILLED!

if you are getting bashlocked as a mage, your not prepping right. I saw Kurvikhel, and Zaulael go back and forth for days. If your bmg is getting beat on, chances are your not playing them right, I know I did not play mine right AT ALL.

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Re: Emp_Newb

I assumed it was bash-lock...looking at the log now, it was actually trip lock cuz I couldn't get a flying item and didn't have enough prep-time or armor to go get that other flying item.

As for posting skills on the forum...yeah, I know historically it hasn't been allowed but I believe in what Raargant posted not too long ago about "Why do we keep this stuff a secret?" So, sorry to have made Anume edit all that stuff. Again, the intent was not malicious or immature, I just think it's kinda petty that we can't talk about this stuff out in the open. Then again, not everyone thinks like me (thankfully) :)

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As Azun I was the first person to pull out the Traven combo (although thanks to the person who suggested it to me you sneaky bugger), and it was incredibly effective...I think I went 200-2 with it. Only classes that ever bothered me consistently were battlemages, who actually were very tough if they were of the knight variety, good clerics, and decked WMs. So those who complain are correct, it is effective against a large swath of players and combinations.

On the other hand, I raised the Sahuigan (sp) Lord first and they got nerfed...so once you nerf travens it doesnt leave that many decent zombies around (trust me, I've looked). Like I always say, nerfing is a tough thing to do right...although I'm for dumping 3 travens even though I currently have skin in the game.

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sahaguin was ridiculous.

the first day i came here from AR, i saw azun log in with three of them. instantly im going what the hell, people KEEP THEIR ZOMBIES WHEN THEY LOG OUT!??????????????????????????????????????????

berb rolling a necro


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Azun made me delete 2 characters with those zombies.

In regards to the Syndi Necro, or necros in general. I have fought some tough necros, Azun/Korropant/Kurvikhel/StythenAfdsf *sp, and I've learnt

you have to prepared in the upmost way, fly is essential!! protection if you

are good/evil is important, sanctuary without a doubt, and if your a melee

character even enlarge is sexy, brews undoubtly, and gyvels/reds also.

IMO to fight a necro, you have to be prepared with a even balance of gear, because with a necromancer you have to be able to withstand the melee damage from the zombies/golems, the affliction and maledictions from the necro himself, it's tough. They can also rough up cabal guards pretty quickly, which IMO is a bit over the top, attacking and obtaining a enemy standard shouldn't be that easy with any class.

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Roll a Elven Cleric/Human cleric and join Knights.

Flight stave,blessed staff,Protective shield,Sanctuary + Protection vs evil.

Max saves, Spell turning, Ray of Truth,Portal at Squid Pit. ISOLATE

Then you can yell "Come here you Travenphilic, you gonna BURN!!!". :D


This is the only way i fight a Squid with Travens.

Except with a Battlemage. And perhaps with a Paladin. I like dieing in Paladins.:cool:

As you know there is no hiding from a Syndicate, they will always find you.

Any cabaled player knows this.

Frankly i think it's overpowering. Just as stupid TRibunal skill.

Now, if a skill is still on you after you die, it is bugged and you should send a note to immortal. I've had this happen with thunderclap, and various other skills such as thief trap. No skill is designed to afflict you after the character has died.

This skill is different, it states so in the help file. Death has no effect. Should be revised.

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There aren't many viable mobs that you can animate at level 50. I have identified countless corpses searching for that perfect zombie! Also with the remaining bugs concerning zombies the necromancer has an uphill battle. Toning Traven zombies is fine, if we have new balanced choices and some bug fixes.

And to anyone that has ever tried.. Good luck killing a smart battlemage with three Drstams ;)

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