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[50 Duerg Cle] [TRIBUNAL] Mhodis Blackfire the Duergar


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I'm actually sick of FL again. I'll probably make another character sooner than later, but as of right now, **** it. Its not a rage delete or anything like that, if it were it would have happened long ago. I'm just trying to get a new house, replace a guitarist, get more pools (I do swimming pool service and maintenance), write an album, AND work at the SPCA? I don't have time to be hardcore, and to be worth a **** at 50, thats what it takes. I'm too rusty to hang with Kurvikhel and Masokant.

Still totally hanging around the forums, but bye-bye in game.

P.S.: Not a good time to be a trib... there are like 7 people in Tribunal, but not a single one of you scumbags logs on.

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I'm in the progess of rolling a tribunal at the moment, when I do have a cabal'd pin I play more than often, too bad you cut it short, I've never had a tribby before, I think it'd be fun times though.

luck with next though, and ffs get rid of that damned avatar.

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Yeah.. what's up with that large, large roll call, and me only seeing like two of you on my select days off where I'm on for a long time? COME on Tribs, you got the Tribunal spot, show us some action. The Syndicate/Watcher can't be in power TOO much longer.

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Ah, sucks to see Mhodis go. Never interacted much with him, been away for awhile. Spoke with him before he hit 50, I liked him. Come back to us when you're ready to be a man and stick with it! :P


That avatar is definitely worse than my sexy Dey pic.

If it stays, Dey is coming back. ;)

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