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[50 Slith Bla] [NEXUS] (WANTED) Sciscuri the Doomblade


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| Sciscuri || Reaver of REAVER |
| Str: 20(20)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 78(170h) |
| Int: 17(17) || Class: blademaster Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 17(17) || Race : slith Align: evil |
| Dex: 22(22)^2 || Hp : 978/978 Exp : 25337/670263 |
| Con: 21(20) || Mana : 573/613 |
\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 499/499 +Hit: 68 +Dam: 54 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |
| Slash : -298 || Spell : -9 || Faith : Combat |
| Pierce: -288 || Afflictive : -4 || Weight: 264/375 |
| Blunt : -294 || Maledictive: -7 || Items : 36/39 |
| Magic : -274 || Mental : -17 || Prac : 6 Train: 0 |
| Weapon: low || Pos: right || Gold : 31k CP: 2.4k |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \
| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |
| 72 100 120 100 77 110 110 110 100 |
| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |
| [WARMASTER] forces are aiding your feet and stamina. |

dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 103
sword 100 disarm 95 dodge 100
hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 100
fast healing 100 haggle 1 lore 1
meditation 100 recall 100 blind fighting 100
counter 100 acupuncture 96 charge 100
dual parry 100 anatomy 100 double grip 100
balance 100 two handed 100
doublesheath 100 onslaught 100
chop 100 bladerush 100 backpin 96
pinwheel 95 critical strike 100 bladework 100
footwork 100 battle stance 100 avatar of steel 99
powerstrike 100 deathweaver 100 bladestorm 100
ironarm 100 Kyousanken 100 shadowdancer 100
doomsinger 1 kairishi 100 vigil 79
twin counter 100 predict 100 snakespeed 76
spellkiller 75 deathstrike 77 giant expert 100
flying expert 100 elf master 100 blood vow 95
battlesphere 95 battlefocus 100 battletrance 100

The score sheet is from the time when I was in my best equipment and actively playing him with the current hours edited.

Sciscuri has been a lot of fun for me. I learned TON about meles with him. Recently my playtime on the character has dropped significantly since I have another project which is a combo I have always wanted to try but never managed to and is eating all my play hours at the moment. So I decided to shelv him. Just decided to log in and get rid of all my wares when I saw the "oh so powerful" Kurvikhel and kamikazed, yeah that's why it was so easy Kurvi dear :P

Shout outs:

First of all, the biggest shout out goes for Zaulael for having a ballsack almost as big as a small continent, for playing a Nexus the way it is supposed to be played and for being the cocky bastard we all love :)

Loquiciant for being a good "friend" of mine, I wanted you to stick around more :(

Gorbak for being a die hard and well played zerker.

Wuzor for being a tough opponent. I was quite proud of myself that I could stand up to you in our battles since this is my first serious BLM and I know that you have played a gazillion of them.

Zalozen for killing me that one time and reminding me yet again how underestimation KILLS.

Daviaus, Solec, Petrus, who were all beating me quite badly. Each of them had made me log out a few times. I really wanted to fight either of the two invokers later when I was in the pinnacle of my power but I never managed to see them in the lands and have time on my hands at the same time. Patreus was quite a pain in the ***.

Maerothir for you know what :P

Kurvikhel for being so damn well played. RP and PK wise. I love you. I always wanted to fight you and I am sorry for performing so badly in our last battle. I really wanted to give you a run for your money, BUT I had 3 leaves of sanctuary and no other provisions, so I just decided to make it fast and painless because I felt Sciscuri was becoming something like a chore which is now gone.

Mudder for all his advices. I know I was becoming annoying at some points, sorry :(

And finally, Anume for giving me the chance.

Thank you all.

PS. I am sure I have missed a few shout outs, please forgive me :)

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Always wanted to know who played Sciscuri, he was too fast and tough for my character, and your cabal skill savaged me everytime. Though you would only log in once every blue moon, I don't think you looted me once when I was in some pretty decent gear. I think every night, in my play time you'd log on around midnight - 1am, kind of the same when messalantha used to log on.

well played, huge improvement from your last character I had known you to of played.

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Man, I remember with Muarahn you were a pain in the butt to fight. Once you got that cabal skill, I couldn't touch you. It let you have all your bases covered. I couldn't dirt you thanks to you being an evil slith, I couldn't bash you thanks to predict, I couldn't stop that Cabal Skill from dispeling me because I had no way of lagging you. It was bestial! Ouch!

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Hehe, oh man, Muarahn, we had some fun challanges before Warmaster and Nexus got into a vendetta.

As for the cabal skill, the only reason for which I was using it was because it had a chance to do certain something. Otherwise it is the same as using onslaught, and onslaught is sometimes even more useful if I would go into an ironarm stance (something which I learned from my battles with Wuzor :P )

I noticed you made quite a few mistakes though, also you were not using your skills very well to gian the edge you needed, as a warrior and warmaster.

Also have in mind that this score sheet I posted is taken exactly from one of our logs. I was fully prepared with consumables and different tactics to face almost every scenario you could throw at me :P

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Man' date=' I remember with Muarahn you were a pain in the butt to fight. Once you got that cabal skill, I couldn't touch you. It let you have all your bases covered. I couldn't dirt you thanks to you being an evil slith, I couldn't bash you thanks to predict, I couldn't stop that Cabal Skill from dispeling me because I had no way of lagging you. It was bestial! Ouch![/quote']

This is why gladiator is the way to be.

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Guest emp_newb

Gladiator is ok, but I honestly think barb is a stronger choice (barring a few specific classes) The T barbarian skill is SCHWEET

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Heh, the T skills were nice indeed! Not sure why barbs get such a bad rap, I was having a great time. The only thing that was annoying is maintaining sanctuary, cuz once you are out you might as well log off until you can log onto a quiet time to re-stock.

@Foxx: Heh, well it was my first warrior. I am actually really curious as to what I could have done differently.

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Alright, firstly against you specifically, I was using the kyosanken stance since you liked shooting at me from different rooms. Secondly, I was predicting your bash and flying so you cannot lag me. In my main hand I was using my cabal weapon (sword) and a vowed rod of starts in my offhand.

You were usually using a staff. In my experience with a mino warrior, I found that it is better to use whips or axes against blademasters, coupled with a standard mino (flee/charge, esp in warmaster) tactic or bash.

What could you have done better? I am a slith, that doesn't mean I am IMMUNE to dirt. Use your cabal skill at first, then 2 rounds later use DIRT, to be sure that I am blind. Once you are sure I am, you have 2 options. You can use your other WM skill to fast flee and enter my room and charge. Option #2 is, once I am blind you could have gone for an offhand disarm. If you were using whips and have mastered your disarms, it should be a success from the first time. Once you have done that, you go for bash (remember I am predicting your bash and predict doesn't work with one weapon). If done correctly you would have a blademaster who is using ONE one handed weapon against a dual whips/axes wielding warrior who has the laglock too, it should make a fast end.

Also another tactic which I found quite annoying was when Gorbak was wielding two socket axes that both had embers. Mya is correct on this one, it is UNREAL how often I was being blind, and being blind (espcially from embers) is a major hinderance for a blademaster, since I couldn't counter/double counter first attacks (charge), I cannot use my acupuncture, I cannot use my supplies of curatives and on top of that I was getting 100+ damage from those axes a round which is WAY too much for a blademaster. Also, my sanc would often fall and I cannot put that back as well.

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