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| Akhagren || the Blade of Perfection |


| Str: 21(21) || Level: 40 Sex: M Age : 27(85h) |

| Int: 20(20) || Class: blademaster Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 20(20) || Race : human Align: evil |

| Dex: 20(20) || Hp : 17/585 Exp : 31008/333442 |

| Con: 19(19) || Mana : 1/456 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 375/398 +Hit: 7 +Dam: 8 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Chayesh |

| Slash : 50 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Scourge |

| Pierce: 50 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/400 |

| Blunt : 50 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/37 |

| Magic : 50 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 46 Train: 2 |

| Weapon: high || Pos: right || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \

| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |

| 32 110 101 100 54 86 100 49 12 |

| You are a ghost. |


<17hp 1m 375mv> p

dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 100

sword 100 disarm 85 dodge 100

hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 100

fast healing 90 haggle 79 lore 1

meditation 100 recall 100 blind fighting 100

counter 81 acupuncture 80 charge 100

dual parry 100 anatomy 100 double grip 100

balance 81 two handed 100 doublesheath 75

onslaught 94 chop 86 bladerush 81

backpin 75 critical strike 100 bladework 100

footwork 100 battle stance 81 powerstrike 100

deathweaver 100 bladestorm 77 kairishi 79

vigil 75 twin counter 95 predict 100

elf expert 100 blood vow 91 battlesphere 85

battlefocus 76 battletrance 75

You have 46 practice sessions left.

Failed for undead, had alot of fun with him though. Learned alot, even made someone delete two chars one pinnacle. Was fun while he lasted though I really think I deserved what I wanted. Guess my app sucked that bad.

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Too many people deleting these days eh? :) Blademasters take a lot of patience to train with, spending that much time with them you should have played him out.

I enjoyed our fight we had, pretty much the only interaction we had really. And at least you talked to me afterwards, too. :P

Roll another up. :cool:


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Funny thing is people think being approved for undead is the only way to become. there are others I wont discuss here but it takes alot of rp. Some people might not have it in them to put in 300 or even 400 hours into a char just to become undead but I have seen it done, myself one of them.

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I was going to play Akhagren to 50 just to kill some vamps, I was kinda pissed off that three of them got released before me, then I get rejection the third time I sent the app. I didn't pk too many people until later towards the rejection, most of the time I just mercied them. And I think I had about 3 pk deaths, 2 to wrail and one to Kauwa. If there are any others I'm sorry but I can't remember. He was fun I thought I had an awesome rp, but I guess not. I guess I'll go ahead and post his app since it'll never be used. Maybe you all can tell me what was wrong with it?(I hate writing apps and have a tendicy to run on with them)

I am not one for writing formal scrolls, nor am I one to plead for what I desire. I am Akhagren, lord of battle and loyal servant to you lord Chayesh my one true master. For as long as I can remember I have been doing your bidding, filling the pillar with those you’ve chosen. Though the screams of some filled me with such pleasure I almost could not bare to end their suffering. But alas time is a cruel mistress indeed for while I grow wiser in my passing years I feel what I pray is not my strength slipping away. I am bound by the same chains of flesh and mortality as my victims. And while I do not fear my inevitable demise there is still much left for me to do. I have studied the art of bushido for as long as I have served you and taken this body towards its full potential, yet for some reason I am not as powerful as I seek to be. My soul seems to have an unquenchable thirst to increase its power, no matter how tired or broken my body is, I am not satisfied. I have no remorse for those I slay, neither do I care of their names. I know that I am self-proclaimed apprentice to death, weaver of bereavement.

Lord Chayesh, I come to you seeking to become a soldier in your army of unlife. To be neither alive nor dead, my body can not take the vigorous exercises I must go through to discipline myself in the ways of the blade. How amusing, I call myself the mortal reaper, yet I, myself and dying. I know that one of my guild has not yet been permitted within your army, but only because one has not shown promise. I differ from the rest, and am always willing to learn another trick, or make a new ally to betray. As I said before I will not beg for what I wish, I only come seeking your approval, your leadership. If I must fill my quota more to prove my worth, then that will be done. I am your slave my lord, allow me a fate worse than death so that I may go on dying forever.

The scroll is signed in blood, Akhagren the battle lord.

Also had what I thought was really cool emotes and smotes. And yes, I know I said increase your power way too much, and I know you all wondered where I got it from. One time I was on some pills and I was playing that old sega game altered beast, well pretending I was playing it because I was so ****ed up, and I began saying increase your power. The next day I rolled up Akhagren. Funny story eh?

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Blademasters I still think aren't ready to be qraced, or was it said elsewhere they were? That may have been the reason why you were rejected, albeit three times sending the app...youd think someoe would have told you. So perhaps thats not why. -shrug- Paaaatience, I guess....although, when you play as much as you and I do...logging 10 hours a day on a char just makes patience a bit harder lmao

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That is the second undead blm I went for, I gave up on the first with no word, but on the old forum, one of the imms said that it was possible, and quoted the help undead requirements in which it says all classes.

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I sure dont hope 300-400 hours is standard for becoming undead. ;)

No it doesnt before rank 30 I usually average getting it between 50 and 70 hours depeding on my class. I was saying that after you reach pinnacle there are ways but I am sure it will take 300 to 400 hours to get. The one time I got it at 50 I had 375ish hours and rpd my rear off.

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