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friday night in the forsaken lands


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Haha perhaps she has been in Japan too long. I've been over most of these asian countries here and every size is actually a size smaller than it should be. Large here is actually a medium in the U.S. A medium is a small. I'm not that big of a guy at 5'9 170bls and yet my sizes are alot bigger than normal especially in Thailand. Heck my ring size is 20 when the biggest size here in Japan is 17 I have to get mine customed.

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I just wanted to comment on a few things:

Robin Hood could never have been a goodie. He was neutral. Why? He stole from innocent, good men. If you were rich he stole from you. It may have been for a "good" cause, but he himself, was neutral in FL. I believe Robin Hood is a perfect example of good neutral RP.

I agree with what was said, current restrictions on neutrals are very very silly.

And I disagree, a neutral WM should and CAN kill after a challenge and every challenge if he wants. It depends on how it is done that would make him evil. If he lied about the challenge and said it would be to the stun? Evil.

Otherwise it's legit. My old WM wouldn't always challenge people but if they challenged me I would always say, "I don't fight for games. I fight to the end." My character was a BLM and saw death as the way combat always ended. The weaker died, stronger survived. To be defeated and not killed in combat was the ultimate "slap in the face." That is not evil, it is simply different.

Killing is not always evil, it is how the killing occurs.

Neutrals are alignment blind(except where race is involved, obviously some races would have bad reputations). While they shouldn't go around mass slaughtering for no reason they shouldn't be held to the goodie standards.

Robin Hood stole from innocent and good men. He didn't care, he didn't need to know anything about you, it was random. All he had to know was that you had something that he could use (for his greater good). He didn't kill, he just stole. If he was forced to kill someone then he would have but he would've tried his best to avoid it.

Currently, with the restrictions being placed on Neutrals, Robin Hood would be outcasted to evil. I find that a bit absurd.

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Depends hugely on height and frame. Like emp_newb' date=' I'm 6'2" and have a large frame... anything below 180 on me would likely be unhealthy.[/quote']

Well for a 6'2" male to have a Normal/Healthy range would be anywhere between 144 and 194 pounds. You can check it here:


But that is also dependent on fat ratio. I am 6'3" and weigh 180ish. Most people think I look thin. Lean, corded muscle weighs a lot more than fat. My point with that is on the BMI scale I am on the high side of normal.

And Dey, not sure how tall you are but I bet you are just about perfect on a BMI scale. I was going to say perfect in general but I figured you would read too much into that. ;)

We as a society (with the exception of third world countries) have gotten fat and everyone seems to think you should be 240. You have to be nearly 7 feet tall for that to be considered healthy, well... or a bodybuilder. :)

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Guest emp_newb
Well for a 6'2" male to have a Normal/Healthy range would be anywhere between 144 and 194 pounds. You can check it here:


But that is also dependent on fat ratio. I am 6'3" and weigh 180ish. Most people think I look thin. Lean, corded muscle weighs a lot more than fat. My point with that is on the BMI scale I am on the high side of normal.

And Dey, not sure how tall you are but I bet you a just about perfect on a BMI scale. I was going to say perfect in general but I figured you would read too much into that. ;)

We as a society (with the exception of third world countries) have gotten fat and everyone seems to think you should be 240. You have to be nearly 7 feet tall for that to be considered healthy, well... or a bodybuilder. :)

I never said **** about healthy. Personally I smoke, I smoke, and I drink. The way I see it you should not rollup to the gates of heaven with your body still 100% intact going man, that was a smooth ride. You should come in gaskets blown, tires bald, windshiled cracked breathing heavy goin man, that was one helluva ride.

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Guest emp_newb

I am in shape, albeit a slightly round shape. I do work out, I run a bit, I walk constantly. I just also think there is 0 point in doing things if you do not enjoy your life. I could never be one of those workaholics who does nothing but grind and grind and grind, never taking the time to enjoy the things they have in front of them.

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Well for a 6'2" male to have a Normal/Healthy range would be anywhere between 144 and 194 pounds. You can check it here:


But that is also dependent on fat ratio. I am 6'3" and weigh 180ish. Most people think I look thin. Lean, corded muscle weighs a lot more than fat. My point with that is on the BMI scale I am on the high side of normal.

And Dey, not sure how tall you are but I bet you are just about perfect on a BMI scale. I was going to say perfect in general but I figured you would read too much into that. ;)

We as a society (with the exception of third world countries) have gotten fat and everyone seems to think you should be 240. You have to be nearly 7 feet tall for that to be considered healthy, well... or a bodybuilder. :)

According to this thing, Brock Lesnar is obese. Weight is not a very good indicator of overall fitness.

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Straight from the limitations of the BMI section of the site:

1. Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI is a reliable indicator of total body fat, which is related to the risk of disease and death. The score is valid for both men and women but it does have some limits. The limits are:

It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build.

It may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle mass.

Edit: On a side note...strength is not a good indicator of fitness either. Body builders have a lot of aging problems. :D

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If athletes are the most fit, then should everyone not strive to attain an athletes body? If you really want to know how healthy (or unhealthy) you are, consult your physician. Do not let anyone tell you anything about your health or try to fit you into some pre-ordained box.

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Guest emp_newb

yea, even when I was at 190 for wrestling, I had a 48" chest. I have a very large frame hehe. Personally I think allt hese "you need to be thin" asshats can tell themselves weight equates to happiness. Personally I love the way life is. And besides, being a big guy means all you little guys have alot of trouble fighting me:) I WILL sit on you, and I will smash your face through the back of your skull.

3mp_]\[3VV]3 r B/\rb/\ri/\ ]\[

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BMI is a good indication towards later cardiovascular issues, but these also are exacerbated (no, Dey, that's not masterbated) by overall health such as nutrition, drinking, smoking, how much you sit around, etc....muscle is weight and extra weight being carried, no matter the frame, is extra work being done by the heart and lungs. Not to mention the strain put forth on ligaments/tendons/joints by high impact exercises.

Definitely let your physician tell you where you should be. :P

And always consult your physician before starting diets or exercise/training programs.

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I'm sorry, but if it ever says that someone who is 6'2" is healthy if he is 144 lbs, then the creator should be shot. That is insanely skinny. That's my sister's weight man and shes only like 5'8" and not fat at all.

And yes, Valek, if you have tons of muscle it can be a problem(we're talking steroids huge) but otherwise it will actually strengthen your heart and you will be in much better overall health. Muscle = Good weight, fat = bad weight. There actually is quite a difference. :)

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