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Just checking in!


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Hello all!

Not sure how many here will actually remember me, but for those of you who do...Howdy!

Been awhile since I kicked it around here in the forums and thought I'd pop in and see how things are going. So...how are things going? I'll be browsing the forums a bit to see if it's still the same ol' same ol' and get a feel for the topics of the day. If you have the want drop a line and say hello. A few questions:

How are numbers?

Are all the stock areas replaced yet with completely unique areas?

How's the Watcher cabal faring?

Whats the flavor of the month? Why?

OP class/combo of the month?

Is RP holding up against PK?

General thoughts and impressions on the overall game?

Anyway, I'm glad to see things are still up and running. I hope everyone is still enjoying the place.



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Hello all!

1. How are numbers?

2. Are all the stock areas replaced yet with completely unique areas?

3. How's the Watcher cabal faring?

4. Whats the flavor of the month? Why?

5. OP class/combo of the month?

6. Is RP holding up against PK?

7. General thoughts and impressions on the overall game?

1. Decent.

2. No.

3. They have Aulian....and lots and lots of sheep!

5. Vanilla. Because it's good with cake.

6. PK is an extension of RP. Even the Silent PK'er will tell you that. ;)

7. LOOOOOVVVEEEE IT! And we're headed in a good direction with something called the Two-Tiered PK system.

Last, but not least, ain't forgot the guy who summoned every mort in the game to one room on "accident".

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Sup Rotarx from Shardox. Missed ya man. Sheesh, I do not think we have spoken since you drug me here from the other Build Site. You came at a good time, War, imagine that. BTW you were right, spent three years fixing all those "looks" for Dav, and he never implemented them.

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You'd think by now they'd give Aulian the option to just start as a Druid' date=' or an altar he goes to to change in an instant instead of doing the quest for the two hundreth time.[/quote']

That is a good idea. Talk about inconsiderate.

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