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What grinds your gears?


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Oh, you know what else drives me right up the wall? The one slot only for given qrace in a particular class. Have your qrace limit...fine (even though I think if there are 10 really worthy people it is terrible to turn away the hours they invested in the creative/leveling/just wasting time until you can send your app process). But if you have 2 really well thought out undead warrior apps supported by good RP...someone is going to be happy and someone is going to be pissed. And quite frankly regardless of what the IMMs say...there is no "better" RP. You simply cannot say someone is more deserving based on RP unless one party just isn't RPing/is completely cliched. Honestly... a lot of qstuff's RP goes from good to non-existant and they go from classy to pit humping/naked killers of people they have never even met before ig. How fickle people are after they get what they want is definitely lame and really needs to be dealt with.

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I'd kill to be the qrace imm, I swear that half of the crap that I see wandering around would not even remotely be there. Downright boring and rehashed BS.

"But Grim, there is only so much evil RP to go around."

Wrong, the limit is your brain. If your brain is dumb, you will have ****ty RP.

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