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friday night in the forsaken lands


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So, friday night came and went. It should have been a high volume night some would assume, prime-time playing time. So, I log onto my lvl 44 in hopes that I can find me a descent group and possibly rank the night away or at least gain one measely rank. So, I log on. I run to my guildhall to grab a quest so at least I can make some progress till I find two partners. I had been on under 45 seconds and low and behold a pinnacled evil char was outside my guildhall. I run away from him and tell him that It is most probably that I have nothing he wants and that I have no quarrel with him since I have not only never seen him, but I am neutral. So he goes on to say that he wants to kill me because I "exist". I said, perhaps fighting someone of your own rank might be more suitable, considering that most of the chars on were pinnacles themselves. He said no, he wanted to just kill me because it would take away his nightmares. Alas, some small teency beensy bit of RP, although how long does it take to think that up.

I am neutral, if I were to go around killing goods for no reason I would expect to be outcasted or slain, something. But apparently being evil really gives you the rp, "I'm mean and you look like someone I can kill". During this I have managed to actually have two people ask me to group, but I knew as soon as we went to any area that is meant for us to rank in, he'll be checking. Since he's been running around looking for me this whole time. I ended up sitting in the middle of nowhere for a little bit, the group never formed and I logged off.

So much for friday night in the Forsaken Lands.

If we had more players around we could be having stuff going on in val miran, like more festivals, contests, a chance to possibly get a title for fastest legs in val miran, or the thinker or something. There are so many possibilities. In this age of WoW and so many games which are visually astounding we are a niche with a small cult following. If we can get more players to play by any means possible we won't ever whither away and turn to dust like so many things of the years before us. In a few years I don't want FL and Mudding period to be likened to playing DnD in the basement of someone's mom's house.

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You should have gone hunting, instead of being afraid.

Sure you could have died, or your could have not. (3 vs 1 is not easy.) At least you were playing the game and getting near your Pinnacle.

There is nothing wrong in seeking a group to protect yourself from attacks.

Being a Minotaur Zerk, also does not helps. Some People are not happy with Mino charge.


Same way people are not happy with Ninjas, Thieves.

If things are bad now, imagine how they will be when you are caballed.

My advice to you, is to not give up and take the deaths with a smile. You will get to 50, just keep ranking. If someone pushes it with multikills, send a note to IMM.

If you cannot take it, then chose a Communer class. As you can be a lot safer with a Healer or a Good Cleric at that range.

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Guest emp_newb

I am personally tired of this junk. Pinned chars should not make it a point to go after pre pinns that they have no valid reason other than "I can". I am gonna get some clarification for imms before I put anything else on this topic honestly.

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I am personally tired of this junk. Pinned chars should not make it a point to go after pre pinns that they have no valid reason other than "I can". I am gonna get some clarification for imms before I put anything else on this topic honestly.

ESPECIALLY when there are other pinned characters around which they can be hunting.

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I am personally tired of this junk. Pinned chars should not make it a point to go after pre pinns that they have no valid reason other than "I can". I am gonna get some clarification for imms before I put anything else on this topic honestly.

pre pinned characters will be lvl 50 eventually. best to beat them down young so they are afraid of you when they do hit 50. :)

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Why not just get rid of PK ranges then and have it so that you can only attack people your level. Even better, we can just have one level in the entire MUD so that everybody is on completely equal terms. Whilst we're at it, condense the class choices into one class called "Generic" and repeat for races, and have a standard suit of EQ that is the same for all characters.

That way, everything will be fair and balanced. :rolleyes:

Now, I'm not referring to the thread creator's case in question, just in general. Advantages and disadvantages exist for a reason. Pinns who intentionally target pre-pinns when there are more suitable pinnacle characters consistently, well, then I can see the issue. Pinns attacking and killing pre-pinns in general, is completely fine.


EDIT: First paragraph wasn't intended as coming off as 'arrogant', rather trying to exaggerate my point...

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Guest emp_newb

I agree, pinns killing prepinns is acceptable. My main annoyance is when that pinn is constantly targeting pre-pinns when there are perfectly legit targets AT pinn. These type of people are just padding kill counts, without taking any real risks. A 4-6 rank disadvantage is VERY hard to overcome.

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Thing is, a lot of people (and again, I'm not talking about you, thread creator) complain after taking a death to say, a caballed 50, and then complain that caballed characters need to be held to higher standards.

Cabal characters SHOULD be held to high standards, however there is nothing wrong with utilising a rank disadvantage. The issue is when you have these people constantly preying on pre-pinns when they could be out fighting pinned characters that deserve their attention - the answer, is to report it to their cabal leader.

Nothing can be done to uphold high standards if nobody is made aware.


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Level 44. So you're playing a combo that has a fairly high exp penalty. Guess what? This is what you get for making that choice. Want to make sure you don't get in the range of 50s until you're 47/48? Make a human warrior/thief/cleric/mage.

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Kind of a gray area here. Yes a pinn should be able to attack a pre pinn, but do we have the whole story? Did you say something to him before that was rude or make fun of his mom? Did you grab a few pieces of loot from one of his kills? Were you wearing green?

People are always quick to show a one sided story. My best advice for now: pinn, kill him and full loot. But don't be spiteful and say it was because he exists. Say something like you was just defending your right to exists so he remembers why he's laying there naked.

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Thing is, a lot of people (and again, I'm not talking about you, thread creator) complain after taking a death to say, a caballed 50, and then complain that caballed characters need to be held to higher standards.

Cabal characters SHOULD be held to high standards, however there is nothing wrong with utilising a rank disadvantage. The issue is when you have these people constantly preying on pre-pinns when they could be out fighting pinned characters that deserve their attention - the answer, is to report it to their cabal leader.

Nothing can be done to uphold high standards if nobody is made aware.


By Cabal Leader you are talking immortal leader I assume.

I've not PK'ed a pre50 at pinn as of yet. I killed two 50's when I was 46 or so, why, because they came looking around my leveling area. Even though I was pre-50, I still requested my party sit whilst I went to battle. I have been killed once pre 50, 5 minutes later, attempted to be killed again by the same player. It is people like these that are just trying to pad their PK.

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I'm a bit disgusted this top has even risen and had any replies to it. Not trying to be mean here, but come on. This is FL, for Forsaken Lands, not FL for Faerie Lands.

Sorry to come off sarcastic, but if you really have this big of a problem w/ said character, please take it to the prayer forum. I myself hold, (and have held in the past) T/E in my cabal. I have killed younger people who are in my PK just to 'advance' in a few certain skills that I can't certainly discuss. Of course, there's Dark Knights, too.

Whether this 'Pinnacle' had a reason or not to kill you, and regardless if he was in the PK of other pinnacle, does not mean you are off limits. I'm going to assume you're playing a high exp race/class (minotaur berserker? minotaur warrior? slith warrior/blademaster?) and you expect with all the perks that come with that race, and you being neutral on top of that, you should be immune from evils?

Evils are the only class that don't get penalized for who they kill unless it's explicit multikilling w/ out a good reason or below 40. Goods will definitely be reprimanded for killing a neutral for no good reason, and same w/ neutrals killing anyway -- it's the perk of the alignment.

I've heard a lot of good ideas here, but I'm quite very much against making it so only your level can attack your level, etc. That takes a lot of fun out of the game. I remember having a human monk kill a vampire nexus at level 45 w/ dragon stance.

All I can say is.. it was fun, gave me a rush, and I knew I had a chance to die. That's what makes this game so much fun.

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Sorry to come off sarcastic, but if you really have this big of a problem w/ said character, please take it to the prayer forum. I myself hold, (and have held in the past) T/E in my cabal. I have killed younger people who are in my PK just to 'advance' in a few certain skills that I can't certainly discuss. Of course, there's Dark Knights, too.

Whether this 'Pinnacle' had a reason or not to kill you, and regardless if he was in the PK of other pinnacle, does not mean you are off limits. I'm going to assume you're playing a high exp race/class (minotaur berserker? minotaur warrior? slith warrior/blademaster?) and you expect with all the perks that come with that race, and you being neutral on top of that, you should be immune from evils?

Are you trying to imply that this person required NO reason what so ever to kill someone? I thought we were roleplay enforced here. To me that means having a ROLEplaying reason to kill someone, not ROLLplaying.

Evils are the only class that don't get penalized for who they kill unless it's explicit multikilling w/ out a good reason or below 40. Goods will definitely be reprimanded for killing a neutral for no good reason, and same w/ neutrals killing anyway -- it's the perk of the alignment.

I think Evils should be held to the same standards that goods and neutrals are. They are still probably going to be more aggressive to more people more often, but this doesn't mean they should have the "do whatever you want" card that you are implying. I'm very confident the imms agree that having no roleplaying reason to kill someone is unacceptable (I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth, this is simply my perception/opinion)

I've heard a lot of good ideas here, but I'm quite very much against making it so only your level can attack your level, etc. That takes a lot of fun out of the game. I remember having a human monk kill a vampire nexus at level 45 w/ dragon stance.

All I can say is.. it was fun, gave me a rush, and I knew I had a chance to die. That's what makes this game so much fun.

I'm fairly new here, and I understand silent pk, or 'crazy pyscho I-Hate-Everything' pk is gonna happen, and that's fine in moderation, but to give people a blank cheque to do whatever they want and dis-regard rp is just wrong.

I think having a large PK range is a very good thing to have in the mudd, especially near pinn. It should be hard to get up there, especially with those high levelcost combos. What I don't agree with is that someone pre-pinned getting pk'd just because he's pre-pinn with no other reason. People should be held to the same requirement/standard etc at all times.

In the OP's story, it at least sounded like the 'bad guy' had some rp, which is a lot more than most random pks.

OP:I think you shoulda stuck it out, had a fight, maybe died, and see what happend. Otherwise you'll never learn. You are given x number of lives before condeath for a reason right?

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Take the death, and then keep ranking. Killing is allowed. Excessive multi killing isn't. Also, this is an RP enforced mud. Sometimes, that means killing people for no reason. Some people kill other people in real life for no reason.

Chances are after you were dead they would have left you to rank. Don't be so quick to logoff. Keep playing.

Also, if you really want someone off your back, try groveling. Instead of saying "Hey, i'm not even pinnacled! Go fight someone else!" Try and show the fear that you feel. Cry, whine, and continue to do so while they choke the life out of you. Then, get back up and play.

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Of course evils have to have a reason to kill too. Just that for an evil guy, pretty much anything IS a legit reason to kill. If you roleplay a sadistic sociopath, then there's nothing wrong with killing someone because he exists, because he has a big nose, or simply because you feel like it, since a sadistic sociopath would do that.

Or if it is a DK who wants to feed his malforms. It's been a lot of whining about it being a lame reason for killing, but really, is it? A power-hungry, blackhearted, purely evil guy would of course kill to get more powerful. Would Saddam Hussein have been prepared to kill to get nukes in his armory? Of course he would have! And for the same reason, a DK would kill to feed his malform, and to feed his malform alone, and it would be the most logical way to RP a DK.

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This post is hilarious to me. He was complaining ig and it sounded like I was rp'ing with someone on the forums just trying to save there chars life not a very well rp'd char in a medieval fantasy game. He felt as i I owed him something, an excuse for wanting to kill him or else I couldn't do it. With the way he was acting it only made me want to go after him more. His original story is a bit fabricated as I was rp'ing with him why I've chosen him and that if I found some others I was looking for they wouldn't be safe either. And no i'm not caballed. I just happened to find him instead of the other even stronger than me cabal'd chars out there that I was also looking for (damn sometimes I hate cabal fortresses). If you don't like the game the way it is then this obviously isn't the game for you. Especially if you are going to cry on the forums for every bad situation you are put into. I never thought I'd say this but harden up princess.

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This post is hilarious to me. He was complaining ig and it sounded like I was rp'ing with someone on the forums just trying to save there chars life not a very well rp'd char in a medieval fantasy game. He felt as i I owed him something' date=' an excuse for wanting to kill him or else I couldn't do it. With the way he was acting it only made me want to go after him more. His original story is a bit fabricated as I was rp'ing with him why I've chosen him and that if I found some others I was looking for they wouldn't be safe either. And no i'm not caballed. I just happened to find him instead of the other even stronger than me cabal'd chars out there that I was also looking for (damn sometimes I hate cabal fortresses). If you don't like the game the way it is then this obviously isn't the game for you. Especially if you are going to cry on the forums for every bad situation you are put into. I never thought I'd say this but harden up princess.[/quote'] Alas, The other character speaks. I will respond to everyone at once.

First, I am not saying to take away pk ranges, just make them less dramatic, maybe 3-4 ranks tops. Or at least lower the values from 500 to 300, etc.. cutting them down a bit.

Secondly, I had been ig for honestly under 45 seconds. I do not lie, I don't bs; I also don't call people princess, I'm male thank you. Anyway, as soon as I got on I ran to my guild said the magic word for a quest, selected it and where'd and you were outside my guild, I had watched when you first came in when I got to my guild. I told you simply, I have nothing you'd want if that's what your after and also I pose no threat to you, nor have I ever met you to have a quarrel with you.


Secondly, I am speaking to the overall fun-level of the game. If the imms and the majority feel that you should get slammed a-lot by characters with a bunch of ranks on you and that they don't have to have any rp with you first, you didn't say anything to me until I telepathed you and then you put me on ignore after what I said. News for you I can tell your sleeping even if you put me on ignore, old Illusionist trick to gate to ppl while sleeping, wake them up and charm them. You know who developed it? ME. I was an illusionist in AR long before you ever heard of FL.

I fought the nexus dark-knight I successfully haymakered him and no spells dropped, I began to headbutt him. Know why because I don't just flee and charge ppl. Why would I spent all this time mastering skills just to charge and flee, then I would be as petty as evils killing people way below their rank for no rp reason.

Get this, the evil justice...oops sorry Tribunal I forgot, attacked me out of town when I was 42. Why? Because we had a challenge to the stun in mid thirties so I stayed in the area and then he killed me instead. So now he and I do not get along.

Lastly. Realize this, I am only speaking of the state of fl that I see. I was around when all the younger ppl were just developing, I killed a lot of you. Believe me, I have just now come back. The horrible traits that were taught to them have turned this game into what it was intended to break away from, AR. It is now full of rampant multi-pking and people pking all day with ignore on. Is that acceptable too or where is the line drawn? You tell me.

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Umm you're not saying anything relevant to the situation. Their is one thing you mentioned that I'll respond to and it was about my char ignoring yours. I did it because your char spoke in an ooc pov that's not rp at all and my char doesn't like to be bothered with it i'm especially forced to do it after I kill someone and they start cursing and totally going ooc. Don't know why I even replied to this thread, I just hope you take my thoughts and the other posters and apply them.

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You would most likely be warned about your aggressiveness (after being asked by an immortal as to why you did it) and then the next offense would probably be outcast. I don't think you completely understand why there's three different alignments. While I'm tired of trying to explain it time and time again (it's not your fault, it really isn't) I would suggest you typing HELP EVIL, HELP NEUTRAL, and HELP GOOD in game, and reading thoroughly.

To me, goods are those who have all the other goods under a simple banner of non-aggression. While goods should probably hardly, if ever at all kill neutrals, it can happen. Think of Knight versus Neutral Watcher who keeps raiding Val Miran, etc. Goods of course have a natural hate for evil as per their 'gods', and depending directly on their religion, will kill, grant mercy or simply talk down to evils.

Neutrals are in between, obviously. They hold no bad views against anyone, therefore, without GOOD reason, shouldn't be attacking anyone else. There ARE reasons of course where neutrals would be forced to kill evils or goods. Two good reasons are.. "Good attacks you", "Evil attacks you", now they're free game. Neutrals also have a very BIG perk, to go along with this. They are not effected by protect evil or protect good, therefore making their attacks against those who are properly prepared otherwise much more stronger. ;)

Also, Evils are the glutton of the real life 'evil', in my opinion. Imagine the bad bureaucrat who does nothing for his people and everything for his own personal gain (this doesn't mean exactly killing anyone who comes near him of course) or perhaps imagine that mass-murderer/serial killer that kills just because it EXCITES him. That's evil, and I don't think every evil needs to explain every little detail as to why they attack/kill whoever they please.

In this case, my friend, it seems the player even RP'd with you as to why he wanted your dead. People claim that Silent PK is so rampant lately, but I disagree. I've yet to be killed (or I've yet to kill) someone who hasn't said something after the fact, or before the fact of killing me, or me killing them in a VERY long time.

You claim his RP sucks because its easy to think up, and could take 20 seconds? That in itself is a slap in the player's face. And you think that it's wrong just because you think its the lamest RP you've heard of? Baahh.

Come on man, take it easy. Take a death for crying out loud. Go all out, enjoy the game. I can't imagine how boring it must be for you to log out every 20 minutes when an enemy of yours at a higher level than you logs on.

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You claim his RP sucks because its easy to think up, and could take 20 seconds? That in itself is a slap in the player's face. And you think that it's wrong just because you think its the lamest RP you've heard of? Baahh.

Come on man, take it easy. Take a death for crying out loud. Go all out, enjoy the game. I can't imagine how boring it must be for you to log out every 20 minutes when an enemy of yours at a higher level than you logs on.

Very well said on both counts. I couldn't put it into words myself but this is exactly how I felt.

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