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I knew it...

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I had a monk, and at level 1-15 my description was.

"Yeah, I look like Jet Li from that movie Fearless, after he killed that dude and had blood all over his robes, yeah... that was badass, that's what I look like"

Knock him if you want. Made me laugh. Thanks Ali.. been a long day and I needed a good laugh.

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I'm curious. It seems like every dragon I've gotten in the past couple of years has been either fire or earth. I've had water and lightning before too, and once like 5-6 years ago I got a black dragon.

Are the black dragons given out anymore? Or did the Imm staff decide their acid blast was a little too much?

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I never even saw a black dragon. One of my faeries got a dragonfly, was a fire dragon restring. I've had earrings, spear and gloves, light, but never glasses of endless luck (or whatever they're called). I remember seeing a person in my hunting group get a ring.

In my experience, it's a combination of having a well-written, unique description and having good luck.

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Guest emp_newb

I never really noticed one imm who does it often. I am fairly positive I have at least gotten a dragon from every imm that is able to gift a PC. I remember Malch threw a fountain at me, and gave my Oak ninja a winged fire demon.

On a side note I remember way back a human qrace wannabe had the baddest dragon I had ever seen, I still think about it like man, I would rock if it was my dragon.

Dessicated skeletal dragon

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Saved this One for you all to appreciate;

The cool breeze rushes the clouds across the sky, causing shifting shadows to bustle around you.

You peer around yourself intently.

The wind starts to bite and in its frenzy, the clouds respond by growing thicker and more cumbersome in the sky.

You scan west.

The heavy, dark clouds slow in their pace, appearing as massive mountains in the sky, immovable and blocking the warm morning sun.

The sound of thunder rumbles, softly at first, like a distant earthquake, and then with greater ferocity.

You say 'A beautiful storm is brewing.'

Streaks of thunder accompany the rumbling and one strikes a tree near you causing a loud -CRACK-.

You gasp in astonishment.

The lightning coalesces into the shape of a dragon and perches on your shoulder, greeting you with the sounds of crackling and sizzling.

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Have to say Emp Newb thats class

I have prepared my body for your most illustrious eyes

is ****ing quality, might use that on my bird when I strip to my y fronts :D .

Most people here will be wondering why you're using those words, I bet you. ;)


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Sorry Ali, but if my avatar looked like me we would have to up the pg-13 rating. Actually its a tribute to Malch, he got to deliver me into con-death. And now I am his prisoner. What you see in the pic is what everyone else always saw, Croyvern's spirit working its way slowly back to the pit.

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