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Good on Good.


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Whith the new Justice system, and healers goodies in Justice this is a question that poops out in my head.

If i get attacked by a Goodied Justice and i kill him i get outcasted...

If i kill his good pet i get outcasted.

If he kills my good pet i get outcasted.

Is it cheating to have a week good pet and have it rescue you to prevent him attacking you by forcing him to kill your pet ?

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Ok. So let me get this right.

1) Good tribunal is hunting you cause you are -wanted- and you kill them you get outcasted.

2) You kill their guard, Bloodguards are nuetral so no repercussion. (I think. I have killed bloodguard before and didnt get damned)

So basically, you are purposely trying to find a way to 1) get the good tribunals damned or 2) outcasted. Because -YOU- made the choice to break the laws? How fair is that? As is, unless you commit certain crimes, most Justices I know wont execute you unless they have no choice in the matter, you are an outlaw, or you insult them up oneside down the other.

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A real good whould never cause the death of another good.

How can a good take another to a execution knowing the he will die and just not care.

That is being neutral to not care about what will happen to people.

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So basically, you are purposely trying to find a way to 1) get the good tribunals damned or 2) outcasted. Because -YOU- made the choice to break the laws? How fair is that?

That argumentation is balls.

"Because -YOU- made the choice to break the laws."

Its just as much

"Because -HE- made the choice to follow the laws."

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It has been said time and time again. The Tribunals are not responsible for your death. It is the Judges and how the Tribunals work.

In fact, goods who are Tribunals can go so far as to say, they are not causing your death, you are. You are the one who chose to break the law, not them. They are just following through seeing Justice. So in fact, it is not the goods who are causing your death, but yourself.

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Imm havent been able to explain why lawful goods is ethos over align and neutral or chaotic good isnt. At least not satisfactory.

Maybe the problem could get solved is tribunals had a choice not to execute people. Just a veeeery long jail penalty and maybe gear loss. That would actually solve it pretty much.

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I've said it before, and I say it again, and it seems Nympha and I agree on the issue... I think there is an direction people ignore with this whole Good vs Good tribunal issue. You as a good are aware that goods exist in Tribunal. You as a good are aware that if you break the law, the goods in Tribunal will hunt you down or face punishment.

The goods in Tribunal made a choice to place the needs of the many over the needs of the few(you and he). You made a choice to place the needs of a few (you) over the needs of the many (all the people the law protects, goods and neutrals)

Everyone can go ahead and say 'a real good would never cause the death of another good' but you know the weight of your actions, and you know by breaking the law, you will force another good to have to act on you. So that is why you get outcasted.

Avatars have a higher level of rp required, and are expected to find ways around it, why shouldn't any other good find a way around it?

All that being said, I've always though that law cabals should be neutral only, but it's moot. Behren's has said that Tribunal are here to stay as is, why can't people accept that?


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