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Rare Hoarding


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Tough situation, you can't just take away the gear that someone has because he's not chasing anyone or fighting. Even if someone is a pacifist they still deserve to be able to get gear that will help them surive when they are attacked which they will be at some point. I played a pacifist Elf Healer in Royal and I was getting jumped anytime I walked out of the city. I've thought on this and think I have a solution, defensive equipment.

This will be for those players such as bards, healers or whatever that aren't running about PKing. The fact is that the gear that will keep you alive right now is also the gear that's good for killing others. Maybe make it so there's a limit so it's not abused. Such as if you attack someone so many times, or are in so many rounds of combat you loose your defensive equipment. But likewise if you don't attack someone enough or don't fight for enough rounds you loose your offensive.

There could be other things implemented here too, I'm not sure about them but they're interresting. If there's a count on how many rounds of combat you're in then your pros who are fully equipped and steamrole everyone end up loosing some of their equipment which levels the playing field. It's not something I'd agree with since I don't think it's right to punish someone just for being good at the game but maybe someone can adapt it into a better idea.

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You know what, I am calling bull on this rare business.

Last night I was going through a lot of the games rares and I noticed that many rares were in circulation or on their respective mobs. Perhaps you (this is a general you) are not finding the specific rares that you are interested in, but I can say with 100% certainty that many rares are indeed in circulation. To further accentuate the point, there are MORE rares in circulation then there should be - nearly FOUR times the amount for the size of the playerbase. Not to mention that I run manual purges myself.

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Strange. I had trouble getting eq off of Kesrick last week. I'm still waiting for a dark moonstone pendant though its been a week. However maybe its everyone else who has the eq just not me or maybe its just that everyone keeps trying to get the same pieces of equipment which is why they are in such short supply. But the more valuable pieces are out there waiting to be had?

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Yeah Malch I have been thinking lately that the rare count is oddly high. Perhaps it should be lowered slightly? *shrug*

EDIT: And while I have always been able to get rare eq. There have been times in the past where it was oddly hard to get good eq and some items were 100% out of circulation. I remember going a year without ever seeing the vorpal blade. Though that is fixed now. :)

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Not to mention that I run manual purges myself.

Dam you Malch. There goes my rares... :P

I find that only some rares get difficult to find.

For example, i have yet to see a the Nodrop Maul in 2 months.

But i see a lot of other rares.

Regarding the moonstone thing, i have a proposal.

What if we traded places the Moonstone with the Ice Amulet.

Because the Ice Amulet is quite harder to get, but is worse.

This way pre pinacles can get the sub par one, and Pinacles will have to enter the dangerouse area to get his premium rare.

Another thing, for weapons.

I think we need a new no-drop socket.

New abilities to drop cursed weapons to the ground were added "recently".

Creating an imbalance for communers/mages.

I hate getting my heart-staff blessed and enchanted (and "cabal thing") to just lose it when fighting a Monk or Blademaster. (sac 1.)

So can we have another rare socket that instead of making it cursed, just make it no-drop, with the same penalties to Hit/Dam and Trance, of course.

Just name it "a cumbersome chain with bells".

Weapon does not drop cause, it's chained to you. But it's to cumbersome and detracts your fighting ability and the sound disturbs your rest.

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Guest emp_newb

Can anyone ever just say man, this function works 100% perfect, there is nothing that could be done to make it better.

So lets run through this real quick


1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.

2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.

3. having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense: rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.

4. unusually great: a rare display of courage.

5. unusually excellent; admirable; fine: She showed rare tact in inviting them.


1. existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.

2. having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.

3. limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.

4. limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.

5. not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile

What about either of those means they should be in huge numbers. I know right now pildo has

2 clockstaffs

Adeptus face

ring of abyss

skin of the horror

ancient sceptre

most of those only have 1 or 2 at the most. You cannot expect super rares to be in high amounts. I can remember when there where only 2-3 rings of accuracy around. Titanium fullplate? Pff, forget about it. What the hell is a helm of spell turning?

Basically we are gravitating towards armor means more than skill. You could give someone like dey a god suit, and he would just lose it in a few hours at most. Skill outweighs armor every single time. Except MAYBE warrior vs warrior or warrior vs zerk.

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Guest emp_newb

Well here it is.

I keep 2 clockstaffs because I love them. Socketed with a soul tear they are amazing. One of them is owner only, the other I keep to either give away, or use if somehow my nodrop burnproof owner only goes away

I use abyss and skin as saves obviously. Sceptre I use to fight those annoying classes that disarm cursed weapons. I use it as a good nodrop burnproof so I can hold a stave or orb in my offhand and use that as my fully charged item so I lose no casting speed.

and adeptus face is great for a caster. Great.

And if your comment was a knock on me not often pking, I am trying VERY hard to properly play a neutral. Which sucks for pking because I do not attack unless I have a very justified reason to do so. I cannot really go out and be a bloodthirsty guhnome now can I. If you wanna see what pildo does with that gear, come attack my tower. There is only one person in the game who has flat out destroyed me and that was Kurvikhel. Everyone else who has ever attacked me (and stayed around in the game) has had either a wicked close fight, or has not fought me again.

I also frequently organize trips to gear if there are things on the big mobs so I can just give the stuff away. And if I do not give it away, I charge an incredibly low price that I rarely ever collect on ;)

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